
Jquery BlockUI problem with asp.net RequieredFieldValidator

I have an aspx form and I'm using the RequieredFieldValidator. I also want to show a wait message with Jquery blockUI. The problem I faced is that if the user has not fill the fields and clicks the button, an alert message prompts him to fill the fields and after this, the wait message of the BlockUI appears. How can I display the mess...

Asp.Net MVC load a partial view using ajax from a JQuery UI tab

Hi I have several action methods on my controller that return a partial view (ascx), and I want these partial views to be rendered when clicking on the different JQuery UI tabs. The tabs are defined like this: <div id="tabs"> <li><a href="#FirstTab" title="First tab">First tab</a></li> <li><%= Html.ActionLink("General", "General",...

Closing a jquery modal dialog from a remote page

Hi all, I'm using the jQuery-UI dialog widget in a Grails-based application to load a remote page (in this case, a simple file upload form). The remote page is defined elsewhere in my project, and doesn't know it is being loaded in a dialog. Is there any way to close the dialog via a link in the remote page? Would I have to somehow p...

Getting JQuery UI Sortable to work on asp.net ListView items?

I have the following ListView in which I am using the JQuery UI sortable function to be able to sort the items in the ListView. The problem is that I can't put a sortable class on the table in the ItemTemplate because it does not work, if I put a class="sortable" on the outer div, it works, but it allows me to sort everything within the...

Jquery Modal Window with minimize functionality

Hi I am looking for a jquery modal that has maximize and miinimize functionality and that will be able to load content from external source. ...

JQuery nesting drag/drop

Is there a way to nest drag/dropables using jquery ui, without knowing how deep to nest the divs? This is what I have been doing. someElement .droppable({ greedy: true, accept: '.Content1', drop: function(event, ui) { $(ui.draggable).hide('explode', 1000); $(this).append(ui.draggable); ui.draggable ...

Error creating a '< previous' and 'next >' (date) link for jQueryUI datepicker using setdate

I'm trying to attach "< Previous" and "Next >" links to a jQueryUI datepicker control. My problem is that it will properly add 1 day, but then stop. It will not continue adding days. (same with the previous button). So if I enter 10/30/2009 it will only "next" to 10/31/2009, and won't roll over to November 1. Any ideas? Here is my simpli...

Is jQuery UI a jQuery Plugin?

Does jQurey UI considered as a jQuery Plugin? Is it possible to use jQuery UI without jQuery? ...

jqueryui showing hidden tab content on this tab

I have an iframe in a tab with a hidden element, and I want to show the element when the tab is opened. This element (same class) is also under all the tabs, but I only want the element under the current tab to be shown. Here's my non working attempt at it: $("#tabs").tabs({ collapsible: true, show: function(event, ui) { ui.find(...

jqueryui resizable Unable to set iframe as resizable

Hi, I'm trying to use jquery ui resizable with iframe. It simply does not work, I don't see any handles at all. However the class ui-resizable is added. Sample: http://jsbin.com/uyolu Is this normal? How do I fix? Thanks. ...

jqueryui caching resize alsoresize

I'm resizing something inside a tab. I want to also resize a different element in the same tab. However, selecting that element is relatively slow, using :visible to figure out which tab panel is visible, and so on. I want to cache the selection, but how? Does alsoResize even accept an object? // The actual selection is more complex tha...

jQuery dialog iframe loading once in IE and twice in other browsers?

I have a jQuery dialog whose content is defined by an iframe. Until the dialog is displayed, the content of this iframe is invisible. In IE, this content and its associated javascript is executing, so that when the dialog is displayed, it is evident that the javascript has already completed all its loading work. But in non-IE browsers...

Jquery UI Tabs - slide

How can I switch tabs by sliding them horizontally? Currently I have: $("#tabs").tabs({ fx: { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle' } }); I'd like an effect similar to this. Thanks! ...

Jquery UI Tabs - open link inside tab via ajax

How can I open a tab and load a link via ajax from another tab. Eg: User clicks link inside #tab_a #tab_a hides #tab_b shows with .loading applied Content is loaded via ajax into #tab_b .loading removed from #tab_b I'm using Jquery UI tabs Thanks! ...

Report user errors in jQGrid

I have a jqgrid table querying a MySQL DBMS through an apache2 web server via XML. Sometimes whenever the DB server shuts down or the server side program encounters some kind of crashes the jqgrid just freezes down waiting for the XML data to arrive. In this kind of situation, I would be preferable to make the jqgrid user aware of thi...

jQuery IE8 - Firefox problem

Hello, I have a big problem with IE8 where I use the jQuery framework. What works on Firefox, it doesn't work as well in IE8. I am not even checking IE7 :). Basically, I have simple animations that show/hide div layers and also that move top/down - left/right some of the div layers. Nothing special, just adding some movement to the pa...

jQuery UI: sortable('toArray') returns an empty array

This has me stumped. The follow code returns ",,,,,,": <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $('#listB').sortable({ connectWith: '#listA', update: function(event, ui) { var result = $(this).sortable('toArray'); alert(result); } }); $('#listA').sortable({ connectWith: '#listB' }); }); </script> <div id="boxA"...

jquery - rearranging elements on a page using dropzones?

Hi there, Anybody come across a good plugin or code to allow you to rearrange elements on a page using drap and drop and dropzones? iGoogle and windows live does similar things.... Be nice to be able to drag and drop and close an element - add new elements.. And persisting this somewhere, i presume in cookies or an external db? I t...

Modal Dailog box with on/off and min/max button in Jquery

Hi, I need modal dailog box in which i can open forms and other html pages . It should have on/off and min/max button. Could anybody suggest me any link for the same. I am not getting this type of widget anywhere. ...

Jquery attempting to hide element when clicking on a child

I am trying to hide an element when an image with the ID of 'close' is clicked. $('#close').click(function() { $('#ordercell').hide('slide'); }); Should be all I need, from what I can tell, but nothing is happening when I click. $(document).keyup(function(event) { if (event.keyCode ==27) { $('#ordercell').hide('slide'...