
Simple page submit - vs - Ajax loader

There are many ways to handle forms. one is to simply submit the form and the get variables on php and another one that i'm thinking of, is to send data with ajax and during this process we can show a dialog and show the information about processing the data with a progress bar. despite the fact that ajax is faster than the standard tec...

jQuery UI Draggable snap rulers

I am setting up a drag and drop interface using jquery and jquery-ui. I've got element snapping working, which is nice, but now I'm trying to get elements to snap at a distance, using some sort of automatic temporary guide rulers. A very good implementation is on the mac version of Powerpoint. Here's a screenshot of a drag in progress: ...

Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible

Take a look this sample from jqueryui. http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#icon-trigger it all working fine except for my case, my application can disable the date textbox. So if this textbox is disabled, the user can still click the icon trigger. When user clicks this icon trigger, an error message comes out "Can't move focus to th...

How to select a unique DIV and deselect the rest using jQuery?

Hi i am using the "selectable" of jQuery UI and i have multiple divs aligned vertically as a list and upon selecting each div the div's background changes to PINK and when i select another DIV the one selected previously should change to WHITE background. As of now i achieved what i need but the problem is the EACH function. if i have 10...

JQuery - "highlight" effect help

Looking at the "highlight" JQuery effect: http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Effects/Highlight You can change the background color of any DIV to fade in/out However, the example is to "highlight" on a "click" event $("div").click(function () { $(this).effect("highlight", {}, 3000); }); How can I programatically call the highlight meth...

JQuery - CSS ninja help wanted

I'm using the JQuery Slider Control IE 6 looks FUBAR. Screenshot (how it should look) img24.imageshack.us/img24/9786/safarij.png Screenshot (IE6) img99.imageshack.us/img99/3418/ie6o.png What CSS can I use for IE6 to make it look like Firefox/Chrome/Safari? Any CSS ninja magic would be greatly appreciated. ...

How to use jQuery UI Calendar/Date PIcker for week rather than day?

I've been using the jQuery UI Calendar / Date Picker with great success over the last couple months. I've been given a new requirement to allow for a week to be selected (Sun - Sat) rather than a single day. Has anyone accomplished this before? highlighting by week rather than day show beginning date and ending date rather than sing...

How do I prevent multiple jQuery UI droppables from being triggered?

I have a jQuery UI draggable and several separately-defined droppables. Because one of the droppables is configured tolerance: 'intersect', it's possible for a draggable to be dropped on more than one kind of droppable at the same time. What's the best way to prevent the unintended droppables from firing? Basically, I'd like to prioriti...

JQuery UI slide effect creates a new line

I want to enable an effect on my web app where a user clicks an "Edit" icon and a text box elegantly slides out horizontally immediately to the right of the icon. Currently it is sliding out, but not very elegantly, because when I click on the icon for some reason a new row is created in the browser below where I clicked (and all content...

jQuery Drag/Drop problem: mousemove Event not binding for some elements

Using the latest jQuery/UI that are hosted at Google. I've got the following markup: <ul id="tree"> <li><a href="1/">One</a></li> <li><a href="2/">Two</a></li> </ul> And the following javascript: $(document).ready(function(){ // Droppable callbacks function dragOver(overEvent, ui_object) { $(this).mousemove(function(mov...

Auto-populate Jquery UI Tabs

I need a way to auto-populate jquery Tab controls by grabbing bits from the html that is output by drupal. Can anyone offer suggestions? Right now the UI script goes haywire and creates it's own set of div's to match the navigation. At that point the tabs break. I am by no means a javascript or jquery pro so excuse my simple code ;) <!D...

How to submit with jQuery dialog using buttons with different values

I'd like to use jQuery's dialog to replace some code I'm using right now within an ASP.NET MVC application. The old code used 'submit' buttons with different 'value' settings. I'd like to know also if there is a better approach. This is an example of the existing code within the view: <%using (Html.BeginForm("SubmitValue", ...

What percentage of browsers have Google's cached version of JQuery already loaded?

What percentage of browsers would probably have Google's cached version of JQuery already loaded? I am asking this to figure out how fast my page would load on an "average" browser. My page needs both JQuery and JQuery UI. I believe most browsers would probably have JQuery already cached from Google's servers. Is this true? And what are...

how to find selected elements with Jquery UI selectable

Hi All, I am looking for info on the event and ui objects the jquery selectable events: "selecting", and "start" take as parameters. I cannot find this in the documentation and looping through the properties is no help. $('#content_td_account').selectable({ filter: 'li:not(".non_draggable")', ...

jQuery UI CSS Class effects not working in Chrome

Hey Is it me or do none of the (css) class effects of jQuery UI work in Google Chrome. I thought it might be my code, but even on the example site they are not working in my chrome. Other examples work. http://jqueryui.com/demos/addClass/ Thanks ...

Showing jQuery calendar in a jquery dialog popup

Does anyone know of a way to show a jQuery calendar in a jQuery dialog? The calendar seems show behind the popup dialog. I tried adjusting the z-index of the outmost calendar div, but it still didn't work. The z-index of the overlay and the dialog is 1001 and 1002 respectively. $('#ui-datepicker-div').css('z-index', 1005); ...

jquery UI Sortable with table and tr width

Hi i am using jquery ui sortable to make my table grid sortable.The code seems to work fine but because i am not using width to TDs when drag the TR srink the content. For examle IF my table row is 500px when start drag it becames 300px.I assume thats happening because no width is defined at grid.Thats because i am using 2 class for TDs...

jQuery UI Dialog individual CSS styling

Hi all, I'm looking to style a modal dialog (using UI Dialog) with unique CSS that is separate from the traditional dialog, so in essence to have two jQuery dialogs that each look different. I've styled one, for example, <div id="dialog_style1" class="dialog1 hidden">One content</div> and another <div id="dialog_style2" class="dialo...

jQuery UI - Performance penalty on multiple draggable?

Hi there, I have a question regarding performance. Is there a performance penalty when I call draggable (with all the same options) on already draggable Elements? I have Speech Bubbles which are draggable on a drag container (say, a comic). These Bubbles are also droppables because you can chose which kind of Bubble (speaking, angry, t...

jquery ui dialog + Google Maps + IE8 error... What could it be?

Hi! I'm trying to use jquery ui dialog and google maps... so when an user clicks a link, the dialog opens showing the map. I've tried in many ways... it works on FF and Chrome but on IE8 the map is gray. In one of the changes in script reference order in html head, makes the map loads just a part of it in IE8... tried to load google ma...