
Hiding parent divs in Jquery

I am having a simple div structure ( see below ). All I am trying to do is when the div id "interviewer-Button" is clicked the following div's should appear and when the div id "elt" is clicked divs from id "parent0" till the end should hide. The display part works fine. However, when I try to hide, it just does NOT hide. When i click o...

how can i do this with jquery? (its something created with flash)

http://pal-auto.ebizautos.com/ if you look at that page above, there is something that looks like a carasel which operates when the mouse is over each item and slides to the left. does anyone know if anything like this exists in jquery already premade? thanks ...

What is the consequence of this bit of javascript?

Hi, I was looking at jQuery UI code, and I found that every file starts with a construct like this: ;jQuery.ui || (function($) { My question is: why is there a semicolon before jQuery, and why is the logical OR being done? jrh ...

Overlay login/register on action in jQuery

How do I bring up an absolute div on an "action" in jQuery? What I want is similar to reddit or digg, when you try to vote without logging in, it will prompt you to log in or register. Thanks. ...

Why does my jQuery UI Accordion Not Display Accurate Dimensions

http://mindfulintegrations.com/signiacapital/accordian.php I am using Jquery Accordion UI and if you look at the above page you can see it doesn't display the text correctly - the buttons are in odd places and the width of the text isn't spanning the white text block fully. What I want is for the accordion to be under the flash image a...

Scaling images w/jQuery - browser cache in the way

To see my problem in action, 1st click this link. Then click this one. Notice how the images are squished? (you may have to click a through the pager to see it). I believe it's because of the browser cache. Here's the javascript doing the work: $("#grid_slider").slider({ value: 50, max: 100, min: 10, slide: function(event, ui) { ...

div object flashing repeatedly

i tried to create a fade-in/out effect for one of my divs but the fade-in effect on its own was working fine but when coupled with the fade-out effect, it makes the whole div continue to flash in the viewport area. take a look at the code: hover.addEventListener('mouseover',function () {$('#cpanel').fadeIn("slow");/*Core.addClass(cpan...

jquery draggable options

i want the draggable object to revert back to its original position when i click a button. i used 'destroy' option but it doesnt seem to work. it disables the dragging but doesnt revert back to original position. can someone help? EDIT PART: $('#Zoom').toggle(function() { $("#draggable").draggable({});}, function() ...

jQuery and Safari 4.0.1 - ToggleClass effect

Hi I am currently developing a webpage where I want to use the ToggleClass function from jQuery. I went on to the jQuery UI website, as I think this is an extension of the original jQuery. http://jqueryui.com/demos/toggleClass/ When I click the 'Run Effect' button, nothing happens. Is it just my browser or slow computer or do any of y...

jQuery shadows for rounded corners

I'm using the CurvyCorners for my rounded corners at the moment. I'm also using the shadow plugin from http://eyebulb.com/dropshadow/. The problem is the dropped shadow is a box, whereas the element above it has rounded corners. Any suggestions on getting a rounded corner shadow? ...

jQuery UI Resizable

Hi, I am looking into the jQuery UI Resizable method and I have to DIVs (one next to the other). I want to be able to resize one and change the other accordingly. One DIV gets bigger and the other DIV gets smaller... $(document).ready(function () { $("#right").resizable({ alsoResize: '#left', }); $("#left").resizable({ alsoResize: '#...

jquery animate

i need to use the animate property for a less than usual activity. i am new at jquery so i dont know if this thing works right out of the box for jquery but lets see. $('#Zoom').toggle(function() { img.removeAttribute("height"); $("#draggable").draggable(); }, the above function zooms into an image by removing the...

How can I control IE6+jQuery+jQuery-ui memory leaks ?

Here's a sample page with a couple datepickers. Here's the Drip result for that: This page leaks indefinitely in IE6sp1 when I click the Refresh button repeatedly (IE6sp3+, Opera 9, Chrome2, and FF3+ seem to be good). The memory goes up and never goes down until I actually close the browser completely. I've also tried using the lates...

How do I update the text of a div inside of a table/form in Jquery inside of a dialog box?

I have a div inside of a table which is inside of a form that I would like to update <form id="login_form" method="post" action="#" onsubmit="return false;"><table> <tr><td>Username</td><td><input type="text" name="name" id="login_name"></td></tr> <tr><td>Password</td><td><input type="password" name="password" id="login_password"></td>...

jQuery slider bar with progress bar-type fill

Hi all I'm looking to implement the jQuery UI so that the slider bar fills one side of the bar with a color as you drag the handle along, sort of like a progress bar. Can anyone give me tips on how I might approach this problem? Thank you in advance. ...

JQuery ui.core.js

I found the beginning of the code of ui.core.js of JQuery UI quite interesting, ;jQuery.ui || (function($) { // code... })(jQuery); What is the reason to have ';' in the front? ...

How to get the Primary/Secondary color in jQuery UI Theme

Is there a way to reference the colours used in the jQuery themes without creating a simple style for each theme that I may choose to use? Example: I have some text as follows <div>Hello</div> which I'd like to be change colour in line with my theme of the day. I wish to use the primary colour from a theme (say ui-lightness) which is...

Why does jQuery UI's datepicker break with a dynamic DOM?

I'm working with a dynamic DOM here, and have called the jQuery UI datepicker to all inputs with a specific class name, in this case .date It works great with the first, static, construct but when I clone it the event handlers don't seem to want to move over. I get the Firebug error: inst is undefined I tried looking into jQuery's...

IE6 NonSecure Items

Hey all.. So I'm chasing down the non-secure item on my page. I am using the JQuery library to make an accordion menu. I suspect that the maybe the problem. Does anyone know if this href would be problematic? I can't find any blank src paths or http:. Thanks Nick ...

How can I use themeroller'ed styles in "regular" parts of a page?

I have a web app that I've recently applied a jQuery ThemeRoller theme to. Now I want to have a simple <h2> element have the same rounded-rectangular look as the dialog titlebar or datepicker title. How can I best apply these to my elements that aren't part of larger jQuery UI constructs? I started down the path of just setting css cl...