
jquery tabs 3 - problems to send the hash to url

Hi, my first posting on this plattform. Hope someone can give me a hint. I've read some postings about tabs here, but it's not working completely for.. Is it right, that there is no hash sended to the url in jquery "TABS 3" by default ? I've read that I can send the hash with this to url.. select: function(event,..... .tabs({ se...

jquery sortable in cakephp, stuck at ajax part

Hi, I used to use scriptaculous in all my cakephp projects because of its easy helpers. In time, i got more and more into jquery and now I want to replace my current scriptaculous script with jquery. Until now > everything is good. Except jquery sortable. Jquery sortable runs, but the ajax call after isn't working right. Now my program...

Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI

I've been attempting to create a resizable textbox (ASP.NET multiline TextBox / HTML textarea) and use JQuery UI to make it resizable, but seem to be running into a few issues involving custom drag handles. The JQuery documentation on the Resizable method (specifically that on the handles option) suggests that I can set any of the handl...

jQuery UI Dialog button positioning

How can I position buttons from jQuery UI separately from each other. Buttons are aligned in same direction. I would like one button to be aligned to left while the other to the right. Is it possible? ...

jQuery Sortable - scrolling in div with overflow:auto

Hi, I have a page using jQuery with some lists which have been made sortable. The list is inside a div which has a fixed height and overflow set to auto in the stylesheet. The scroll attribute of sortable seems to affect the scrolling of the whole page, is there any way I can make the container div automatically scroll up or down whe...

jquery-ui dialog problem with .live

I'm currently loading data from a mysql db - if a certain condition is met, a volunteer button is displayed. When the button is clicked I want to display a dialog box, and a php file is called to populate the box. First I initialize the dialog: $(document).ready(function() { $("#chaincrewDialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false }); }); ...

jQuery Sortable - events being called too many times

I have a list with class x and in that list is a number of lists with class y. It is possible to drag an item from any of the sublists to any of the other sublists It is also possible to arrange the order of the sublists themselves. I'm struggling with the events which are fired through the sortable Receive - only triggers when somet...

Why is jQuery UI dialog.('Close') firing too early?

I'm trying to create a popup message in my app. On success I want to open a dialog, animate it...and then close it. I guess a better question should have been, "How do you create a timed popup in Jquery...but anyway when I run my code it appears that my dialog appears for just a split second. If I remove the dialog('close') line it wo...

jQuery readonly slider - how to do?

How can I have a jQuery slider that is readonly? One that would display a value but the user wouldn't be allowed to move it? Thanks ...

jQuery UI Color Picker

I have heard that jQuery UI includes a Colo(u)r Picker but could find little documentation regarding it. Does it exist? Any decent documentation on how to implement it? I found this: http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Colorpicker But using: $("#colorpicker").colorpicker(); does not work, with Firebug telling me .colorpicker(); is not a met...

Question about using special variables in functions for jquery UI/Draggables

I always see this in the documentation. $('.selector').draggable({ start: function(event, ui) { ... } }); In the jQuery documentation, what does "event" and "ui" represent and how can I use them? Is there any way to pass the specific .selector object itself into the function? I guess I don't quite understand how this whole thin...

jQuery Plugin does not work in a Modal

I am using this in a modal: http://www.web2media.net/laktek/2008/10/27/really-simple-color-picker-in-jquery/ but it does not work. The same code: //Start of document Ready which contains event handlers $(document).ready(function() { $('#ForeColor').colorPicker(); }); <input type="text" value="#333399" id="ForeColor" class="colourP...

What jQuery plugins should be incorporated into jQuery or jQueryUI

jQuery plugins are great, except this is about a billion or so of them1, and most of them however will fade into the background noise of the rest. What are those plugins that are so useful that they should be incorporated into jQuery or jQueryUI (if it's a UI/effect type) or included in a jQuery bundle? 1- billion is just a rough estima...

jquery and IE Rendering issue

I realise that IE is a bit rubbish at most things but I was hoping someone could come up with a way of fixing a display issue in IE when using jquery. on the following site, I have used jquery on the menu to show and hide options (projects and contact) http://www.isabelarbelaez.com When these are clicked in IE, they show whatever is ...

Showing/hiding image upon mouse over of table row via jquery traversal?

I have some rows of a table (ick!) such as: <tr id="similar_story"> <td class="title"><a href="/">Title</a> <a href="../"><img id="srcimg" src="source.png" style="display:none"></a></td> </tr> this is repeated x times [for each similar story], and when a user hovers over the .class row I want #srcimg (for that row) to appear. When t...

How to get the dateFormat from jQuery UI datepicker?

In my page, the datepicker dateFormat option is being set automatically by loading a localized .js file according to the current users's language settings. Elsewhere in the page, I need to format some dates, so I'd like to get the dateFormat option back out of the datePicker. The jQuery documentation says you can retrieve the dateFormat...

Two different jQuery UI themes on the same page

I want to have two different jQuery UI accordion menus on the same page, but I want them to have different themes. Is this possible? ...

Can JQuery UI Dialog remember its position between opening and closing

I have a JQuery dialog that I dynamically open and close. Everything is working fine except the position of the dialog is not remembered after it is closed and then reopened. The size is maintained but the position is not. I have tried hooking into the 'Open' event but it appears that the position is being reset by JQuery UI after I ma...

jQuery UI Datepicker on a qTip

I am trying to display a qTip containing a jQuery UI datepicker control (the version bundled with jQuery UI). However the datepicker's calendar opens behind the qTip. I tried manually setting the calendar's z-order from firebug, which does allow the calendar to open in front of the qTip. However, in this case clicking on the calendar has...

Issue using Jquery Tabs

Hello, I am having trouble getting the built in jquery tabs working on my site. I'm not really sure what the issue is. I have basically taken the code directly from the demo page that comes with jquery and copied it to my own site (obviously making the paths correct), however it refuses to work and I really can't see where the issue i...