
Looking for jQuery Layout plugin - similar to XtraLayoutControl

I've used the XtraLayoutControl before in Winforms projects (see http://www.devexpress.com/Products/NET/Controls/WinForms/Layout/) I'm looking for a jQuery plugin that allows drag-drop layout editing of listitems with the following functionality: Ability to split a row into multiple columns (preferably by dragging an item on top of ano...

Load data under jQueryUI tabs with no AJAX call

hi, I want to load data by on click of the jQuery ui tabs. If I provide the links in tabs href then its automatically calling by AJAX, but i want to get data by normal request. basically my page is search page where there are different searches will perform on each Tabs and also maintain the search states. If I use AJAX then I cant sav...

Preventing reflow when using jQuery UI "size" effect

I have a list of images like this: <ul class='blah'> <li><img src='...' /></li> <li><img src='...' /></li> <li><img src='...' /></li> <li><img src='...' /></li> </ul> And I have it styled to display as a horizontal list without bullet points. Kinda of like what you see on GitHub for followers (see http://github.com/chrislloyd)...

jQuery UI dialog: a huge DIV on the background in IE 8

I'm trying to use jQuery UI's modal dialog and testing my stuff in IE8. Every time dialog pops up, a huge DIV is being created on the background and IE keeps changing vertical scroll bar's thumb size and if there was a huge page downloading in the background. In compatibility mode IE changes vertical scroll bar's thumb once, everything w...

jQuery + Sortable + live

I'm adding list items to a page dynamically with $.get, then appending them to the OL element. Pretty usual to this point. But jQuery isn't aware of these new items when they get loaded into the page, and I'm not being able to make them sortable. I made some trials with jQuery Live, but didn't get anywhere whit that... ...

jQuery ui dialog - how can i add an asp:button to the dialog button pane?

Hi, I want to add an asp:button to my dialog - for confirmation purposes as part of gathering some data. My intention is to postback on click. I have no problems adding this button to the div that im turning into a dialog (or getting it to postback), however as expected, the button is not part of the dialog button pane - the lowest par...

What is the easiest, most reputable, most seasoned AJAX framework?

I have dabbled with various AJAX frameworks, namely GWT, Dojo, Ext-JS, jQuery UI. I am interested in understanding what AJAX frameworks best meet the following criteria: - Most easy to learn - Most painless to keep maintained - Most reputable, stable, founded & grounded - Easiest to read and share - Integrates well with J2EE ...

Jquery UI tabs abort does not work.

Hi I have a jquery ui 1.7 tab and I am trying to "abort" the request. so I have this in my document rdy. $.ajaxSetup( { 'timeout': 10000, 'error': function errorCallback() { jAlert('The server is acting a bit slow. Your request has timed out. Please try again.', 'Server Ti...

How to change the font size in jqGrid ?

Hi I am using jqGrid. It is already running with the ui-lightness. How do I change the font size inside the grid? Please advise. Thank you. ...

how do i select multiple records for jqgrid?

Hi, i know how to delete records for jqgrid, but i realise i cannot select at any one time more than 1 row for deletion. is it even possible to select multiple rows for deletion? EDIT: found the answer http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki%3Aoptions multiselect: true ...

How to check if a jQuery UI plugin is attached to an element?

How can I check to see if a jQuery UI plugin is attached to an element? For example, if I load up the .sortable widget, how can its presence be determined? The purpose behind this question is that I would like the ability to toggle .sortable on elements. With the ability to see that .sortable is present, I could then call .sortable('des...

Jquery Tabs Script

I am trying to make this really simple jquery plug in.... the problem is that the tabs I create can not be manipulated by jquery. I am guessing they are not in the DOM. I am new at JQ... please help. $(function(){ $('#containerTabs').find('a[href^=#]').each(function (i) { if ((i + 1) === 1) { makeTabSelected( $(this) ); } els...

jQuery UI Dialog Titlebar and Background Does Not Display in IE6

Hey All, The subject pretty much sums up the issue. In IE6, we are using jQuery UI dialog to display an overlay with a form for the user to fill out; however, the background does not display (completely transparent) and the title bar does not display. Any ideas on a CSS workaround for this? We have the jQuery UI CSS included in the p...

ui sortable object

Hi i am using the code bellow $(#sortable").sortable({ cursor: 'move', update: function (e, ui) { alert(ui.position); } }).disableSelection(); BUT i dont get the position as expected. The ui object has position, or i am doing something wrong?? ...

Reloading Content of Ajax Tab

I'm completely puzzled, I make an ajax call inside a Jquery UI Tab, after that I want to refresh the content of the tab, the function that should be doing it is: function reloadTab(){ var $tabs = $('#tabs').tabs(); var selected = $tabs.tabs('option', 'selected'); $tabs.tabs('load', selected); return false; } Incredible but true it do...

Jquery draggable makes input text fields uneditable (swallows onfocus?)

Hi! I have written code (below) to be able to drag an input field onto another, but it seems that draggable swallows input[text].onfocus. This results in the problem, that all draggable input fields act as disabled (firefox) and clicking the mouse does not focus them. I can edit the input field if I focus on them using the TAB key, bu...

Jquery multiple modal dialogs by classname?

How can I create multiple modal dialogs by classname (basically the same dialogs but have a different code black attached). One I launch a modal dialog I cannot reference the dialog anymore because jQuery will move it to the bottom of the document so something like.. $(this).find('.dialog').dialog('open'); Would not work anymore. ...

jQuery UI Datepicker - How can i, on select, highlight a particular range of dates?

I want to, when the user selects a date, highlight the following 11 days. The intention is to show a 12-day range selected depending on whatever day was chosen. I've seen the "date range picker" from http://www.filamentgroup.com/ suggested, but this doesnt really give me the visualization i want, it just lets a user pick a range (from/t...

jquery ui dialog opens only once

I have a button that opens a dialog when clicked. The dialog displays a div that was hidden After I close the dialog by clicking the X icon, the dialog can't be opened again. ...

Jquery datepicker popup not closing on select date in IE8

I've got a web form with a start date field. I've tied a jquery datepicker to the txt field. Now when I choose a date in FF, the selected date is populated in the text box and the calendar popup closes. However when I do the same thing in IE8, the selected date is populated in the text box but the popup remains open. I've also noticed th...