
Jquery UI Datepicker

I'd like to change the Default altFormat, but I can't seem to get it to work. $("#myFav").datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd' }); $("#myFav").datepicker('option', 'dateFormat', 'yy-mm-dd'); I thought altFormat would work just the same? ...

Drop items from other widgets onto jstree

Can you drop items onto a jstree and it will fire an event as I have tried and it does not. Can anyone confirm it does or doesn't support this functionaility before I dig deeper? ...

jQuery UI dialog is shifted to the right. Why? Self-solved

When my dialog appears, it appears shifted to the right of center. What could be causing this? -Disregard. After opening I used "$('#myDialog').dialog('option','position','center');" and it centered it. ...

Binding jQuery UI Selectable events

How can I bind selectable events after the selectable has already been initialized? To start, I have: $("#the-items").selectable({ filter: "> tbody > .item" }); Then I tried binding (.items are loaded dynamically): $("#the-items").bind("unselecting", function(){ alert("!"); }); $(".item").live("unselecting", function(){ aler...

Layering intersecting elements with jQuery

I have a page with draggable/droppable elements that once dropped need to calculate their left position and width in regards to other draggables that they may be touching. This isn't too hard in and of itself, but where I'm really having trouble is getting them to fill in empty space. How do I get the draggables to fill in the empty spa...

jQuery UI Dialog and Flash in IE

I've been trying to get Zero Clipboard and jQuery UI Dialog to play nice together, and it's proving to be rather difficult. Zero Clipboard allows copying to clipboard from Javascript by placing a transparent Flash movie over a button, so that the user clicks on the Flash when he tried to click the button. This works nicely and cross-bro...

Help with jquery ajaxpager

Hi, I am having an issue using "ajaxPager jQuery UI Widget" plugin. You can see my demo here (only tab 1 has content) It works great moving forward (using next, last, or page number links) through the pager, but if you navigate to previous pages (using previous, first, or page number links) it The new page content below, before showi...

Datepicker BeforeShowDay CSS problem with content styling

I think I'm not the only one having this problem. Whenever I try to apply a BeforeShowDay a new CSS class, the content of the "special date" is not being modified. I tried changing the default theme, adding a new class, but this is affecting only the outside border and not the inside content. Using Firebug I found that the html code be...

jQuery datePicker below UI dialog?

Hi, See Example After clicking the show container link the datepicker component - 2nd input - is shown below the UI dialog. What should I do to show it above the UI dialog? ...

Dialog keypress and DOM

Hi - I'm trying to use jQuery's keypress to trigger a button click on a modal dialog created using the jQuery dialog function. The problem is, with the following code, it works the first time around (pressing enter presses the Save button) but I get erratic behavior when I close the modal dialog and reopen it. I'm thinking some variant o...

Stand-alone animate function (like Jquery)

Hi all, I am currently using JQuery to perform a single task: animation of width on a div. I really hate to be loading in the entire JQuery library for this single task and was wondering if anyone knew how to do a standalone function like: div.animate('56'); Where 56 is the percentage of the width I'd like the div to animate to. If...

Using jquery sortable or droppable to put items into categories?

I am trying to place products in to cateogories, like <ul id="Category1"></ul> <ul id="Category2"></ul> <ul id="Available"> <li id="prod1">Product1</li> <li id="prod2">Product2</li> </ul> I want to drop the available products in to a category and when its dropped to post the update back via ajax. It doesn't really matter what is po...

jquery ui accordions within tabs

I’ve run into a problem using accordions within tabs, the initially inactive accordions do not render their content correctly when their tab is selected. Reading around I see the reason for this is that the inactive tabs have display:none initially, so the height of the divs within the accordion do not get calculated correctly. None of ...

Extending JQuery UI Tabs

I've just managed to extend jquery to include the history functionality via $.fn.extend. This is to allow for the history functionality in JQuery Tabs. The question I now have is how can I extend jquery tabs directly? At the moment my code is as follows var metab = $('#inv_content').tabs(); $('#inv_content > ul').find('a').history(meta...

jquery droppable item overlap

i have 1 draggable div and 2 droppable divs. those 2 droppable divs also are draggable. so there might be a chance those 2 divs are overlapped. in that sitchuation when i drag the draggable div and drop to the overlapped divs. is there anyway to make sure it drop on the top one? ...

jqueryui without javascript

Does anyone use jQueryUI (such as the CSS framework part) without the jQuery component? If you were catering for users who don't have javascript or who have it disabled etc A particular scenario would be the dialogs which are so brilliant and simple...without javascript its just a div though...would a potential solution be to have the d...

jQuery UI datepicker input class

I'm quite fresh on jQuery, and I've just implemented jQuery + jQuery UI, but on the datepicker widget it seems like the classes added on the inputs from before are removed, and datepicker classes are added insteady. How can I keep my classes as well? ...

JQuery UI Dialog + JQuery Validate + Tabbing

Hi I have a jquery ui dialog with a form inside. If I call the validate method of the jquery.validate plugin, tabbing inside the form fields strangely submits the form. If I remove the call to validate, the odd behaviour dissapears, but then I would have to validate by hand. Any ideas why? Can't post code right now, but could create...

Telerik MVC Extension conflicts with JqGrid?

I am trying to use Telerik MVC extension with jQGrid in a ASP.NET MVC application. But I found they cannot nicely play each other, meaning I cannot have them working together in one View. No sure why? I guess it is because the place for js files. JqGrid needs to put the js library in Head, but Telerik requires before end of Body tag, bas...

Problem with JQuery datepicker inside jqGrid with showOn : 'button'

Hi I use jqGrid and I want to integrate a JQuery datePicker inside. It worked well until I add the showOn: 'button'. With that, the edit doesn't work anymore. I really want to popup the picker only on a button click because date is the 1st cell of my row and I use inline edit so every row select shows the datepicker :-(. If I use the sa...