
jQuery Accordion open collapsed

Hi, using jquery v1.3.2 and jQuery UI 1.7.1 I have 1 tab control with 3 tabs in it. Each tab contains 1 accordion control. $(document).ready(function() { $('#acc1').accordion({ collapsible: true, autoHeight: false }); $('#acc1').accordion({ collapsible: true, autoHeight: false }); $('#acc1').accordion({ collapsible: true, autoHe...

JQuery UI Tabs widget error handling

When an ajax request fails, the JQuery UI Tabs widget stops responding and the "Loading..." spinner remains on the tab that caused the error. I can get the ajax callback to give me some sort of alert message like so: $('#localtabs > ul').tabs({ ajaxOptions: { success: tabLoadSuccessCallback, error: tabLoadFailureCallback} }); function...

jquery resizing aspectratio maxheight maxwidth

Hi, I tried setting the both the maxheight,maxwidth plus the aspect ratio..in jquery resize The aspect ratio is not being checked when I set the maxheight,maxwidht. aspect ratio works on it own. but not when with the the max width,height. has anybody faced the situation...what is the workaround(in any browser) Also another question in m...

jquery.ui sortable issue

Hello, I have created a nested list with drag/drop functionality. My issue is that I want each nesting to sort in itself. For example: -first_level -first_level -second_level -second_level -first_level "First level" should not be able to go into "Second Level" and vice versa. I thought I could do this with the containment option...

jQuery UI Sortable - disallowing transfer into child elements.

Hi, I'm working with jQuery's UI sortables and have created a system of divs in this format; <div class='mainDiv'> <label>text: <input type='text' name='textbox' /></label> <div class='children'> <div class='mainDiv'>...</div> <div class='mainDiv'>...</div> <div class='mainDiv'> <label>text:...

jQuery Animation Error on Cloned Elements

Hi there, In Firefox, this seems to be working fine - but Safari, Opera & Chrome all had issue. An error will be thrown by jQuery.ui (Line 3181) which controls the colour changing of elements, i.e. the "Highlight" effect. This only happens when trying to clone and highlight the clone in the same action, i.e. $(targetStory).after(target...

jQuery-ui tabs character encoding problem

Swedish characters get substituted when setting the tabTemplate option. For example using "ö" in the href: var $tabs = $("#tabs").tabs('option', 'tabTemplate', '<li><a href="#ö">#{label}</a></li>'); becomes: <li><a href="#%C3%B6">ö</a></li> ...

First Column of a Grid is the headers?

Is there a way (using jquery, yui or some other js library) to display a grid that has the headers in the first column? That is, I would have something like: Name Geoffrey EMail GMan67@.. Username GJFM Instead of: Name EMail Username Geoffrey GMan67@.. GJFM G-Man ...

changing minDate option in JQuery DatePicker not working

I have declared a date picker instance as follows: $("#datePickerId").datepicker( { dateFormat: 'DD, d MM yy', minDate: 0, showOn: 'button', buttonImage: '../../images/calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true, hideIfNoPrevNext: true } ); I now want to change to the minDate option so I do this: ...

having Jquery UI framework in TWebBrowser in Delphi

Hi: I am working on an application, lots of the UI elements will be in a TWebBrowser. So I thought I add a JQUERY UI to make it easy for me. I was able to insert JQuery and UI javascript file thanks to http://www.jasontpenny.com/blog/2008/11/21/jquery-in-a-twebbrowser-in-a-self-contained-delphi-app/ I am stuck at stylesheets, I did ...

jQuery UI slider fixed values

I'm trying to get the jQuery slider to have set values to slide to as opposed to every number between the min & max amounts. I'm wanting "0, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500" as the only amounts people can slide too but can't work out how it's done. Putting them in the "Values" part doesn't seem to do anything. <script type="text/javascript"> $(...

jQuery UI Sortable problem on IE6

Hello there, first question here from me. We have a users customization page which gives them the possibility to relocate different modules () into three different content blocks. There is two space content, and a four space content, then a pool of unused modules to use. I'm using Sortables to be able to drag & drop these modules into ...

How to prevent multiple selection in jQuery UI Selectable plugin

Hi, I am using jQuery UI Selectable plugin. I want to select one item at a time. But jQuery UI Selectable plugin allows multiple selection by clicking/ dragging / holding CTRL key. Is there any way to prevent multiple selection? ...

Slide div from behind other div via jquery

We have a div of content (#content) and on the right hand side of the div a tab (#tab) -- when a user clicks #tab it should slide to the right and reveal various options. I'm not sure how to create this via jQuery. I thought (draft CSS that I made up in my head): #content { z-index:10; margin:0 auto } #tab { z-index: 5; float: left;...

JQuery Autocomplete in Dialog Errors

All, I am using the JQuery Autocomplete Plugin 1.0.2 in a JQuery UI Dialog. Unfortunately, there are 2 scenarios that cause script errors in IE and FireFox. I will be providing FireFox Firebug errors as they are more descriptive. First off, here is the JQuery Autocomplete script which allows for the selection of multiple names: va...

jQuery UI dialog - problem with event on close

I'm trying to perform a specific action when I close a jQuery UI dialog. Here's a simplified version of my code: $('a.open-trigger').click(function(){ var test = 'hello'; $('#dialog').dialog({bgiframe: true, dialogClass: 'change', resizable: false, draggable: false, modal: true, height: 334, width: 450, autoOpen: false, show: 'fad...

How do i limit the amount of LI in using jquery

I'm using the Jquery UI to develop a drag and drop favourites UI, i want to limit the amount of LI's (limited to 5) dropped in a specific region, and replace current ones if a user drop one over the other. How can this be done? I'm currently using a modified version of the photomanager on the jquery ui site. ...

Submit jQuery UI dialog on <Enter>

I have a jQuery UI dialog box with a form. I would like to simulate a click on one of the dialog's buttons so you don't have to use the mouse or tab over to it. In other words, I want it to act like a regular GUI dialog box where simulates hitting the "OK" button. I assume this might be a simple option with the dialog, but I can't fin...

jquery ui.slider: add click event to display/hide handle

I am completely new to javascript and jquery. My programing knowledge is... nonexistent, I just started some days ago with some simple tasks like replacing a css class or toggling a div. So I want to apologize if I'm treading on someones toes by asking newbie-questions in here. But I hope that someone can help my and solve my problem. I...

how to work with jquery UI tabs in IE 6

I am not very good with css but with lot of trial and error I made this page that has jqueyr UI tabs and looks somewhat decent: http://jsbin.com/uquvi However, When I open this page in IE 6, to my disappointment the tabs dont seem to have curved corners. At work right now they have a very bad implementation of tabs because they are c...