
JQuery UI - link content areas to tabs

Hi All, Context: Trying to link a tab to a specific content div on a html page; using JQuery UI 1.72 and JQuery core 1.3.2... Example code below: trying to link #tab-1 to #message-1 and so on but not had much success; searched the web for a working example but cannot find anything specific; <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XH...

jQuery Drag and Drop UI Limit Container Hover 1 IMG

I am trying to build a basic drag and drop print friendly photo gallery. I want to allow users to take 10 photos, arrange them anyway they want, then print them out. The code below does the basic drag and drop putting the photos/img into a div, but I can not limit the div to only accept 1 photo. How can I fix it so when the img hovers ...

Jquery UI Dialog Post to ASP.Net MVC Controller Action

I have an MVC view that contains a JQuery UI dialog that can be opened and populated with data. <div id="dialog"> .... Table of phone numbers </div> <div id="personData"> ... Person model data </div> I am attempting to pass the data from the JQuery UI dialog along with the rest of the MVC View data to a controller action. public A...

jQuery UI confirmation dialog and asp.net postback

I have a delete button in a gridview. For those not familiar with asp.net my delete button outputs like so: <a id="ctl00_cp1_dtgrAllRates_ctl02_lbDelete" class="lb" href="javascript:__doPostBack('ctl00$cp1$dtgrAllRates$ctl02$lbDelete','')"> Delete</a> I have a confirmation dialog hooked up to all the delete links in the gridvie...

File uploads not working within jQuery UI Dialog

So I have a rather odd issue that I wanted to see if anyone has some insight into. I have a page in which I display a grid of files that have been uploaded to our server. The toolbar for the grid provides them with the ability to upload more files. When they click the "Add File" button on the toolbar, a jQuery UI Dialog modal window ap...

how to increment jquery ui datepicker programtically

Basically I want to take date from one field and then increment day and set it to another date field. This is kind of psuedo-code: var date1 = $( '#date1' ).datepicker( 'getDate' ); var incrementDate = date1 + 1 //increment day $( '#date2' ).datepicker('setDate', incrementDate ); Any help appreciated... ...

jQuery Date control issue

Hello everyone, I am using a jQuery datepicker control to capture the date a driver acquired his/her license. The problem I have is when supplying a year range of -100:-16 (one hundred years old starting 16 years ago), the control year selector behaves oddly. When selecting a year of 1978 for example, you will see 1878 selected in the co...

jQuery: append a templated box with some inner html

Sorry if my title is not clear, I'm not sure how to word this. I'm new to jQuery, and here is what I am trying to do. I want to show one or more announcement boxes on top of the webpage. Let's say I have some kind of template "div" element with a class name, some html to make it into a pretty box. And a placeholder or something, where ...

jQuery ui tabs anchoring, how to prevent it?

Hi, I've built a tab navigation, but everytime if i try to access the a certain div using the url with the hash #, it would then anchor to the section, is there anyway to prevent it from auto-anchoring? This is happening in FF and IE but not Safari. My code looks like this. JS: $("#header").tabs({ fx: { opacity: 'toggle' } }); HTML:...

re-firing a click event on a link with jQuery

hi i've got a page (asp.net) where I trap the click event of a link. i then do some dirty checking and present a dialog to the user, $(function() { var clickedLink; $('.checkdirty').click(function(event) { if(isDirty == false){ return true; } clickedLink = $(this); $('#di...

jQuery UI Slide Effect Problems

I'm redesigning my company website and we're going pretty effects-heavy with jQuery, Flash, etc. So far I haven't had much of a problem doing any of this, but two minor issues keep cropping up and I've had nothing but success after asking people here, so here goes: Development page in question: (URL removed) First Issue Click on the...

multiple dialog box using jqueryui

I want to use multiple dialog boxes for display user profiles. i am selecting some featured users and link up with dialogs . please let me know how i can initialize them and link up the dialog ? if i initalize one like this $("#dialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false, width : 600, show: 'fade', ...

How do I change the contents of a div inside a modal dialog using JQuery

I have the following jQuery dialog and I want to change the contents of a div inside the dialog just before I open it. However I can't seem to fathom it out, can any one help? <div id="dialog" title="Basic dialog"> <div id="data"></div> </div> $("#dialog").dialog({ bgiframe: true, height: 140, modal: true, autoOpen: false }); $("...

Highlighting the "current" textbox on a web form

I have a data entry web app where the control that has focus is given a yellow background color (and when the user navigates away, it turns back to white). The script to do this came from I-don't-know-where, and it breaks in IE7 causing all sorts of problems, like drop downs not working (the script was designed to work on textboxes and ...

printing a full year calendar with jquery ui

I have a full year calendar with jquery ui, but when I try to print it the css styles are not getting applied as they would on the screen. I have tried setting the media attribute to all on the link tag that includes the css files, but no luck. This works fine on screen. Using IE8 in compatibility view since this is an intranet. Any ...

Get correct start position when using jQuery slider for a scrollable pagination

Hi! I am building a script for handling very long paginations. For this I use jQuery slider. I using some modified functions from here. This is the js code so far. The only thing that is missing is the pagination div to move to the correct position (slider does) when the script loads. On initialization I just want to run the same func...

jQuery UI dialog pulling user from another browser tab

I've got a jQuery UI dialog setup on a timer based on the session timeout. The dialog pops two minutes before the actual session times out and gives the user a one-minute countdown in the dialog. When the countdown runs out, it closes the dialog and redirects to the logout URL. This actually logs the user out one minute before sessi...

JQuery Close Event remove class from table row

Hi all, I currently have a table with rows that contain a clickable link. When a user clicks a link from any table row JQUery's UI Modal DIalog popups up and i add a class to the clicked links parent tr called 'highlight'. What i'd like to be able to do is remove this class from the row when the JQuerys UI Dialog is closed. Does any one...

Page widget or plugin that does the 'Recent Activity' effect on foursquare.com?

I like the 'Recent Activity' effect on http://foursquare.com/. The top activity pushing all beneath. Is there a JQuery plugin or widget I can readily use which does the same? (I am a lazy developer so please no 'you can develop this yourself' responses) ...

Make Submit button not kill my dialog box

okay .. nooob alert.. sorry I have a form and Im trying to perform ajax posts. With the default submit button the dialog window closes, with the jquery button, nothing happens. I want the dialog window to stay open so I can keep doing ajax requests uninterrupted and only close when I press esc or click the big "X". Thanks <div id="...