
Why does the jQuery pulsate effect leave jagged text behind in IE?

I found out that pulsate leaves jagged text behind when I use the pulsate effect of jQuery UI... after some searching it appears that it's an IE bug... i think it may have something to do with the opacity, but i am unsure. I tried the following but it doesn't work: $(detail).effect("pulsate", { times: 1 }, 200, function(){ $(thi...

Jquery UI slide not working on certain elements

Here I have a demo of Jquery slideToggle core working on an element, but jquery Slide UI not. http://jsbin.com/obuha/edit Please look at the demo, the Jquery UI button works for the above text, but not for the google logo. The slideToggle button works for the logo. How would I get the Jquery UI slide to work with the logo as well? T...

Using Google Table inside jqueryui ajax tab

Okay, this scenario is a little complicated, but I will try to explain it as best I can. I am using the Google Ajax Libraries API to get jquery and jqueryui onto the page, so the top of my page looks like this. <head> <title>TBTNet</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="_css/style.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="tex...

Adding CSS to jQuery Ui Tab Add

I am trying to add 2 more ui tabs after a user has logged on. First I tried doing an after. $('#slideshow').tabs('remove', '4'); $("#slideshow ul li:last-child").after('<li><a href="#slide5">my account</a></li><li class="last"><a href="#noslide" onclick="location.href=\'/Account/LogOut\';">log off</a></li>'); This method adds the tab...

Jquery UI: Combining blind and fade effects

I'm not even sure if this is possible, but I want to combine blind and fade. Fade works by changing the opacity of an element, and blind I think, by changing the width/height. My goal is to create an animation where the edge of the element would fade away across the screen, aka a combination of blind and fade. I don't know if there's a...

How can I get JQueryUI sortable to 'revert' faster?

JQuery's sortable has an option to revert the item that the user drags back in line with the rest, but the animation is a little slow. Is there a simple way to specify 'fast' like some of the other methods? ...

How to specify jQueryUI Tab Target Panel?

Whats the cleanest way to specify a shared target panel for jQueryUI tabs when all the content is loaded via AJAX and the target lies outside of the parent "tabs" div? For example: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="link1.html" title="Go to Link 1"><span>Link 1</span></a></li> <li><a href="link2.html" title="Go to Link 2"><spa...

Iframe with jquery

Hi Everybody, Is it possible to change iframe scrolling attribute with jquery ? I need to change iframe css as well. When the root document load completed i'm changing the src attribute of iframe and then i'm attaching to iframe load event with jquery this part work with successfully. After that i'm trying to change some attributes ...

Jquery Tabs: spinner option not working

I need an ajax animation while the remote page is loaded in tabs. I am using $('#tabs2').tabs({ spinner: ''<img src="../../Content/images/Jquery/spinner.gi'' }); Even $('#tabs2').tabs({ spinner: 'Loading..' }); also doesn't works ... Though the tab functionality is working but the animation is not working ... I am using JQuery th...

jQuery UI + Gmaps = Problems (for me at least) HELP!!

Hi there! I started using jQuery as soon as I found out about it, it is very powerfull but I started struggling when I tried to load Gmaps api into the tabs jQuery UI brings. Strangly enough in IE 6,7,8 it works fine, but in Firefox, Safari (I'm using mac but tested it in windows and they both give the same problems) the map doesn't loa...

jQuery UI Draggable Always on Top

Quick question, why doesn't the appendTo option work without setting helper to 'clone'? .draggable({ appendTo: 'body', helper: 'clone', zIndex: 2 }) will create a clone appended to the document body, but .draggable({ appendTo: 'body', zIndex: 2 }) will not do anything. This only presents an issue in IE though because DOM order take...

jQuery Datepicker to Trigger a POST

hi, i want to use jquery UI's datepicker to trigger a POST that would then load information from the date picked on the datepicker from my database. so i guess this is a two-part question is there a way i can make it so the datepicker date, when selected, just gets passed into a POST, so someone would click on jan 1 2010 and it would a...

JQuery Slider Control - slider-handle not moving...

Hi! I've got a text scrollbox made with JQuery. It works fine when on its own (nationalboston.com/temp) but when I hand it off to be wrapped into a Joomla page, the slider handle doesn't move (here). As far as I can tell, everything else works fine. I've inspected the computed CSS in Chrome Inspector, and it seems that the handle is ...

How can I determine the bottle neck on page load?

I have a page that uses jQuery UI, and calls the datepicker on 2 different text boxes. Without the calls, ie. just loading the page without attaching any datepickers, the page loads in 1.20 seconds. With the datepickers attached, the page loads in 3.92 seconds. (this is in firefox) How can I get this speed up? Based on the network graph...

how to display 'loading' before content from jquery tabs is loaded

I am using jquery UI tabs and content loaded into the tab is on another page. so it is loading via ajax. There is some lag between the page loading during which the part of the screen where tab content will load is completley empty. Is there a way I can show some message like 'loading....' until the content loads? My code is: <script...

jquery drag image

i want to make a draggable image in jquery. first of all my experience with jquery is 0. having said that let me describe what i want to achieve. i have fixed width/height div. and the image contained inside the div is large in size. so i want the image to be draggable inside that div so that the user can see the entire image. can some...

What exactly does one use JQueryUI for?

I'm a bit confused about the exact use cases for jqueryui. What do you use it for? And why? ...

jquery UI dialog: how to initialize without a title bar?

Is it possible to open a jQuery UI Dialog without a title bar? Thanks! ...

Jquery Show/Hide shifts element to the right before showing or hiding

$(document).ready(function(){ var speed = 700; var pause = 3500; function removeFirst(){ $('ul#newsfeed li:first').hide('slide', {direction: "up"}, speed, function() {addLast(this);}); } function addLast(first){ $(first).insertAfter('ul#newsfeed li:last').show(); $('ul#newsfeed li:first').show("slide", {direction...

What is the benefits of using jQuery UI over plugins?

jQuery 1.3.2 minified is 55.9K, and jQuery UI core itself has more than 110K and top of that each component adds more to this core. I am wondering good reasons to use jQuery UI over plugins. For example jQuery accordion plugin has only 3.8K, jQuery Tools which does accordion, tooltips, tabs, scrollable, overlay and expose has only 5.8...