
Jquery scope

I've just started learning Jquery but the examples aren't helping me much... Now whats happening with the following code is that I have 4 forms that I switch between using a link for each. But what I can't figure out is how to get variable "postOptionSelected" in the first function to pass to the other functions to display even more use...

Jquery - How to run a function onclick only if link is not dragged?

I am running thickbox and jquery ui draggable both on the same page, and they are conflicting. Jquery UI Draggable allows me to drag and drop things from one place to another with this code: $(".droppable").droppable({ drop: function(ev, ui) { do stuff } }); Thickbox starts on a click event, with essentiall...

jQuery UI not initializing

I am using the jQuery UI components but having some problems. If I try and do something simple like $("#mydiv").draggable() I get an error message "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method". The jQuery UI seems to be loaded because I put a alert() in the js file it contains (see code) and the alert...

BlockUi + JqueryUI dialog: Can't get Ctrl + C to work

Hi, When a dialog is shown on BlockUI the user can't copy with Ctrl + C (a selected text in the dialog), only right click works. It doesn't work on all browsers. My code: $.blockUI({ message: null }); div.dialog({width: 600 }); I know BlockUI is the problem, does any one know how to solve it? Thanks ...

Unit testing javascript in visual studio 2008

I want to start unit testing my javascript files as part of my build process in an MVC application I am building using jquery and jqueryUI. I know how to use qunit and jsunit but I want to try and get VS to run these tests and integrate the results into my build process. Has anyone got any ideas on where to begin with this? General poi...

Jquery UI in IE8: suspending sort behavior while resizing an element that is sortable and resizable

I have a list of elements which I would like to make sortable and resizable using Jquery UI. Combining them works great in Chrome and Firefox. But in IE8 (both in normal and compatibility view), either behavior works great when used separately, but when combined, the resulting mixed behavior is undesirable. My expectation is that resi...

SVG draggable using JQuery and Jquery-svg

I have an HTML 5 page where I load an svg circle. When I click on the circle I create another small circle where I click. I want to be able to drag the second circle but cant seem to do it with jquery-ui .draggable(); I am able to move the circle by accessing its cx and cy attributes so there must be a way to drag it. <!DOCTYPE HTM...

jQuery UI DatePicker question

Hi, I have 2 input fields and i am using it with a DatePicker like this $("#depart, #return").datepicker({ showOn: 'both', buttonImage: 'images/icon_calendar.gif', buttonImageOnly: true, numberOfMonths:2, dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy' }); At some point i want to remove the return field and i am doing it with the .re...

jQuery UI Sortable and Dialogue

Is it possible to drag jQuery UI Sortable list items between two lists, one of which is in a jQuery UI Dialogue and one which is not? I am trying to create a dialogue where users can drag form fields out of a dialogue into a form which is on the page, but I can't drag the items out of the dialogue border. Thanks in advance Edit It se...

replaceWith and jQuery draggable drop?

Hi all, I'm trying to understand why $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); will work outside the drop: function(event, ui) {} area in jquery's droppable script, but it won't work inside. Specifically, if I do $(".droppable").droppable({ drop: function(event, ui) { $('#title').replaceWith('ha'); } I get a Runtime Error (line ...

JQuery - AJAX dialog modal, can't hit enter key to submit form

On a website I'm working on, when you click sign on, a jquery dialoge modal pops up, but you have to click on OK to submit the form, you can't just hit enter. I need it to be able to have enter work also. It seems like what I have should work, but it doesn't I'm using jquery-1.3.2.js. I also have a php file with the following piece of...

jQuery UI -> handling dynamic content?

Hi, I'm trying to use a dynamic, single dialog that changes based on ajax calls. Is there any elegant way to change the height and width based on the new content? Currently, I have an empty div which is filled, causing problems. Help? ...

How to edit the resulting html of jQuery UI tabs ?

Hello I have some tabs using jQuery UI which work just fine, but I want to edit the resulting html to add some stuff on/around it, more precisely I would like to add a left panel and some icons at the right side of the header. Trying to give you a schema, here is what I have: tab1|tab2|tab3 content content content content content cont...

jQuery Append UL with LI with value from dropdownlist on button click

I have a dropdownlist: <select id="ContentList" name="ContentList"> <option value="">Please Select</option> <option value="TEST_TOP">TEST TOP</option> </select> I have a sortable list: <ul id="sortable"> <li class="ui-state-default">First</li> <li class="ui-state-default">Second</li> <li class="ui-state-default">Third</li> ...

jQuery Sortable Connect Lists - store values in list items?

I am looking at the demo for sorting items here but I want the text in the list to appear as something but when I click save and it posts server side I want to use values. I know <li> doesn't support value so what options do I have? UPDATE: I assume the way to save the data server side is to have a hidden input, when the user clicks a s...

jQuery Remove LI from UL with a hyperlink in the LI

I have a unordered list: <ul id="sortable"> <li id="1" class="ui-state-default">First <a href='#' title='delete' class="itemDelete">x</a></li> <li id="2" class="ui-state-default">Second <a href='#' title='delete' class="itemDelete">x</a></li> <li id="3" class="ui-state-default">Third <a href='#' title='delete' class="itemDelete">x...

jQuery Append UL with LI from DropDownList and Vice Versa

I have a dropdownlist with values. On a click of a button a unordered list gets appended with an <li> with details from the selected item in the dropdown list. The <li> has an <a> tag in it which will remove the <li> from the <ul>. I need to repopulate the dropdown list with the item removed from the <ul> when the <li> is removed. Any...

How to style an anchor tag to look like a button with the same height as the button?

I am working on changing the buttons on my site to be styled by a jquery ui theme. Mostly everything is going good with it. But there are a few anchor tags that I wanted styled as buttons. I added the classes and it styles it how I want it except that the height is not the same. Is there any way to make the styled anchor tag have the s...

Using JQuery Tabs as Main Navigation

A JQuery UI Tab that inherits from a JQuery Theme and redirects (HTTP GET) to a new page is the goal. I'm 90% there using the following code, but the compromise has been to put the target URL in the anchor TITLE (the Tab widget expects the HREF to be a local page selector). This works, but for SEO purposes I'd like the HREFs to be actu...

jQuery accordion accordionchange

I've created a jQuery accordion for my website, it all works very fine. But now I want to have some javascript executed when i click on a link of the accordion. In the jQuery documentation I found this solution: $('ul.accordion').accordion().bind("accordionchange", function(event, something, ui) { alert('ALLO'); }); Which shoul...