
jQuery UI Accordion "navigation: true" failed on nested <ul>

Hello, I am building an Accordion Menu using jQuery UI. But it appears to me that the navigation: true setter does not work for a nested <ul> tag. navigation: true works for Header A -> Link 1, Header B -> Link 2, but not for anything in subHeader under Header B (Link 3, Link 4). May I know if I am using an incorrect structure so that ...

jquery tabs loader

Im using jquery ui tabs to load ajax content. Id like to have a loader image (spinner) in the target div instead of showing in the tab.( the default) [EDIT] After hunting around a bit it seems ill just have to add to click function to do this, thanks. ...

dynamically set width of ul based on combined width of li tags

I'm trying to create a horizontal tab menu. how can i get the combined width of all the li tags and assign the width to the parent UL using jquery? thanks in advance! ...

How do I use the resizable() function of jQuery Ui, to just resize the HEIGHT of the div ?

That's all I need folks, I have 2 divs(a,b) inside another DIV(c). So, the C div is resizable, and when I resize it, the A and B divs are also resized by the option alsoResize. Works pretty fine, but now I need to make the height between the two inside divs (a,b) resizable. For now theirs heights are 50%-%50%, so I want to be abble to re...

JQuery UI Tabs - "Loading..." message

All, I am using Jquery UI nested tabs. I was just wondering if there is any way to display an AJAX Spinner image next to the tab text, while the tab is loading. I do not want to change the tab text to "Loading..". Consider that when multiple tabs are loading at the same time or one after the other, the spinner image should be displayed ...

User jQuery to drag a DIV and drop in a TD ... and have the DIV "snap" into place

I am finishing up a rewrite of task management system, and am in the process of adding drag and drop capabilities. I want the user to be able to drag a task DIV from one column (TD) and drop it in another column (TD). I have this working correctly, save for some minor formatting issues. I have the TD with a class called droppable tha...

JQuery Tab - Make Selected tab clickable..

Hello, I basically need the current selected tab to remain clickable (meaning the link should still be active). The content in the tab is loaded through ajax and can change, so the way the person can "refresh" the content it by clicking the tab again. But the default settings make the tab not clickable once it's selected, which makes t...

JQuery UI Nested List Sorting connectWith Not Working

If I nest ordered lists with the same class and connect them to each other, it's very difficult to move the list items between lists in Firefox, and in IE it's totally whacked. In order to move list items between nested list levels, I need to first drag the item totally outside the parent container. Here is a demonstration of the proble...

Using jQuery Plugins with Wordpress

Having a bit of trouble using jQuery plugins (Superfish, jQuery UI, etc) using Wordpress. Everything works fine in my plain non-Wordpress site, but Wordpress seems to conflict with JQuery. There must be some way to get around this. Also, I'm using Carrington Framework, if that makes a difference. In Safari's web inspector, I get these...

jQuery Sortable List - scroll bar jumps up when sorting

Hello I created a demo: http://pastebin.me/584b9a86d715c9ba85b7bebf0375e237 When the scroll bar is at the bottom and you drag items to sort them, it causes the scroll bar to jump up. It seems to do this in FF, Safari, Chrome, and IE (at least IE8). In Firefox on my Mac, it does the jump up when the scroll bar is at the bottom, but al...

Why isn't the jQuery Color Picker Plug-in working for me in Firefox?

I am trying to attach a JQuery color picker plug-in to a textbox. The same code works in IE 6 & 7 but does not in FireFox. I see no errors or warnings of any sort it feels as if the plugin code is just being ignored. <script src="/colorpicker.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/jscript"> jQuery(function...

what is attr 'gtbfieldid' and how to avoid autocomplete behavior ?

Hi, I have this simple form: class PagoDesde(forms.Form): from django import forms as f desde = f.DateField(input_formats=['%d/%m/%Y']) In my template: {{ form.desde }} And has associated a jqueryui.datepicker in the document.ready $("#id_desde").datepicker(); The html result is: <input type="text" id="id_desde"...

Working with Zend Framework FlashMessenger and jQuery UI state classes

I have a Zend Framework application that is making use of jQuery UI. In my controllers, I am setting error/success messages with the FlashMessenger helper like this: // ExampleController.php $this->_helper->FlashMessenger('Sorry, could not complete your request.'); In my layout, I am displaying the messages by using the Noumenal Flas...

jQuery UI modal dialog sliding behind dropdownlists in IE6

I've just put the jQuery UI dialog into a web page. It's the first time I've used it. I thought I had set the bgiframe property correctly but when I check it in IE6 it's still slipping behind dropdownlists. Here's my javascript code. There's nothing flash on the page. A simple div with the text in and an anchor around some text for the '...

How do i dynamically adding controls in asp.net with JavaScript or JQuery.

I have a field with a 1:N relationship with some other fields. I need the user to specifier how many elements are related to that particular field to enable me create the right amount of controls dynamically through JavaScript of JQuery. I dont want to have the user enter the data repeatedly. How can i create these controls please? ...

jquery slider -

hello, I have been implementing the jquery slider with the values using climate months.. I have to problem getting the values from January to April.. but the problem lies when the values will be from November till Feb. Is there a way to implement it? or any ideas that can help the same result will be a good help. ...

Content Sliding Under Fixed Header And Footer

I am developing an app for the Iphone using javascript,css,html. How can i make the classic iphone effect where the content of the page (if it does not fit the screen in height) slides under the header and footer! Any ideas? ...

Categorized results – jQuery autocomplete plugin

Hi there! I'm looking for an autocomplete plugin that makes it easy to categorize search results. If that's unclear, take a look at Apple.com's search bar (top right). I know that script.aculo.us' autocomplete widget provides similar functionality, by allowing you to wrap text in a [span class="informal"]. Every class="informal" elemen...

How can I pass a variable as an option when creating a jQuery UI accordion?

I have this code: $(acc_id).accordion({ alwaysOpen: false, active: false, autoheight: false, header: 'h3.ui-accordion3-header', clearStyle: true }); I want to send a variable to it, since the header should be unique. ...

Using show/hide with 'slide' effect, how to start/stop sliding at an offset?

I have a menu that opens up on $('.my_menu').show('slide', {direction:'up'}, 500, function() {}, function() {}); and closes on $('.my_menu').hide('slide', {direction:'up'}, 200, function() {}, function() {}); Now, when it closes I don't want the menu to go all the way back to hidden, I would like to see parts of the menu as to give...