
Can the Dialog X be disabled from jquery UI 1.7 dialog boxes?

Hi When a dialog box pops up there is a "X" in the top right hand corner. I am wondering if there is an option to disable this? Thanks ...

JWYSIWYG or jHtmlArea within a Jquery Ui Tab

Hello, I am not able to get my jwysiwyg and Jhtmlarea text editors to work within an AJAX loaded Jquery UI Tab Both text editors work when loaded normally. This loads the tabs on the "View Page" <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs(); }); </script> This loads the page via AJAX on the "View Page" <li...

Drag and drop sorting of table columns with jQuery

I'm using jQuery to drive my AJAX UI. I have a table of data, and I want to allow the user to reorder the columns in the table by dragging and dropping them. I'd like the user to be able to grab the header for a column and move it. The row of data underneath should follow. Note that I'm not interested in sorting the data or in reordering...

change the position of jQuery UI Datepicker

Hi all, I am using the jQuery UI Datepicker. However a vertical CSS scrollbar overflow-y:scroll causes a bug for Firefox, Opera and Safari. This bug can easily be reproduced by copying the sample code of jqueryUI and adding 2 lines css declarations: body { overflow:scroll } #datepicker{ position:absolute; right:1px } A demo can b...

JQuery UI Different CSS for Tab Page and Progress Bar on Same Page

I am trying to add a JQueryUI Progress Bar to a page that already has a JQueryUI Tab styled on it. The look of the tab pane and tabs has been already set via the CSS. One of the CSS values .ui-widget-header is also used for the Progress Bar. How can I make the Progress Bar use a different definition of this CSS style than the one al...

JQuery UI Tabs - Spinner Background Image

All, I am using JQuery UI tabs. When a tab is clicked, I want the tab to show the tab title along with a spinner animated gif next to it. When the tab is loaded, the image should hide. How can I achieve this? Thanks ...

Is a draggable and resizable textbox/textarea possible using jQuery?

I can get the drag to work, but the resizing is not cooperating. (The behavior is evident using either the text box or the text area.) I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 and jQuery UI 1.7.2. Here's my attempt: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Drag/Resize TextBox Workbench</TITLE> <script src="js/jquery.js" type="text/javascript" ></script> <script sr...

jquery UI datepicker - not finding defaultDate

I have a form text field that pulls a date from a database (in the format yyyy-mm-dd). <input class="" type="text" name="closingDate" id="closingDate" value="<?php echo $closingdate;?>" />@ Midday I then have a jQuery datepicker that will grab its 'defaultDate' value as the value attribute of the input shown above. $(document).ready(...

JQuery draggable: scroll not working when helper: clone is used

I have a folder list type of situation where I can drag items from one folder to another using jquery draggable/droppable. Folder items are draggable and folders are droppable. These are in a div that is small enough to show a vertical scroll bar. I have "scroll: true" set on the draggable items so that they can cause the div to scroll....

Jquery TableSorter 2.0 - Revert Sort order

All, I am using the JQuery TableSorter Plugin. The table sorts fine for the selected columns. Consider that when the page loads, there is no sorting taking place. Now, if the table is sorted by one column, it sorts. Now, upon clicking a "Revert Sort" link outside the table, the tablesorter should revert to the initial sort order, even i...

How to recreate jquery dialog after destroy

Hi, I'm creating three modal dialogs on page load (using $(document).ready(function() {). I create these dialogs by calling a setDialogWindows() method, and pass it the div for the dialog. Dialog creation code is below: function setDialogWindows($element) { $element.dialog({ autoOpen: false, modal: true, show: 'blind', hide: '...

jQuery UI Sortable: Multi-item select

I'd like to (via a keyboard operator) select multiple items in an unordered list and drag them to another point in the same list with jQuery Sortable. ...

jQuery val(val) is not working in modal dialog (jQuery ui)

I have a modal dialog which opens on click of Edit button of my webpage. I am passing the values to the onclick handler (which calls $("#editdialog").dialog('open');). Beside opening the dialog I need to populate form inputs within the dialog with values passed to the onclick event handler. I am doing this: $("#editfrm > input[id='FirstN...

jQuery UI: DatePicker Animation Registration Point

By default, the jQuery UI DatePicker widget animates from the bottom-left of the input field it's assigned to, so if the input field is shorter than the width of the calendar, it hangs off to the right. My problem is that my input field is all the way on the right side of the page, so that when the Datepicker shows, it hangs off my page...

JQuery Drag Drop - How to Reset to Original State

Hi, I've got a Drag Drop opening in a modal dialog window and would like to reset it back to its original load state if the user cancels out of the dialog. I'm using similar concepts to the 'Simple Photo Manager' Droppable example on jqueryui.com. The problem is that when I drag from one area and drop to another, I'm modifying the html,...

Preload JQuery UI tabs in the background

All, How can I preload all JQuery UI tabs while the first tab is still loading? I have tried the remote:true option, but it didnt work? There should be ajax spinners next to each tab name while the tabs are loading. Thanks ...

Using jQuery, setting Draggable on an element prevents blur from firing when you click the draggable element.

Using jQuery, when you set a blur event on a text box and set another element as draggable, when you click the draggable element, the blur event does not fire in FireFox. IE is a little better, you get the blur event but you don't get the click event on the draggable element. If you don't specify the cancel: "" in the draggable constru...

Should I just let the user hang?

Hi I am not really sure what to do in this situation. I have some jquery ui 1.7 tabs that are ajax enabled. Now when a tab is clicked it goes to my asp.net mvc controller action method. That then does whatever is needed and return a partial view. Now I don't know why but sometimes my server hangs but then again I am guessing all server...

JQuery UI; Stop propagation of selectable events

Basically I am using jQuery ui's selectable functionality on a ul, but the ul will often times have a scrollbar, and this scrollbar becomes unusable in Webkit browsers since when you try to click on it to grab it, the lasso for the selectable functionality is drawn overtop instead. I have formulated a solution, which involves checking t...

How do you make a Jquery Tab both mouseover and yet click to open the page?

it wont let me submit more than one link, so please use your imagination, i need multiple tabs with mutliple mouse overs or images so that thing in the middle is an image <script type="text/javascript"> $(function() { $("#tabs").tabs({event: 'mouseover'}).addClass('ui-tabs-vertical ui-helper-clearfix'); $("#tabs li").removeClass('ui-cor...