
How could I change the color of individual dates in a Jquery UI calendar widget?

Given an inline JQuery UI datepicker, I want to change the background colors of individual dates. So I want to be able to set "October 5th, 2009" to green and "11/6/209" to red. How could I do this in JQuery and as the datepicker is scrolled month to month what event would I catch to update the background colors of individual dates? ...

Input inside Jquery UI Dialog not being sent??

The input fields in my dialog box aren't being posted, and i'm not sure why... i've tested it on mac firefox and safari, and windows IE & firefox with the same results, so i don't think it's the browser, and the fields post fine if I disable the dialog box. I've re-read the jquery ui docs and can't find what i'm doing wrong... It seems...

jQuery UI inside ajax div

i have a site with links that look like this: onClick = ajax('link.html','contentdiv') but i want to use jquery ui tabs inside the contentdiv, i tried even to put all the code inside the html but nothing, i tried: $(document).ready(function() { $("#tabs").tabs({}); and also: $((function() { what should i put in the index.html and ...

How Do I convert the selected items in a form to Objects in JQuery

Can I convert the selected items in a form to Custom Objects in JQuery?. ...

Animation Effects on a PopUp Window

Hi, I was wondering if there is a jQuery animation that can be applied to a pop-up window when a button is pressed? Basically have a page with a button - when the users presses this button, a popup windown appears - would like to apply some animation to this page such as zoom/fade-in if possible. Thanks. T ...

(Why) does jQuery make my slider look fat?

I'm teaching myself jQuery and starting on jquery-ui using a slider control. I have it hooked up and functionally it works well, setting some global page variables when I slide the handle. It does not, however, look like the slider on the jquery-ui demo page. It's a horizontal slider and I can control the length of the bar by settin...

Best way to start using jQuery in a Zend Framework 1.9 application?

I want to get started working with jQuery in my Zend Framework application but not sure which is the best way to get started. I know I could include the jQuery library just like any other javascript library, but what are the advantages of using ZendX_JQuery, and what are the steps necessary to start using it in my Zend Framework 1.9 appl...

Scrollbar problem with jquery ui dialog in Chrome and Safari

I'm using the jquery ui dialog with modal=true. In Chrome and Safari, this disables scrolling via the scroll bar and cursor keys (scrolling with the mouse wheel and page up/down still works). This is a problem if the dialog is too tall to fit on one page - users on a laptop get frustrated. Someone raised this three months ago on the jq...

jquery accordion header

Hello I am using the jquery accordion plugin on 2 divs so I setup my divs like this <div id="contacts" class="mainStyle"> <h3 id="headeronline"><a href="#">Online</a></h3> <div id="onlinecontacts"> </div> <h3 id="headeroffline"><a href="#">Offline</a></h3> <div id="offlinecontacts"> </div> </div> the...

Using jQuery to window location to rel value

I'm using the jQuery UI-tabs and rather than activate them onclick I am using :hover to change tabs. I would like for the link to take the user to the URL that is specified in the rel attribute, but I'm coming up empty handed in trying to find a solution. ...

Get selected date in jqueryui datepicker inline mode

i am trying to use jqueryui datepicker.I want to use the inline mode.Now i want to know how can i get the selected date when user selects a date.Where to get and how to get ? Please advice ...

Open an accordian panel with a function

ok here is the full code with the spelling corrections and everything. I am still getting an error. code for parent is : $("#leftNav").accordion({autoHeight: true}); <div id="leftNav"> <h3><a href="#">Client</a></h3> <div> static text </div> <h3><a href="#">Account Summary</a></h3> <div> static text </div> <h3><...

Loading jQuery dialog with the result of an AJAX page post

I'm trying to build a jQuery dialog that when displayed will show the results of a form on the same page as the dialog being posted to another server. The HTML sent back to the dialog would also contain a form that would need to work within the dialog. I've done jQuery AJAX posts before, but I can't figure out how to tie the post result...

jQuery: refresh content of div once form has been submitted and modal window closed.

Short and skinny: I'm still a jQuery n00b Form in modal window, data submitted and user receives confirmation. Once the submission confirmation message is received, the user can close the window. However, the page has not refreshed - so if the user goes to click on the link to activate the modal window and make a new submission, the con...

how to retrieve an href value from the link that opened a dialogue box Jquery UI

Hello , I have just started learning Jquery and am new to writing javascript (I am too old to write noob it feels wrong). Scenario: I have a hyperlink that opens a dialogue box and sets a cookie. The dialogue box is asking something like "would you like to visit this page are you sure? " it has Yes/No buttons on it. If the user clicks...

I want unescaped characters in my cookie (jquery)

Hello I want to store the href value in a cookie, trouble is when i do the cookie is escaping the forward slashes, so for example code is $.cookie ("mycookie", $link.attr("href"), { path: '/', expires: 7 }); html is <li><a id="czechrepublic" href="/cz/cz.html">Česká republika</a></li> When i store the href it is being stored as ...

jQuery draggable text selection bug

I am not sure if this is a bug - but in this example there is no way to select the text underneath the elements that can be dragged. Same issue with form elements. http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/handle.html Any ideas? ...

How can I make jQuery's draggable function expand the container?

If I have markup like this: <!-- Other Content --> <div id="container"> <div class="draggable"> </div> <div class="draggable"> </div> </div> <!-- Other Content --> How can I have the container div expand vertically (I only want #container to be capable of expanding downward) as I drag one of the draggables? I've thought about using t...

jQuery UI Selectables - Start Drag-Selecting from Outside of Objects

I am using the jQuery UI Slectable http://jqueryui.com/demos/selectable/ Once initialized (just like in the demo on that link). drag-selecting only works if I start holding the mouse button on top of a object. If I start drag-selecting from outside of the objects, the selecting does not work. Is there any way to enable it so the user ...

Animating background color to transition through colors on html element causes 100% cpu load

Hi, I'm trying to create an effect where small dots on the html background gradually change color in an infinite loop. I have a 960px centred design so the background area can get quite large. My solution was to set the background-color to a default color then tile a square grey image with a transparent corner knocked out over the top ...