
Reusable JQuery Modal Dialog Box?

Hi - I've been using jquery on and off for the last 6 months. I have a form where I want to replace 20 different javascript alert(""); statements with jQuery Modal Dialog boxes. I don't want to create a separate dialog div section for each different message. Is there a way with base jquery-ui to create a reusable modal dialog box wher...

Sortable similar with youtube homepage

Hi guys! I'm trying to achieve an effect similar with youtube home page (you must be logged in so I posted a small movie to explain this): we have a basic sortable (vertical only) but on each sortable item we have a "move up" and a "move down" button. Those buttons do... exactly what it says: move each item with a neat animation move or...

JQuery - animate moving DOM element to new parent?

I have an image tag inside of a table cell, that I'd love to move to another table cell, and have that movement animated. The code looks something like this... <td id="cell1"><img src="arrow.png" alt="Arrow"/></td> <td id="cell2"></td> I'd like to move "arrow.png" to "cell2", and have some kind of transition effect, preferably with J...

jQuery UI multiple selections

Hello see this demo from jquery ui you have to hold down the Ctrl key to make multiple selections I really like the code but I don't want to force my visitor to press ctrl key I want the code to allow multiple selections without holding ctrl key is this possible? ...

jquery UI dialog open is mind-numbingly slow in IE7

Have a large amount of HTML, but where I thought the bottleneck would be is incorrect: it's when I'm opening the dialog, not when I'm building the string of HTML (~35ms), nor when I'm appending it to the dialog container div (~50ms). When calling dialog("open") below In FF, I'm consistently getting 1800+ ms, IE7 is around 17000(!) ms. ...

How to save the order for jQuery UI portlet plugin?

Hello I am using the portlet plugin from jQuery UI my question is: is it possible to save the order of the portlets in the database so when the user come back he can see his portlets sorted in the same order?How? Thanks ...

Different animations for Jquery ui tabs

I'm using jquery ui tabs widget. I've not used a jquery theme as i prefer to do my own css and stuff. I've got it working, but what i'd like is to have a different animation effect for the tab content when a different tab is clicked. What i'd like is for the new tab content to slide in from the left. At the moment i have: $("#tabs").ta...

jquery ui tabs redirecting to ASPX page on postbacks

I am being redirected to the actual aspx page when I submit the form. How to avoid the redirection. Tabs.aspx <div id="container-1"> <ul> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=1"><span>HR</span></a></li> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=2"><span>Sales</span></a></li> <li><a href="Survey.aspx?group=3">...

How to: jQuery cycle lite plugin (image rotator plugin) manually set images by ID

Hello I am using jQuery cycle lite plugin (image rotator plugin), and I want to use the middle example (click triggers) but instead of setting the IDs of the prev and next button, I'd like to manually set the image ID. My aim is to have a list of thumbs on the bottom of the page, and when thumb clicked set the large image in the 'slides...

Style specific dates in jquery ui datepicker plugin

I'm writing an app for reserving training facilities, and I want to be able to let the instructor reserving a facility know when the facility is already reserved for a given date. I'm using the jquery-UI datepicker plugin, and I want to be able to style the table cells for these reserved dates differently. I just can't figure out how to...

How is the jQuery slider implemented?

Does anybody know how the jQuery slider is implemented? Does it use the JavaScript canvas library to draw the two guiding lines or something else? Thanks! ...

Selecting content of a textbox in a sortable, jQuery

I'm trying to get the content of a textarea inside a sortable item in jQuery... I can't seem to figure it out! Here's what I have now: jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#list").sortable({ axis : 'y' , revert : 'true' , opacity : 0.5 , stop : function (e, ui) { jQuery("input#output"); } }); ...

jQuery UI number spinner event question

Hi, I've been stumped on this problem for over a week :( Any insight into this problem would be hugely appreciated! How do I link a jQuery UI number spinner/stepper (http://wiki.jqueryui.com/Spinner) so that a label text value changes as the spinner value increments or decrements? ... <script type="text/javascript"> ...

jQuery UI datepicker opens automatically within dialog

I have a datepicker which is used within the jQuery dialog object. The source of the dialog's content is loaded using .load(). Within the dialog I created a script which creates a datepicker for the text input. $("#date").datepicker({ ... }); When I open the dialog for the first time - everything is okay, but if I close it and reopen ...

Opening page with tab preselected that's not the first tab

I have a page with a jqueryui tabset on it. I'd like to be able to open the page with tab other than the first tab selected. If I have four tabs on the page I need to be able to select any of the four to be the 'open' tab. This maybe a link from another page or a link from a page in the same frameset. Under the covers everything is P...

jquery buffer/queue for effects? Or to tell if an effect is in process?

Hi there, I have a click event that checks to see if a form is correct i.e. filled out details.. and then i call a function that does this $('#message_text').html(text); $('#message_system').fadeIn("slow"); $('#message_system').animate({ opacity: 1.0 }, 5000) .fadeOut('slow', function() { $(t...

jquery moving from postion X to position Y slowly - animation?

Hi there, i have a simple jquery animtion using fadein and it works but once faded in ... i wish to MOVE using TOP property 30 pixels upwards.. but slowly.. this is what i have so far. $('#Friends').fadeIn("slow"); Any ideas? I have both jquery and jquery UI loaded... ...

jQuery synchronous animations?

Hi there, I have a jquery animation .. actually its 2 .. fadein and then move with animation.. Problem is that it fades In completely FIRST and then ANIMATES (moves position) ... What i am trying to do is start fadein and don't wait for it to finish (which appears to be happening at the moment) .. and start the animate.. hence both...

jQuery UI Sortable and Google gadgets

I have seen a couple similar questions, but nothing that specifically covers my problem. I am trying to place several Google gadgets in a set of sortable divs. When I drag one of these divs and drop it in a new location, the whole page is refreshing and showing me only the content of that gadget's iframe. I have seen from the other SO q...

jQuery UI Sortable -- How can I cancel the click event on an item that's dragged/sorted?

I have a jQuery UI Sortable list. The sortable items also have a click event attached. Is there a way to prevent the click event from firing after I drag an item? <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis...