
Parallel HTTP requests in PHP using PECL HTTP classes [Answer: HttpRequestPool class]

The HttpRequestPool class provides a solution. Many thanks to those who pointed this out. A brief tutorial can be found at: Problem I'd like to make concurrent/parallel/simultaneous HTTP requests in PHP. I'd like to avoid consecutive requests as: a set of requests will take...

jquery - Resize element ondrag when reaches container.

I have a standard div that is set to both drag & resize within it's parent. I need to be able to resize the div as it is dragged into it's parent. I only need this to happen when it's dragged vertically to the bottom, so I have it setup like this: $("#draggable").draggable({ drag: function(event, ui) { AtBottom(); }, axis:'y', c...

How do I open an array of files in Perl?

In perl, I read in files from a directory, and I want to open them all simultaneously (but line by line) so that I can perform a function that uses all of their nth lines together (e.g. concatenation). my $text = `ls | grep ".txt"`; my @temps = split(/\n/,$text); my @files; for my $i (0..$#temps) { my $file; open($file,"<",$temps[$i...

Find simultaneous connection through wireshark

Hi, Just finish reading Steve Souder's blog post related to max. simultaneous connection allow on modern browser. I wanted to see for myself on how many simultaneous connection firefox uses to connect to our company web site. In Steve's blog, in mentioned that he was able to find out the number of simultaneous connection through some ...

progress bar

Hi, I have an which data is getting imported/exported. I wish to have a below a table with one row..and its cells keep on adding...once row is full,empty that row..and add new cells to the same row. For this ..i think we need to have a thread functionality as well as something to keep "render t...

Can we run two simultaneous non-nested loops in Perl?

Part of my code goes like this: while(1){ my $winmm = new Win32::MediaPlayer; $winmm->load('1.mp3'); $winmm->play; $winmm->volume(100); Do Some Stuff; last if some condition is met; } Problem is: I want the music to be always on when I'm in the Do Some Stuff stage in the while loop. But the lengt...

Developing on both Windows & Linux machines simultaneously

Sorry for the bad title (couldn't think of a better way to describe it) I have a windows machine which I do development on. However, I have a new project which needs to interact with a linux system (executing linux commands etc.). So, obviously I can't do development on my windows machine..and I don't wish to code on the dev machine, s...

How do you limit a page with multiple flash mp3 players to play one at a time?

I am working with the open source flash player at and I am trying to figure out how to limit one sound file at a time. I know this has been done on a number of sites but I am unsure how to approach it. Scenario: A page has five different instances of the flash player. The user is litening to one song but cli...

simultaneous variable assignation in pascal

I wish to do simultaneous variable assignment in Pascal. As far as I know, it's not possible. Googling on the issue, I can see that many programming languages implement that, but I can't find how to do it in Pascal. For example, in Python I can do this: (x, y) = (y, x) In Pascal, I need an additional variable to hold the value of x ...

implementing a basic queue/thread process within python

hi.. looking for some eyeballs to verifiy that the following chunk of psuedo python makes sense. i'm looking to spawn a number of threads to implement some inproc functions as fast as possible. the idea is to spawn the threads in the master loop, so the app will run the threads simultaneously in a parallel/concurrent manner chunk of co...

How does a wiki handle multiple simultaneous edits?

This has always lingered in the back of my mind, so I figure I might as well go ahead and ask. How does a wiki handle multiple edits on the same content? Here's a simplistic example of what I'm asking. Let's say that a page has the following content: I'm a page! And now let's say that two go to edit that page. Each person adds a ...

Parsing XML in another Thread / simultaneously

Hey there, I have got an application, that is getting data via XML-files. During the parsing-part the data is written/inserted to the local sqlite3-database on the device. So, if the data is syncronized, there does a loading-screen appear (performed in background) and is telling the user, that the data is syncronized. This is working q...

Why can't django load multiple pages simultaneously ?

I have a django aplication with an admin panel. When i add some item (it takes about 10 seconds to add it), i can't load any other page. The page is waiting for the first page to load, and then it load itself. ...

How to make sure only one rake task is running at a time?

Hi guys! I want to setup rake tasks to run via cron. That is easy, but what is not easy is ensuring that only one copy of that rake task is running at a time. I imagine I could use ps on the system to check and then exit the rake task if it is already running, or I could do a delayed job structure where I serialize the name of the task...

Classic ASP simultaneous calls from different users

I have this classic ASP web application. Each user must login and their most important data are kept in Session variables. Back-end is MS-SQL. When user submit to a particular page, this ones does a lot of stuff including creating files and accessing the database, so each request can take up to 2-3 seconds to perform. Here's my problem...

Prevent simultaneous transactions in a web application

We have a web application (it is a game) with lots of various forms and elements which act as buttons and trigger some actions on server. The problem is that users can sometimes confuse our application if he clicks on buttons too fast or opens the website in two tabs and then issues some actions simultaneously. We have some basic protect...

jQuery SIMULTANEOUSLY animate all objects in an array.

Hello, I am writing a script that does animations on a web-page. In the process I need to add several elements to an array, and then simultaneously animate them. Is it possible to use jQuery to SIMULTANEOUSLY animate all objects in an array? Or maybe there's a better method for that? Thanx ...

jsp with ajax two simultaneous requests only getting one response

I have a jsp page where I'm trying to send multiple (two currently) ajax requests at once, but I only seem to get the second response. This guy described my problem exactly, but his solution didn't work for me. Here is my js code: function createRequestObject(){ var req; if(window.XMLHttpRequest){ //For Firefox, Safa...

Detecting Simultaneous Button Presses and other Gestures, Shakes and Tilts - Cocos2d & iPhone.

I am writing an app for the iPhone using cocos2d where I have 4 Sprites that are buttons. I want to allow and respond to the following (allowing the user 3 seconds to apply his input before timing out): -- Single button presses (I have this part working). -- Pressing of more than 1 button at at the same time (each combination would have...