
jquery ui tabs problem

I want to show 'loading' when the tab is loading... cause the content is coming with ajax. Heres my code $('#tab').tabs({ spinner: 'Loading' }); The content comes just fine but it never shows "Loading"... at all Am I Blind or Im doign something wrong?... Have tried IE and Firefox. ...

jQuery UI Resizable Plugin – Scaling a <div> AND the contents within?

Does anybody have a clue, if it's possible to resize a <div> and the content (here: images) within without using "alsoResize in combination with a class/id name". In other words: Is there a workaround for: $('DIV').resizable({ handles: 'se', alsoResize: 'ITS CHILDREN' }); or are just class/id names allowed for alsoResize? ...

JQuery UI datepicker gotoCurrent does not work

I don't want the "today" highlighting displayed on my JQuery UI datepicker. The gotoCurrent option is meant to make the highlighting move to the selected date. This would be fine. However setting gotoCurrent to true has no effect. What am I doing wrong? ...

jQuery ui sortable loading indicator

Hello. I'm using this code: $(document).ready(function() { $("#test-list").sortable({ handle : '.handle', update : function () { var order = $('#test-list').sortable('serialize'); $("#info").load("process-sortable.php?"+order); }, }); }); I want a loading indicator (GIF animation if possible) to s...

Jquery UI Slider - Input value truncates 3.40 -> 3.4

Hello Developers, I am trying to resolve an issue. When I put in stepping, lets say .01 everything works great. However, if it lands on 1 it prints 1 instead of 1.00, as well as 3.40 prints as 3.4. I have added toFixed(2) in various places of ui.slider.js, but have not found the correct location to make this fix. Can anyone shed ligh...

JQuery UI Datepicker loses focus when selecting date with mouse.

I am using JQuery ui with datepicker and when a user tabs on to a field, they appropriately get the calendar pop up. User tabs (via key onto field User selects date with mouse click User tabs Tabindex starts over at one (at the beginning of form) Here is code. (May also have the tab index set) <input type="text" name="demo" /> <in...

JQuery - How to select specific DIV

Ok, I am just trying to toggle this DIV .. There are many more that follow this HTML structure. The input-container and input-expand are working, as they toggle appropriately .. How can I just toggle the internal div.header-image-open and div.header-image-close? I appreciate anyone who can help out! $(".input-header").click(function...

How do I make a jQuery dialog button with a hyperlink?

In jQuery//dialog you can make a button like this: dialog({ buttons: { "Ok": function() { $(this).dialog("close"); } } }); Can I make this button with a hyperlink to somewhere instead? ...

jquery droppable area

Hi All, I have one div a i.e the superset of div b but i want to make the area div a - div b as droppable. How can i do that?? ...

jquery tabs load event

Below is jQuery's example of how to get links inside the tabs' panel to load within that panel. $(function(){ $('#example').tabs({ load: function(event, ui) { $('a', ui.panel).click(function() { $(ui.panel).load(this.href); return false; }); } }); }); However, the line ...

jQuery Accordion setting active

I have a jQuery accordion in a page in ASP:Net MVC application in which I want to set the active accordion at runtime. IMy code is as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { var accordionindex = $("#UIPViewModel_ActiveAccordion").val(); alert("Setting active index to " + accordioninde...

How can i set up global properties in JQuery dialog ?

Hi, I have developed a RIA application where i have used many and many dialogs JQuery UI components. Most of it are set up according to $("container").dialog({ modal:true, widht:500, height:400 ... and so on }); Answer: How can i set up it a global property in order to avoid set up in each dialog ? regards, ...

Jquery UI Slider - Currently Linear, would like to change formula for display

I am trying to make changes to the JQuery UI Slider. Changing it from linear in its range of number to more formula based. The reason is that we sell diamonds and our range is from .30 carats to 9 carats, however 90% of the buyers want something between .30 to 2, so I would like that range to be the larger part of the slider. Hopefully...

jQuery Drag from a List (without removing element) and Drop into another List

How can I have two lists (div or table elements) in which I can drag & drop items from one to the other (I think jQuery droppable does this), but without actually removing it from the source list? Example: List1 List2 AAA 111 BBB 555 CCC 999 DDD 777 Now I'm dragging BBB from the left to the right between "55...

Find (x,y) or (top,left) location of a text box or button using jquery

I am using jquery in my php web page. I want to find the location of a textbox or button in a page. Please give me a sample jquery to find this. Please provide with any suggestions u have. Thanks in advance. ...

Next/Previous click jQuery UI

I am trying to add next/previous buttons on a button click using the jQuery UI Slider. I found this code... $("#down").click(function() { var s = $("#slider"), val = s.slider("value"), step = s.slider("option", "step"); s.slider("value", val - step); }); $("#up").click(function() { var s = $("#slider"), val = s.slider("value"), s...

Normalizing the looks on jQuery UI tabs?

Hi all.. I got a problem with the tabs on a jQuery UI tabs control. The headers looks messed up when I'm overflowing the content :( Here's a sample: Is this a known issue, and are there any known fixes out there? I'm hosting the tabs inside a div, which is aligned next to a float:left div, if that makes any difference :) ...

How to create a vertical tabs using the JQuery UI?

I tried the vertical tabs in the demos,but that make my horizontal ones vertical,too,which is not what i want. Thanks. ...

jquery drag and drop

i am using jquery for drag and drop its works fine with 2 divs, i can drag image across 2 divs one div is drag able other is drop able what i want is to have 4 divs, where i have images in each div and i can drag imge from one div to other. is this possible in jquery ? if yes can you write a little code for me...? Thanks ...

jQuery & plugins no-conflict in bookmarklet

I have a complex bookmarklet that does many things, and rely heavily on jQuery and some plugins (ui, easing, ect. ) Thing is, I don't know if jQuery or any other plugins are already included in the current page, so I mustn't conflict them, but also needs my files to be maintainable. Do anyone have any ideas how to accomplish this? som...