
exlude item from handle on jquery draggable

i have a draggable div that has the overflow position to auto, so when the content is too big and i get a scroll bar, since i haven't added a handle (i want the hole content of the div to drag it) when you use de scroll bar the div moves/draggs.... is there a way of excluding an element from the handle of a draggable div in jquery? i...

jQuery UI Dialog Queries + jQueryUI Queries

Hi, I have setup the following jQuery UI Dialog within my document.ready() section, i.e: $("#dialog").dialog({ autoOpen: false, bgiframe: true, resizable: false, modal: true, buttons: { 'Ok': function() { $(this).dialo...

jQuery scope for parent ID

Hi! I was wondering how I would go about implementing this: <div id="1234345" class="item"> <script type="text/javascript"> function getItem() { alert($(this).attr('id')); // I want this to be 1234345 } getItem(); </script> </div> <div id="1239345" class="item"> <script type="text/javascript"> function getItem() { alert($(this).attr('i...

Resizable alsoresize in one direction only

I am trying to use the jQuery UI Resizable feature. I would like to only add a south/west resize handler on one object, so it will resize to the west and south. When it resizes, I would like to simultaneously resize another object, but only in the 'south' direction. I am trying to use the alsoresize property, but it seems always resizes ...

Display value in jQueryUI ProgressBar

I've set up a simple jQuery UI ProgressBar: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value: 35 }); }); </script> <div id="progressbar"> </div> Among other things, I'd like to display some text in the progress-bar (for starters, I'd just use the "value"). I can't seem to get this...

jQuery UI: How to change the color of a ProgressBar?

I've set up a simple jQueryUI progressbar: <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#progressbar").progressbar({ value: 35 }); }); </script> <div id="progressbar"> </div> Now, I'd like to color the of the bar based on it's...

JQuery UI modal dialog uses 100% CPU

When I have a modal JQuery dialog open in IE8, my CPU usage goes to 100% (no, actually 50, but that's 100% of one core). If I break developer tools, it seems that it's a lot of resize events firing (I don't do any volontary resizing). Has someone else encountered this issue and knows how to fix it? ...

jqueryui dialog, direction of slide

I'm using jquery dialog and want to slide on show. How do I specify the direction of the slide? $('.selector').dialog({ show: 'slide' }); ...

jQuery Flip! click events inside divs

I am trying to make a flash card studying web app for a school project and I wanted to use Flip! I have an issue, though when I put the anchors with their click events bound to the flip function inside the divs to be flipped. I am new to jQuery. Any help would be appreciated. Is there a flip forum? My code is below. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLI...

jquery ui dialog and IE

Hello, I am trying to write a simple dialog that is called by the flash image gallery on the site and appears on this flash animation but it works pretty weird under IE such as: -sometimes showing several of the same item, how can I prevent opening dialog if there is one already existing? -after opening a dialog and when trying to close...

How to use jquery dialog('open') correctly?

dialog() is already initiated at this point with: $("#repshare_dialog").dialog({autoOpen: false}); Next I'm trying to open a dialog box with a title, is this right? $("#repshare_dialog").dialog({ open: function(event,ui) { title: "foo" } }); ...

jQuery check if an input is type checkbox?

I'd like to find out if an input is a checkbox or not, and the following doesn't work: $("#myinput").attr('checked') === undefined Thank you once again! ...

jQuery UI: droppable background?

I'm trying create a trashcan where after you've put some items there, you could simply open it and drag any trashed item out of it by dropping it outside the trashcan. The way I've set this, is my web app has a trashcan icon where I drop the items and clicking the trashcan opens a box with the trashed items and fades in a black transpar...

jQuery How do you scroll the droppable / sortable element from a draggable?

I have a simple setup, a div with a list of items and a second div to add those items to. The second div is sortable, and css is set to overflow: scroll. When arranging the items in the sortable div, it scrolls as expected. When adding a new item to the sortable, it does not scroll. I want the same scrolling behavior, no matter where...

I'm losing data when manipulating xml with jQuery!

Related Question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1489402/manipulating-a-variable-containing-xml-with-jquery I have a jsp which returns an xhtml document that looks something like this: <root> <p id = "myId">Text text text <img id = "myImgId" /></p> </root> Now, when I pull this data into a variable via an ajax call through jQu...

Clone jqueryui dialog buttons at top of dialog

I have a tall dialog box with Save and Cancel buttons that perform some actions on the data in the dialog box as well as closing the dialog. Is it possible to duplicate these buttons so they display at the top of the dialog as well as the bottom? I've been able to do this manually with sporatic results. Can I clone the exact buttons t...

How can I set the default size of a jquery datepicker?

Have a look at this page. The datepicker itself (called on <div id="calendar">) has a width of "68em" set initially. I then use $("#calendar").children().css("width","auto"); to set the width to auto (so it fills up the page). As you can see, this works. Changing the month (with the buttons), however, causes jQuery to change the width ba...

jQuery what is the 'ui' in the following example?

chrisrbailey's comment on this question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621147/jquery-ui-slider-cant-slide-to-0 helped me solve that exact same issue I was having with a slider. I'd like to extend that example into another question. Could someone help me understand the difference between these two examples: $("#slider1").slider({ ...

jQuery UI - Dialog Hide Effect in Firefox - Flickering

I have a function that calls .dialog on a dynamically generated element. The code: dialog: function(message){ $('<div>').attr('innerHTML',message).dialog({ draggable: false, width: 500, hide: 'puff', resizable: false, bgiframe: true, modal: true, buttons: { Ok: function() { $(this).dia...

Jquery - Forms Plugin, Dynamic Tabs

Hi guys, I am using JQuery UI tabs. When i create a tab using the "$("#" + target).tabs('add', url, title);" method it opens a tab and calls an ajax form correctly.. Now the problem exists when i open an identical tab containing the identical form. When the form is submitted using the forms plugin, things mess up. I am presuming this...