
Insert jQuery's UI into page using Google

Hey All, I currently use Google's API to include jQuery into my sites like this: <script src="http://www.google.com/jsapi"&gt;&lt;/script&gt; <script>google.load("jquery", "1.3.2");</script> How would I accomplish the same for the jQuery UI javascript and css files? ...

jQuery Tabs - Following External Links

I have jQuery Tabs setup, but am trying to get a Tab to follow an external link. I have tried to use the code from jQuery, but the URL still loads via Ajax instead of redirecting the browser to the url: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#...follow_a_tab.27s_URL_instead_of_loading_its_content_via_ajax Current code: $(function() { ...

Can I re-use the CSS files from jQuery UI?

Yesterday I used jQuery UI for the first time and I think I'm going to switch from Dojo to jQuery UI. I noticed that jQuery UI comes with a set of CSS themes. Can I use them in my pages for non-jQuery related stuff? Are the CSS class names subject to frequent changes? Are there any other things and/or best practices I should be awar...

jquery easywidgets after drop widget then their style changing

Hi everyone, I'm trying to use jquery easywidgets plugin, When i tried to drag and drop on the any widgets, divs style changing, especially texts are pixelerate. you can also see on the pictures. Before drag After drag What can i do for solving that problem ? Thank you ...

facing a problem with jquery ui tabs strategy

My requirement was to develop a page that will have three tabs. First two tabs will have pages we already have in our site and third tab will be new page. So, because I wanted to utilize two pages we already had. I decided to go with ajax feature of jquery UI tabs. Code looks like this: <div id="tabs"> <ul> <li><a href="/failedR...

Don't work Today button in jQuery Datepicker

Hello. I'm using jQueryUI Datepicker and show "Today" button. But it doesn't work. It also doesn't work in demo: http://www.jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#buttonbar I'w want to fill input with today when press this button. Is it possible to get it works? ...

JQuery UI disabling reorder in sortable lists

So I have two sortable lists in a web app I'm writing. What I want to do is make one of the lists not be reorder-able, but allow it's items to be dragged onto the other list. Items from list one can be dropped on list two, but items on list one can't be rearranged. Another thing I want to do is to make it so when items are dragged off o...

jquery drag and drop question

i want to detect to see if an element was dragged out of container. for example: <div id="container"> <img src="xxx.png" /> </div> if i am drag that img element out of the div. i will remove the img element, but i do not know how to detect when the img is out of div. i am use jquery drag and drop library. ...

how do I determine the position of a LI in a jquery sortable list?

After I move (sort) one of my list items I would like to know which position it just got dropped into. I'm pretty sure this is impossible to calculate off of ui.position/offset since I have been able to drop onto the same pixel and have the item go in two different slots, depending on which direction I dragged the element from. I suppo...

ASP.NET user control in jQuery UI dialog on button click

Hi Using ASP.NET 3.5 and jQuery UI. When a user clicks the "Search" button, a User Control, containing a search form, should be displayed in a jQuery UI Dialog (popup). How can this be done? Thanks in advance ...

jQuery ui tabs

What am I doing wrong here? I'm trying to get started with jQuery UI tabs. Right now it's not working. I thought I'd use the Google version so that it would be cached. I'd like to find where Google has ui.tabs.js as well. <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://jqueryui.com/latest/themes/base/ui.all.css"&gt; <...

jqueryUI droppable "drop" function firing on "over" only if i have on my draggable a "connectToSortable" option set

Hello guys hope anybody can help me with this little bug. You can see the code on http://designvictim.com/jqueryui/index.html Now here is my problem: I'm trying to make something similar to the widget drag and drop from Wordpress. I've gotten pretty close to what we wanted to accomplish but we wanted to be able to when you drag a ite...

jQuery dialog + ASP.NET buttons - strange behaviour

Hi Having this div: <div id="advSearchDialog" style="visibility:hidden;"> <xx:search ID="searchUC" runat="server" /> </div> And a button: <input type="button" id="btnAdvSearch" value="Search" /> I turn it into a jQuery dialog, where the button opens the dialog: $(document).ready(function() { $('#advSearchDialog').dialog({...

JQuery Accordion: Resizing My Header Control

I am using the JQuery Accordion. All is well in FireFox. In IE7, however, when I click a link in my document that expands one of the accordion menu headings my header server control is re sized (shrunken). How do I stop the screen re sizing? This is the peice of JavaScript in question: if (!$('h3.ReferenceBackgroundHeader', '#References...

Using jQueryUI datepicker inside a jQuery BlockUI dialogue

Hi, trying to get a jQueryUI datepicker working within a jQuery blockUI dialogue but it appears behind the blockUI dialogue, i.e. in the blanked out area, and when trying to choose a date it disappears but the value not posted. js code is simply; $('#datePicker').datepicker({ inline: true }); against which is part of the blockUI mark...

jquery datepicker onChangeMonthYear

I am using the jquery ui datepicker in my app. I have created an inline datepicker. I am having a problem with onChangeMonthYear. I have simplified the example to bare minimum. Onclick of "prev" or "next", the calendar should: - Go to the previous/next month accordingly. Set the first day of that month as the current selected date. al...

jQuery UI 1.7.1 Modal Close on Overlay Click

I'm trying to override the default behavior of a jQuery UI modal dialog box to close the box when the overlay is clicked. The code I have below will close the dialog box after I open it for the first time and click on the overlay. When I open the dialog box again, clicking on the overlay does nothing. I am missing an event here. Can ...

JQuery Accordion Activation

Is there another way to activate an accordion menu besides the .accordion('activate', indexval); method? In IE7 this changes my header DIV formatting (it smashes it). The accordion is at the base of the page so when it is activated my header disappears. Can anyone offer me some help with this? Here's what I have.. The the activation i...

Sorting multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI

I'm trying to setup a way to sort multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI's Sortable plugin. I have come up with a partial solution, where the checked items go with the drag, but I can't get them all to move positions. Here is what I have: http://jsbin.com/ecela What do I need to add to ensure the items move to their new locatio...

How to Get Values from jQuery Select Slider?

I'm using the Filament Group's jQuery Select Slider to produce a form for selecting a range of specific values. How can I get the values of the slider and update <input> field? $(function(){ $('select').selectToUISlider({ labels: 7 }); //fix color fixToolTipColor(); }); I understand that I can get the values throug...