
jquery drag element

Hi All, i have a problem that i cant understand what to pass in the draagable function to make an elemnt draagable. I want to make my draggable through its id test. Can anyone tell me how to do this. Code Sample normal_tag11=' <div style="position:fixed" id="Normal_Tag1_div_dummy'+count1+'" class ="Normal_Tag1_div_dummy" >'+ 'Normal D...

How to unload js script when going to next tab in jquery?

Hi All I have a site with five tabs using jquery-ui. Each loads an individual jQuery script. Now when I have loaded the second tab and go to the third tab the js out of the second tab still remains active and disturbs my actions in the third tab space. Can someone explain me why the js out of the second tab still stays active when chan...

JQuery popup size geting bigger while posting ...

Hi, I have put a JQuery dialog box in page on button click. The dialog box has text as well as some controls. I need to submit this dialog box but the problem is before submitting I am displaying the given values in a message box. AT the time of displaying the message box the pop up size geting bigger and all the text bocomes big in siz...

calling javascript function on mouse release Jquery UI draggable

I'm using JQuery UI to drag divs around a container and i want to fire an event when the user releases the mouse (stops dragging). Any ideas on how to do this would be great. Thanks in advance -Shawn ...

JQuery Draggable: Is it possible to snap to grid after mouse release?

Basically, i want to use the grid option to snap a draggable div toa 30 x 30 grid but i want to keep the dragging smooth. So is there a way i can snap to the grid on mouse release (or something similar) ...

Back button and bookmark feature in tab 3

Hi all I am now using tab on jquery ui 1.7.2 , is it support back button or bookmarking?? so i need help about this..................... thanks ...

jquery accordion behaves randomly in IE6

We have a page with accordions. After the page loads, we open the accordion and it shows the data correctly in IE7 and Firefox but in IE6, it does not show the data at all. When we close the accordion and open it again, the data shows up. This behaviour occurs in different ways. In some cases, it does not show any data in the accordion ...

jquery clone drag

Hi all, i m having a problem in appending a tag over an area. I am tring to append the clone of #Normal_Tag1_div to #droppable after changing the id. I also want to make that clone draggable over #droppable only . How can i do that?? $('#Normal_Tag1_div').draggable({helper:'clone'}); $('#droppable').droppable({ dro...

Multiple jQuery UI Sliders on dynamic pages

I'm generating jQuery UI slider elements in a Rails helper: def add_link(form_builder, method) link_to_function 'Add' do |page| page << "$(\"div#range\"+new_id+\"\").slider({ range: true, min: 1, max: 7, values: [parseInt($(\"#lecture_events_attributes_\"+new_id+\"_from_block\").val()), parseInt($(\"#lect...

jQuery Tabs and Ajax - how do I setup the pages?

I've started using jQuery's UI Tabs, and they work great for the most part, but I've had some issues. When I switch back and forth between tabs, the functionality on some items is lost when I return to that tab. That led me to question whether or not I was structuring it all correctly. Google searches turned up nothing so I decided to...

Is there a way to use both relative and absolute year ranges on the jQuery Datepicker?

For the datepicker control in jQuery UI, is there a way to mix absolute ranges with a relative range? For example, how would you express, I want the year to only go back to 2005, but only show up to the current year? I've tried mixing the two, using something like '2005:+0', but this results in no years being available in the menu. Ye...

JQuery Toggle Method Slow on 1000+ UL

Hello Everyone, I am working on a project where I am building a treeview and in some cases my tree could have a 1000+ child nodes. The problem is its really slow on like a IE7 machine. I'm not doing any kind of animation or anything, just simply trying to hide the next UL in the item using JQuery's toggle feature. Does anyone have an...

Jquery tab reload with a parameter

Hello: After some events in a tab, I would like to reload it. I need to send a parameter to the page that loads into the tab. The following reloads the page: $("#tabs").tabs( 'load' , 6); But, how can I send a parameter with it? ...

a glitch in dragging sortable by handle in jquery ui

Hi all, the problem i have is that whenever i try to drag and drop with a handle, in the process of drag and drop, the body text will not stay aligned with the text, which is illustrated in the code attached at the end. The reason why I prefer not to put the handle in the <p> tags, as some of the examples on the web shows, is that i wo...

Executing Events Sequentially in jQuery

I have a small piece of jquery, where I am hiding then showing a div. After both events are completed, I execute a few lines of code which is like so: $(".subFields").hide("slide", { direction: "up" }, 250, function() { $(".subFields").show("slide", { direction: "up" }, 250, function() { ...

Page encoding and Jquery-Ui (ajax tabs)

I am developing a web application and I'm forced to use: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as a character encoding. I'm trying to use Jquery-ui to make some beautified tabs, but I cannot manage to get the correct encoding. I tried this: $("#tabs").tabs({ ajaxOptions: { contentType: "text/html; charset=SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" } }); ...

Apply zebra striping to jQueryUI accordion

I have a asp.net mvc app building a accordion based on the jQueryUI Accordion plugin - I'd like to apply zebra striping. Here's the constructor loop: <div id="accordion"> <% foreach (var webinar in Model as IList<Webinar>) { %> <div id="accordionItem">//toDo: Programmically pick odd/even rows ...

jquery UI Tabs using DIV instead of UL for navigation

Hi Im a little new to JS and this has got me scratching my head like crazy. I want to use a DIV with a bunch of anchors inside for the navigation instead of the mandatory (I think?) UL. I have found the piece of code that does this, but I can't seem to make any sense of it. this.list = this.element.children('ul:first'); this.lis = $...

jQuery UI Tabs - calling function within tab resets to the first tav

I'm using jQuery UI tabs for simple tab navigation on a page, and this works great; however, I want to call a function like function DoStuff(){ $("#divID").hide(); } from within a tab. When I click on the <a href...> which calls the DoStuff() function, I see the div being hidden, but then the current tab which I am in is close...

jQuery .load() doesn't reliably load js files when moving down the DOM tree

Horribly worded question, I know... I'm attempting to load a page into a div inside an asp:listview. The page loads fine on the first attempt, but subsequent loads do not seem to run the jquery.ui.js file to tabify the loaded page. I moved the call to tab the loaded page into the callback function of the .load() function, but that has...