
How would you get this done with Telerik asp.net mvc extensions? accordion, tabs and ajax

I know this probably is a fairly complicated question but... heres my case: I want to build my UI using teleriks jquery ui extensions. My idea was to create a sidebar with an accordion and the main content with tabs. The accordion having as content a list of links. Each link mapping to correspond to an item of the accordion. For instanc...

jQuery UI Sortable and Cookie

Hey there, I must admit, that I'm pretty much newbie to jQuery, though I want to somehow make this work. I have a igoogle style content with sortable widgets with this code HTML <div class="column"> <div class="box"> <div class="box-header"> Header Widget </div> <div class="box-content"> <p> Content wi...

Jquery Personal Details

Hi guys, does anybody know a link or so, on using JQuery on Peronsal Details? I want to display a personal image, contact information email and so on, and I want it to look nice - by using JQuery. Anyone have any links, or ideas? Thanks! ...

ASP.NET MVC | Problem about showing modal dialog using jQuery dialog widget

I am very fresh to asp.net mvc and jQuery. After one day trying, I still don't know how to pop up a jQuery dialog using data from a action(return JsonResult) while user click a link. Any suggest or guideline is appreciate. Thanks! ...

Popup Dialog Hide after 10sec

Hi, I am working on some website , i have used jQuery UI , for pop-up dialog . I want to close that after 10sec, I have used fadOut 10000 ms but its slowly fades. Here is the link View the source code and please help me in this. ...

jQuery sortable attributes of element dropped to

Hello I'm currently developing drag & drop menu management for my CMS, but I ran into a (hopfully) small problem. My HTML code look like this (copied from Smarty): <ul class="menu_items" name="parents" style="background-color:red"> {foreach from=$pages item=item} <li id="parent_{$item.id};" name="parent" title="{$item.id}">{$item...

dropdownlists vs input (HTML)

I've recently run into a problem where too many drop down lists on a page have resulted in performance issues. I was just wondering if changing these dropdownlists to inputs would remedy the situation at all? I was thinking of using the spinner jquery UI plugin as an alernative. Any suggestions? thanks in advance Shawn ...

JQuery spinner not working

I'm attempting to utilize Jquery spinner but it doesn't seem to be working. Here is the Documentation: Jquery Spinner Doc Here is my javascript: $('.riskFrequencyDropDown').spinner({max: 100, min: -100}); I am using jquery-ui-1.7.2 and its working fine for dragging. I have no idea why this is not working and any help would be much...

Can JQuery UI and JQuery tools work together?

Can JQuery UI and JQuery tools work together? I.e. If I include both libraries on one page, will it still work? ...

How to set a defualt tab with Jquery UI

I'm using Jquery and Jquery UI with the following: $(document).ready(function() { $('#tabvanilla > ul').tabs({ fx: { height: 'toggle', opacity: 'toggle' } }); }); Right now it automatically sets the first tabs as the default tab that is selected when the document loads. How do I override this and make the second tab the default selecte...

How does one disable animation in jquery-ui datepicker ?

I'm generally averse to animation effects given the overheads of reflow on the client side browser. jquery-ui is an awesome widget. It has all the stuff I need. But is there a way to disable the animation -- in other words the widget just appears instead of sliding out or fading in? ...

How can I make my own buttons look and behave exactly like the ones created by jQuery UI?

I created some widgets with jQuery UI and I notice that buttons have a distinct look and feel (colors, hover effects, etc.) But it seems I cannot recreate the same with my own buttons. I duplicated the code, but I'm still getting different colors and no hover effects, so I assume that some of the visuals are done with JavaScript events....

Horizontal slider menu

I'm trying to build a fixed menu like the image. I've searched for some jquery plug-in,but only thing I found was accordion or tab menu which opens up in vertical direction. I wish to implement this menu content with jquery + css like Visual Studio's floating panel system with content in horizontal direction Do you have any examples for...

jquery ui datepicker - altfield as a div rather than input

I am using the altfield and altformat options on the jquery ui datepicker to display a friendly date to the user, while having the date formatted for the database in a hidden field. The only thing is, I don't want the date shown to the user in an input box (visually it suggests they can type in it), I just want it shown as text. I know I...

Inject part of document, using jQuery-UI tabs

Hello, I'm using jQuery-UI tabs, to load internal/external (on-site) content. Is it possible to load part of the document, as it is possible with standart $.ajax, without rewriting complete code? $.ajax({ url: passedUrl + " #pageContent .mySelector", cache: false, success: function(html){ $("#loadHere").append(html); } }); ...

jQuery spinner not working with jQuery UI 1.7.2

http://docs.jquery.com/UI/Spinner The demos in the doc reference the following javascript file: http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.6rc2/ui/ui.core.js However, when i use jquery ui 1.7.2 core.js it doesn't function. Other parts of the web application depend on 1.7.2. Any help with this issue would be much appreciated as i've be...

jquery - Resize element ondrag when reaches container.

I have a standard div that is set to both drag & resize within it's parent. I need to be able to resize the div as it is dragged into it's parent. I only need this to happen when it's dragged vertically to the bottom, so I have it setup like this: $("#draggable").draggable({ drag: function(event, ui) { AtBottom(); }, axis:'y', c...

jQuery datePicker can't get val()

Hi, I'm puzzled by the jQuery UI datepicker. I have the following function: $(".text-date").datepicker({ changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, dateFormat: "yy-mm-dd" }); $("#regdatum input").change(function() { alert('Regdatum from: '+$("#filter-regdatum-from-value").val()); alert('Regdatum to: '+$("#filter-regdatum-to-value...

jquery: $(window).bind('load', function()) and $(document).ready(function()) in ajax loaded content

I am using facebox (http://famspam.com/facebox) to hold some content loaded via an ajax call. The content being loaded has a jquery ui slider element inside of it. In non-ajax loaded content I can use either the $(window).bind('load', function()) or $(document).ready(function()) methods in order to trigger the construction of the slide...

jQuery Dialog not appearing when called.

I am trying to get a modal loading dialog to pop up while I make an ajax call but it is not showing up in the onClick function. If I slow it down with firebug and step through the loading panel will show up. Is this just javascript running ahead of itself? Is there a better way to do this? $(function(){ $("#loading_panel").dialog({...