
Setting boundary limits for a draggable object...

I have two elements: 1) a parent of fixed height, overflow:hidden 2) its child, of larger fixed height. <style type="text/css"> .myList {list-style:none; margin:0px; padding:1px;} .myList li{ height:50px; margin:4px; padding:2px;} .dragPanel {height:230px; border:solid; overflow:hidden;} </style> <div class="dragPanel">...

jquery datepicker getMonth() weirdness

Hi all, jquery datepicker is a great fun but I am facing a weird error. I am trying to disable some days, ie. 28 October 2009 but 28 November gets disabled on the calendar! Any idea what I am doing wrong here? The disabledDays array variable is a script registered on the server as the closing dates come from database. <script type="text...

jquery-ui .tabs ajax load specific content of page?

I'm trying to use jQuery UI's .tabs() to obtain content via AJAX, but the default behavior is to grab the entire page's content. How would I obtain content from a specific #id and/or multiple #id's? I have a feeling I will need to use the load: event (http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Tabs#event-load), but I need an assist figuring this out. ...

Prevent scrolling to content in jQuery tabs

I'm working on a page that uses jQuery tabs. It's pretty much completed, but I've run into one minor annoyance. If the content of the tab is longer than the available window height, it automatically scrolls down to the start of the content. This makes sense, since behind the screens it's just an tag pointing to the id of the content. Ho...

multiple scripts in javascript

i have this code for a datetime picker <link type="text/css" href="css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/timepicker.js"></...

jQuery UI selectable, links not being followed on click

Using the jQuery UI library selectable(). Links within the selectable list items are not being followed on click, only by right clicking and opening in new window or tab. HTML <ul class="selectable-list"> <li> <p>Visit Google.</p> <a href="http://www.google.com"&gt;Google&lt;/a&gt; </li> <li> <p>Visi...

jquery UI Modal Dialog in asp.net usercontrol: Modal Overlay only on Div in UserControl

Hi All, I have an asp.net usercontrol that contains a jQuery UI Dialog Control. All works as expected execpt the grey tranparent overlay (to make the form modal) only appears on the hidden div below the form where the dialog is triggered from. Is it possible to target this overlay to the parent div? or is this not the right solution. ...

IE flickering input in jQuery overlay

I'm utilizing the jQuery UI Library to create an overlay. For simplicities sake, they live on the page (not being pulled in via an AJAX call) and are initialized via an onclick. When they are shown, in IE 6 and 7, when you click inside any text inputs (input type text or textarea) the cursor flickers sporadically. Of note also, when I...

Pass paramerters into document.ready() calls

Hi, I am using a jQuery UI dialog but instead of duplicating the dialog setup 5 times, I was wondering if I can somehow pass the div id as a parameter into the document.ready() call or when I call the div in question? For example> $(document).ready(function(){ $(function() { location.hash = 'PAGETOP'; }); $("#dialogou").dialog...

Is it possible to choose the effect for a switchClass jQuery UI function?

I would like to add a subtle and quick fadeOut and FadeIn effect to a button change through switchClass. jQuery("a#btnPause").switchClass(pauseClass,playClass,200); The effect used by default is a slideLeft. If I would use standard jQuery, I would like to put an effect on addClass and removeClass, but is that possible? ...

jQuery UI Datepicker: Highlight 7 days

Hey, I am using the jQuery UI Datepicker. It is set to inline so it is displayed to the user all the time. The datepicker allows you to select one day however I want to be able to select a week (of seven days) So if the user clicks for example on Wednesday 2009/10/14 it should not only highlight the 2009/10/14 but highlight all days f...

Is there a way to add a "None" option to the standard jQuery datepicker?

I am trying to implement the standard jQuery datepicker control ... I am trying to move away from BasicDatePicker, which I use in a variety of my ASP.NET Web Forms projects. That aside, the BasicDatePicker did have a great option, which was the ability to display a None button. When the user selected the None button it would clear the ...

Documentation for jQuery UI 1.6

I can only find the documentation for jQuery UI 1.7 Where is the documentation for the Legacy jQuery UI 1.6 ? ...

How to make jQuery draggable with fixed X and Y axis?

Hello everyone! I am wondering if there is a way to make the jQuery draggable to only drag straight up, down and left, right. I want to prevent the user from dragging a div diagonally. Using the grid option in the draggable UI is not possible in my situation. http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/#constrain-movement How is this possible...

JQuery SelectToUISlider Issues

Hopefully this hasn't been asked before as just a slider question, but I couldn't find an answer when already browsing questions. So, here goes: I have a SelectToUISlider (http://www.filamentgroup.com/lab/update_jquery_ui_slider_from_a_select_element_now_with_aria_support/) which is basically a modified JQuery UI Slider, and I'm using a ...

Creating jquery 3 step sign up

I am looking for the best solution to create a 3 step sign up process on 1 page. I am currently using jquery cycle, and the techniques being used in version 1.3.2 do not work when telling it to slide, it seems to work only in 1.3.1, there is also a issue of the size, slide 3 is much longer than slide 1 and the height it generates is too ...

jquery ui tabs functions for each tab

How do you bind a function for each index of the jquery UI tabs? For example, I am creating a 3 part slide sign up, step 1 is a form and has validation, I want to place the code for that inside the load of step1, while also adding classes to the tabs to disable #2 and #3 when on 1, disable #1 and # 3 when on #2 ...

Enable tabs with jquery ui tabs issue

I am trying to enable the next tab at the end of the function below. Here is my function (UPDATED) var $signup = $('#signup-content').tabs({disabled: [1,2], show: function(event, ui) { // Validates Form on Slide # 1 $("#createAccount").validate({ meta: "validate", errorElement: "em", errorCla...

Removing Dynamic JQuery UI tabs

I am creating a web application and I want to use the Tabs widget to replicate the tab functionality you find in most web browsers. I want the user to be able: to move (sort) the tabs around, create tabs dynamically, close tabs dynamically. I am having a problem deleting tabs that have been moved around. Lets say there are three tabs ...

Creating a Draggable Widget System

Hi, I'm looking to create a widget system, somewhat like what WordPress has. Please suggest what script would be the best for this. I've planned to use jQuery UI for this, but would like to listen to other suggestions as well. ...