
jQuery UI Drag + drop after AJAX call

I'm using a AJAX call to create a new droppable box. Now within that box I want to create another droppable container after a successful drag and drop event into that box. I don't want to create a recursive call, however. $("#box").click( function (e) { // Create container // Create addDrop droppable firs...

jQuery UI intellisense?

I have been using (and loving) the jQuery intellisense for Visual Studio 2008 (blogged about by Scott Guthrie here) but has any one ever come across an intellisense script for the UI components of jQuery? Thanks! ...

Zendx JQuery Autocomplete

I've been trying to get the Zend Jquery autocomplete function working, when i noticed this section in the Zend documentation. The following UI widgets are available as form view helpers. Make sure you use the correct version of jQuery UI library to be able to use them. The Google CDN only offers jQuery UI up to version 1.5.2. Some o...

jQuery UI .dialog() method failing silently in IE6

Hi, I'm having some trouble with IE6 and jQuery UI. I have a popup dialog (modal, if it matters), that displays a "yes/no" dialog to the user with some information. In order to facilitate this, I build the dialog with autoOpen = false, and then I call $('#popup').show() later on as needed, in response to various different events. Now, in...

jQuery UI Draggables - Change Revert Position?

Ok, this should be easy for the right person: Is it possible to edit the revert position of a jQuery UI draggables helper? For example, I have icons the user can click and drag into groups on the page. When the user clicks an icon and starts dragging, a helper message appears right under their cursor and follows the cursor so long as the...

Get individual elements matching multiple selectors in jQuery

Hi all, If I am selecting as follows: $('li',"#container").draggable({ /* blah */ }); How do I get the individual class attributes for those elements selected so that I can something along the lines of $('li',"#container").draggable({ /* blah */ }).attr("name", "insert name of individual img"); The markup is as ...

jQuery UI dialog - unable to remove buttons.

How do I remove the buttons in a jquery dialog? Per example, I tried re-calling .dialog with the correct new options, but the dialog seems unaffected. $('.selector').dialog('option', 'buttons', {} ); does not work, and nor does it work if actual new button strings and functions are declared. Thoughts? ...

jQuery drag drop slower for more DIV items

Hi there, I have got a hierarchichal tags (with parent child relationship) in my page and it will account to 500 - 4500 (can even grow). When i bound the draggable and droppable for all i saw very bad performance in IE7 and IE6. The custom helper wont move smoothly and was very very slow. Based on some other post i have made the dro...

jquery accordion prevent bubbling / allow default link action

I have an accordion setup as so: $('.shortheadline').accordion({ active: false, header: '.headline', autoHeight: false, animated: 'slowslide', changestart: function(event, ui) { $('.brief').css('min-height','0') }, change: function(event, ui) { $('.brief:visible').css('min-height','80px'); $('.headline').blur(); } }); I want the cl...

How to display jQuery Dialog on top of YouTube Video/SlideShare PPT?

We use jQuery modal dialog box to get confirmation from users before they delete an item. The modal dialog works fine as long as there are no YouTube videos on the screen. If there is a YouTube video the dialog box is displayed beneath the video. I tried changing the z-index of dialog to 3999, but no use. (I don't know much about CSS)...

jquery dialog save cancel button styling

I am using jquery ui dialogs in my application. How do I style the "Save" and "Cancel" buttons differently in a jquery dialog? So "Save" is more appealing than the "Cancel". I could use a hyper link for "Cancel", but how do I place that in the same button panel? ...

Why does my jQuery fadeOut/remove get rid of the parent DOM element?

I have a list of items for example: <li class="ui-state-default" ><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-arrowthick-2-n-s"></span>test <a href="#" title="Delete" class="itemDelete">x</a></li> $('.itemDelete').live("click", function() { $(this).parent().remove(); }); All is ok. If I change it to $(this).parent().f...

applying a datepicker to a mask

I'm new to the javascript and web development scene so bear with me. On a website I'm programming for, I have a table filled with date values from a server side source. Upon clicking a section of a table, the text will be replaced by a input textbox that contains the date that was clicked on(applying a mask) and when the textbox appear...

JavaScript variable scoping - persisting state?

Hi, I have the following setup, and I need to know how to persist state. 1.) An external web page uses ajax to load and display a .jsp file, which contains javascript. 2.) Once this rendering is complete, javascript in the .jsp file must be called to perform an action based on the results that occurred during rendering. Specifically, th...

Google map + jQuery: rendering bug

When placing a google map inside a jquery-ui tab, the map fails to display properly in certain circumstances. To reproduce: Go here Click the 'list' link Resize the browser window Click the 'map' link Observe that some of the place name overlays draw properly, but others do not. I've actually stripped out all of the jquery-ui stuff t...

How do I prevent scrolling to the top of a page when popping up a jQuery UI Dialog?

I currently use jTemplates to create a rather large table on the client, each row has a button that will open a jQuery UI dialog. However, when I scroll down the page and click on one of those buttons, jQuery dialog will open, but the scroll position get lost and the page jumps back to the top (with the blocking and the actual dialog sho...

How do I use Jquery UI Tabs constructor methods?

Hi I am using Asp.net MVC and I been trying to use Ajax UI tabs in jquery. On the demo site: http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#ajax It has this Fetch external content via Ajax for the tabs by setting an href value in the tab links. While the Ajax request is waiting for a response, the tab label changes to say "Loading...", ...

Is there a JQuery plugin to represent a United Stated Dollar input field?

I need to represent a U.S. Dollar amount input field. I'd like to have some AJAX feedback to format it with a "$" sign and keep two decimal places (and also disallow letters and non digits.) Anyone know of an existing project or have a few quick tips to roll my own? ...

Sortable item moved from one list to another, loses handle and sort capability

I have DIVs with OL>LI lists in them, the lists are each sortable and I connect them together so the user can move and LI from one list to another.. seems like a common thing to do. When the sortable list receives an item, that item loses its "sortability"..or atleast the handle is not working on it. Here's some code to show you how I...

Using jQuery UI drag-and-drop: changing the dragged element on drop

When using jQuery UI draggables and droppables, how do you change the dragged-and-dropped element on drop? I am trying to drag one DIV to another sortable DIV. On drop, I'd like to change the classes on the dropped DIV and change its innerHTML content. After reading various StackOverflow questions, my code looks like this: $(".column")...