
how to indicate a change in list elements' order using jquery?

i am using jquery sortable. right now i have a list of items that i can ALREADY use drag and drop. which is cool. i will use a submit button at the bottom of the list to submit the new order. the change in the list is not automatically submitted. All i need is somehow indicate that an element's position has changed. I googled quite a ...

$('').switchClass throwing error in IE8 if the switched class contains color property

I've the following css classes .switch-format{ background-color: yellow; } .switch-format1{ background-color: blue; } .switch-format2{ color: red; } Using this classes I want to do some animation on the following div <div id="switch-class" class='switch-format' style="margin-top: 5px;"> Effects - Switch </div> Following i...

Relative links inside jquery tabs

see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331674/fix-broken-links-with-jquery I think this is just a chaining/find issue but if I have: tab1 - loads /rootdir/dir1/page1.htm with link "page1b.htm" tab2 - loads /rootdir/dir2/page2.htm with link "page2b.htm" and the page with the tabs on it is /rootdir/tabpage.htm" So since jquery loads al...

jQuery simple pager rebinding

Hi everyone - I basically have a rebinding issue but none of the solutions I've found has specified how to remove a binding entirely (and for a plugin-based function, not like unbind("click")). For the SimplePager plugin, basically it adds a cool pager element at the bottom of the page, but I lose the AJAX binding after I perform a sep...

HTML Form Elements visual enhancers?

I was trying out NiceForms in my asp.net app and it had some quirks. It's shifting my GridView to the right by more than 100pixels and I can't figure why it's doing it using FireBug. Are there other alternatives which are compatible with JQuery and ASP.NET? Must be free. I will be looking at Yahoo's YUI library. ...

How to hide loadingAnimation.gif in Thickbox...??

Hi, I'm new to jQuery Thickbox. I've implemented the following code: HTML: <a class="thickbox" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="javascript:initMap(lat,lng,'htmlmsg',1);" >map</a> <div id="show_map" style="display:none"> <div id="map_canvas"></div> </div> JS: function initMap(x,y,msg,flg){ var map = new GMap2(document.g...

JQuery preserve draggability when element is removed.

I'm trying to move a draggable element around in the DOM, but whenever I try replaceWith() or remove() or similar functions, its draggability is lost. Is it possible to make an element not lose its draggability when moving it around in the DOM? ...

Are there hosted jQuery UI themes anywhere?

I'm using Google-hosted jQuery and jQueryUI, but I'm wondering if there are hosted jQueryUI themes anywhere? I'd like to just point to a hosted CSS file (the same way I do with the hosted JS file), so that I don't have to worry about setting up directories for the widget images or the CSS files or anything like that. Update I've found...

Centering a JQuery Dialog Box

I have a JQuery dialog box that is set to position: 'center' Now I run a database query and return a long list of records, and each record has an "edit" button. If I scroll down the page and click the edit button for the record jquery pops open my dialog and centers the dialog based on the scroll position, but it also reset the page ...

Useful JavaScript libraries? including JQuery and beyond...

This question is no longer just about UI Being rather new to the whole JavaScript/JQuery/JQueryUI lark, I have just discovered the Yahoo User Interface Library. I'm sure there are other free and fully functional JavaScript libraries out on the web that I should be aware of. Around UI design, or really, anything. ...

jQuery UI Tabs - Available fx options

I haven't been able to find any real documentation on this, so I'm wondering if anyone knows all of the available fx options for jQuery UI Tabs? The only ones I've seen so far are: opacity: "toggle"; height: "toggle"; A crossfade would be nice, though I don't think I've seen this done with jQuery UI Tabs yet. Also, I can't even fin...

How to swap element with jQuery UI draggable and droppable?

I have two div.containers. Both containers have div.item. With jQuery, how can I swap div.item elements by drag & drop? Both element should able to re-swap again. Is there any simple way to do this? Thanks... ...

jQuery UI Dialog Buttons from variables

I have variables holding the translated labels for buttons inside a jquery ui dialog. I cannot fill the button array key with the variable itself, and can't find any way to let it treat my variable just as string. translations['ok'] = 'ok'; translatinos['cancel'] = 'cancel'; // not working jQuery('#foo').dialog({ buttons: { ...

How can I revert a 'draggable' upon failed AJAX request?

I have a draggable div, that needs to be dropped on a droppable. If it is dropped correctly, the droppable calls an AJAX request. If the draggable does not have a valid id or the AJAX request fails, the draggable should be reverted to it's original position. Is that something that can be done with jQuery?! Any help is greatly appreciate...

Getting Target URL from jQuery-UI Tabs

I'm working on a project that makes heavy use of jQuery tabs and Ajax. Loading data into the tabs is simplicity itself, but the data in the tabs needs to be filtered by a select box that sits outside the tabs div. Here's where my problem starts. Let's say my tab makes an Ajax call to the URL "tab1.html." jQuery tabs changes this target...

How to fire TextBox.TextChanged event on jquery onkeyup?

I have asp.net TextBox with ontextchanged event this is search text box in my application. I have search code in this event. how can I fire this event with the help of j query onkeyup. If i enter text in text box it will fire ontextchanged without press enter or mouse. This is an example of event what i need. But i dont know how to fi...

Asp.net & JQuery: Showing a Dialog Window when a Form fails validation

I want to show a modal dialog/pop-up window when the user has not filled in a text field on the page, instead of using an error text field on the page. If the required text field is filled in, I want the submit button to work as normal (aka call the onClick function), but if it's not filled in, I want a dialogue window/modal pop-up to s...

Div class cleared during Jquery effects?

I have a div that I want to apply a bounce effect to. It's class gives it some left padding to center it on the page. After examining what happens during the effect with Firebug, it seems that it adds an effect wrapper class and removes my original class. This causes the div to move from the center of the screen, to the left of the scre...

jquery ui is not scaling text properly!

I'm trying use jquery ui to scale a div that I'm dragging around to make it easier to see what's behind it, but any text inside it is scaling strangely. The text itself becomes smaller, but it seems to have a bunch of padding around it and is floating now. The text extends past the bottom of the div even though it should be contained pro...

Looking for a jQuery plugin that implements dialog docking

I need to create the ability to "dock" dialogs (in a browser page) to each other. I'm using "dock" in the sense that MS Visual Studio is using for the windows inside the IDE (where you can make them "dockable"). The user should be able to slide a dialog until its edge hits another window. Then both of them can be dragged together as one ...