
Setting Tab Order on UI Elements in jQuery Dialog

Is there a way to specify the tab order of the elements within a jQuery Dialog which itself contains an Accordion? The dialog also specifies one button in the buttons options. For accessibility, we need to be able to tab through the accordion panes, the form elements in each accordion, the button in the buttons options, and the close ico...

Result Page not opening in Target Frame whenever clicked on Tabs using Jquery. Opens in the Same Frame

I am Using 2 Horizontle Frames. In Top Frame I used Jquery Tabs. I expect Whenever I click on The tab , the result Page should open in the below Frame. But It Is not working. Can anybody help me plz. Do Jquery Tabs Supports Frames? ...

JQuery UI Datepicker, reverse the order of the year in the dropdowns

I have a datepicker with changeyear: true. The 'year' drop down displays the title as 2009, then instead of the next year below the title being 2008, 2007, 2006 and so on it starts at 1999 and counts upwards. I can't seem to find an easy solution to reverse this order? ...

jQuery iframeFix on a Sortable

Hello! On my CMS I have a list of thumbnails (Sortable). The thumbnails work great and now I'm writing a plug-in to drag-them to a tinyMCE window. As the tinyMCE window has an iFrame it doesn't work that well. jQuery has an option for Draggables called iframeFix that works exactly as I need. However that list must be a Sortables. I'v...

How do I keep divs from resizing in IE6?

Here's my markup (live repro): <body> <div style="text-align:center">header <input class='datepicker'/></div> <table><tr><td>really wide table.....................</td></tr></table> </body> When the datepicker is activated, the header div's width changes from the width of the screen to the width of the table (larger). This causes ...

How do I reference a jQuery UI Widget on a page and call a function on it?

I'm using the ui-multiselect widget to render a <select> list differently. I'm trying to reference a new function that I added to the widget, but its not finding the reference. My newly styled list is rendered fine on the page, using the following HTML: <select class="multiselect" id="MySelect" multiple="multiple" name="MySelect"> <o...

Jquery UI - Selectable

Hi, is it posible to disable the rectangle-multiselection but allow the CTRL-multiselection in a jqueryUI-selectable? If yes, how? ...

Has anyone created a Rails app with support for Jquery-ui & Themes

Has anyone gotten a Rails application playing well with JQuery UI and Themes I would like to build a generic application which includes common basic layouts, styles, authentication and various other optional tools. The idea is to build this basic application using a rake and setup yml files. Once run, I would like to be able to "skin...

jquery-ui: trigger the select of an selectable ol-li-list

How can I trigger the select-event inside some jquery code? edit: I'm using jquery-ui selectable. The selectable items are <"li"> inside an <"ol"> list. (documentation: http://jqueryui.com/demos/selectable/) I cant trigger it by "click" nor "selecting" nor "select" ... ...

Jquery Tabs initialization from asp.net pageload

how can i set jquery tabs from my codebehind in page load of child page. I tried setting tabs in initialization & then i am calling function from code behind to select the tab. but its not working at the first time. it works after postback. $(function() { $('#tabsSelection').tabs(); }) function SelectTab() { $('#...

UI.tabs with Superfish menu

I'm using jquery.ui.tabs to create a carousel. On the same page is a superfish dropdown menu. Everytime I'm hovering over a menu item and the tabs switch, the menu closes if it's a submenu or flickers if it's a top-level menu. See http://demos.zatechcorp.com/mm/ for an example. How do I fix this? ...

jquery highlight effect with hide mode not working on IE

Hi I have a div to show a message, I want the message to appear for a few seconds and then just fade until it disappears. I just define a normal div and hide it when the page loads with $('#mydiv').hide(); I have a button to show the div with the desired effect, for this, I'm using: $('#myDiv').fadeIn('fast').effect("highlight", { ...

jQuery UI Sortable, how to determine current location and new location in update event?

I have: <ul id="sortableList">   <li>item 1<li>   <li>item 2<li>   <li>item 3<li> </ul> I have wired into the update: function(event, ui) { } but am not sure how to get the original and new position of the element. If i move item 3 to be above item 1, I want the original position to be 2 (0 based index) and the new position of item...

how to convert the datetime specific to browser's settings in Javascript?

Hi, I am using jquerry to display the calender to pick the date in my mvc application. i need to display the date in the converted format depending upon the browsers settings. if its newzeland, then i need to show the dateformat based on their language. how to do this? below is my javascript $(function() { $('#StartDate').datepicke...

jQuery UI datetimepicker and ASP.NET CompareValidator for DataTypeCheck

I'm using an ASP.NET textbox with the jQuery UI datepicker. The textbox allows edits so that the user can enter a date manually or clear an existing entry. I added a CompareValidator to perform a data type check on the textbox and this causes an error after selecting a date with the datepicker. The error occurs in the ASP.NET client side...

how to load a page with jquery ui dialog

is that possible to load another page with jquery ui dialog ? Like Dialog + Ajax Thanks ...

How do I include an icon on a Stripes button with jQuery

I am using Stripes and jQuery along with a generated jQuery UI theme. I want to embed a <stripes:form> in a div, then style the <stripes:button> for the submit with one of the icons from the theme. This Works: (but obviously doesn't tie in to Stripes) <button id="save" class="ui-state-default ui-corner-all"> <span class="ui-icon u...

Safari/Webkit jQuery UI sortable loses behavior when showing/hiding container elements

$(".someUl").sortable({ ... }).disableSelection(); $(".containerOfSomeUl").hide(); $(".someButton").click(function() { $(".containerOfSomeUl").show(); }); The above works fine in Firefox and IE, but not in Safari (but Chrome works). After I hide and later show the container, someUl loses all sortable behavior and does not work. I...

jQuery UI + ASP.NET UpdatePanel - Is it worth it?

I really like the looks of jQuery UI and I'd love to integrate it into my ASP.NET Web Applications. I like the themes and how easy it is to use the widgets. I'm currently using AJAX Control Toolkit controls like the Calendar and ModalPopup. I'm hoping to replace them with the DatePicker and Dialog widgets, but I hear they have issues wit...

Jquery UI TABS-3 : Prevent Switching (until ajaxcomplete/success) : How To?

I want to prevent tab switching until Ajax call is complete. Is there any way to achieve this? Right now (by default) the moment I click on another tab, it gets switched to that tab. I wanna prevent this until Ajax call is successful/complete. FYI: I'm using Jquery Tabs-3 plugin. Please help me out. ...