
Need to know if a jQuery ui Widget has been applied to a DOM object

Hi I'm using jQuery and have some interactions with a jQuery UI where I need to get options. However, there's a possibility that the jQuery UI function has not been applied yet to the DOM object. I'm getting a javascript error right now when I access an option. How can I check to see if For example: I have a DOM object that has the...

Why am I getting a jQuery 'ui.element is undefined' error?

I have the following: $('#widgets ul').sortable( { connectWith: ['#widgets ul'], opacity: 0.7, start: function(e, ui) { fromWidgetPosition = ui.item.prevAll().length + 1; fromRowId = ui.element.attr('id'); I just upgraded jQuery from 1.2.6 to 1.3.2, and I also upgraded the jQuery UI library to the latest version. ...

jQuery UI - Dialog closes immediately when opened with onkeypress Enter/Space

I want to open a jQuery UI dialog when a user presses enter or space on a given element. It appears that the enter/space keys are being processed by the dialog, however, causing the default element (the cancel button) to be pressed. The dialog is closed almost as soon as it opens. Here is a simplified demonstration: <script type="t...

jQuery UI tabs loading first as <ul> then as tabs

I'm using jQuery UI and the tab control on a series of pages. It seems like, when loading a page, the tabs initially load as a simple list, then they jump to the tabstrip. When I initially load the page I get this: Then, after a few seconds it switches over to this (the way is should be): Any idea why this is happening? Do I need t...

Attach additional click event to the jQuery UI Selectable

$('#all_locations').selectable({ stop: function(){ var selected = new Array() ; $('.ui-selected', this).each(function(){ var content = $(this).html(); selected.push(content); }); if(selected.length == 1) { var words = selected.toString().split(':') ; var label = words[0]; var lat_long...

jquery select problem

In code below is function that converts slider class into slider control. It has function which is executed when "slide" event is raised. $(function(){ $(".slider").slider({ value: 0, min: 0, max: 5, step: 1, slide: func...

Help with Jquery UI tabs, AJAX and Ajaxpager

Hi, I have searched through a lot of the similar questions on here, and tried many things but I am still stuck. Not that I am relatively new to jquerry. What I want to do is use jquery ui tabs (with jquerry address - for back button and bookmarking). I have this working no problem. Inside each tab, I am trying to use an jquerry ui aja...

How to use a jQuery UI Modal Form from ASP.Net MVC list page.

I am tryng to use this: http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#modal-form I have: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#dialog").dialog(); $("#dialog").dialog('close'); $('.myPop').click(function() { $("#dialog").dialog('open'); }); }); Which allows me to pop-up o...

JQuery UI Tabs size

Hello , i have a problem with the tab size in jquery UI , they are HUGE .. i changed a bit the css but cant find the propper id/class to fix it .. :( and the text inside the tab aslo changes size :S as always , any change is appreciated Thanks! ...

Jquery load external file that relies on jquery plugin

I have a set of jqueryui tabs that, when clicked, load in their content dynamically. It works great, except that one of the pages uses a jquery plugin itself. This results in two issues: The main page that holds the tabs throws an error when loaded because there is js that refers to elements that haven't loaded yet (those elements ar...

How to lazy load a jQueryUI tab with AJAX only once?

I've found a couple of examples on how to lazy load jQueryUI, but none uses Events/one. That seems perfectly suited to this task as it defines an event handler which only runs once. I can't quite put it all together though. If I load content via AJAX by putting a link in the tab's <li>, I can't figure out how to only load it once with...

jQuery Dialog Buttons - Click Event

Ok, so thanks to a lot of the users here at stack, I've successfully created a dialog that dynamically adds/removes buttons. Now I have a problem. I'll tell you my goal and what I'm attempting so you'll know why I'm doing, what I'm doing. I'm using Microsoft UIP in an application and on the web-side of things, it dynamically creates p...

Formatting problem with Tiny MCE

I've got a setup with multiple text area's on multiple jQuery tabs, all making use of Tiny MCS for WYSIWIG editing. I'm using jQuery to control the size of the text areas to keep them uniform, but I'm running into a problem. Only the text areas on the first tab are sized correctly - the rest default to 20 columns. If I remove Tiny MCE fr...

JQuery UI default CSS values to give consistent sizing

Are there a set of default CSS values that should be in place when using JQuery UI elements. I have been working with the datepicker control and initially the control displayed about 3 times the size on the JQuery UI demo site. This was due to the font size we were setting in our CSS. Setting the property font-size: 62.5%; in the bo...

loading jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min from jquery site

Can anyone know the link for loading jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min from j query site like <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryui.com/latest/jquery-1.3.2.js"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;. what are all the .js files needed for jquery tab. ...

JQuery UI dialog ALWAYS loads the same page into a container element ? How can i solve it ?

Hi, I have a container and some actions according to <div id="container"></div> <a href="#" class="action" id="add">Add user</a> <a href="#" class="action" id="view">View user</a> Notice i use a unique container to load any page. When i click an action, it triggers a click event // dialog settings var settings = { add:{ ...

getting jQuery UI's datepicker to always open in a certain direction?

I'm using jQuery UI's datepicker control in a position: fixed toolbar at the bottom of my page. Occasionally, on random computers, the datepicker appears below the toolbar, which means it's off the page and impossible to view or interact with. Is there a way to force the positioning of the datepicker control to always be above and to th...

Jquery slider plugin that supports "Multiple Ranged Handles"

I have been looking for a Jquery UI slider pluging that supports mutiple ranged handles. The existing Jquery UI slider only supports one range set of values. I am looking for a slider that you can have muliple ranges. So a range with an inner range or two ranges that don't overlap. Example: R = handle XX = Slider bar = or - = Range b...

Should I use JQueryUI in my project?

I've been playing around with JQueryUI for my latest project. I've run into some issues and questions, and I've not been able to solve them either myself or with the help of SO. Here's my current impression: Styling the UI seems quite daunting .. a lot of "framework" to understand before being able to do stuff not much help either by ...

Creating a custom slider using jQuery UI

I am trying to create a custom slider with two handles using jQuery UI. The problem is that the right handle is moving out of the container. I know the problem, the reason being the fact that the handles are positioned using the left CSS property and since the width of the handles is more than one pixel, the right handle moves out of th...