
Why pool Stateless session beans?

Stateless beans in Java do not keep their state between two calls from the client. So in a nutshell we might consider them as objects with business methods. Each method takes parameters and return results. When the method is invoked some local variables are being created in execution stack. When the method returns the locals are removed ...

db connection pool across processes

We have a client/server application that consists of multiple EXEs. The data access layer is on the same physical tier as the client in a library shared by our EXE modules. ODBC and OleDB connection pools are managed per-process; are there techniques for sharing DB connections across processes (other than moving the data access layer to ...

iPhone Development - Pool for results

Basically i want to be able to call a single method that can pool for location and when found, return the CLLocation object. I want to know how can i pool for results? ...

Is DBCP (Apache Commons Database Connection Pooling) still relevant?

The JDBC 3.0 spec talks about Connection (and Prepared Statement) pooling. We have several standalone Java programs (i.e. we are not using an application server) that have been using DBCP to provide connection pooling. Should we continue to use DBCP, or can we take advantage of the JDBC-provided pooling and get rid of DBCP? We are usi...

Multiple posts to DB with Linq

if i have two thousand webusers each sumbmitting a post to sqldb through website at the same time same tables, will linq handle this without any problems? ...

Delphi 7 ADO connection pooling outside of IIS

We have a Delphi 7 application that runs as an ISAPI extension in IIS6. The code use ADO to connect to a MS SQL 2000 database and performs many reads on the database (no writes). If I watch the audit login and logout events in SQL profiler I can see that numerous requests to the app result in only 1 audit login event. However, if I ru...

connection pooling struts2+hibernate+mysql+tomcat+eclipse

Hello, I have an ongoing difficulty grasping the technical implementation details of connection pooling. I have read quite a few of related articles such as this one and this one, but still not 100% clear. Is connection pooling tied to tomcat, mysql, or the other development frameworks (struts2, spring, hibernate)? I mean do each of thes...

Multi-job pooled printer control

We've got 4 printers with identical trays/paper configured in a pool. Multiple jobs can be submitted and it will kind of round-robin send the jobs to the printers per whichever one is idle. That works good, but.. We're working on a new application that is web-based and produces PDF output files. A "set" of data might involve 3 different ...

Is there a standard way of implementing a proprietary connection pool in .net?

Is there a standard connection pooling model (or API) similar to that used by the data providers in .net that I could use to implement my own connection pool? I ask because I have a requirement to implement my own connection pool to a proprietary TCP/IP device that we use in a web service. The current problem is that there are lot of co...

When using proxool, do I need to explicitly close every getConnection()?

I'm writing new DB connection code, and thought I'd try proxool as the connection pool implementer. Normally, a programmer would ensure that every DriverManager.getConnection(...) is followed by a connection.close(). But when using Proxool, is the close needed? I'm confused because: a. The proxool documentation here (http://proxoo...

Problem with connection pooling with Java and MySQL in Tomcat web application

Hello I recently wrote and deployed a Java web application to a server and I'm finding an unusual problem which didn't appear during development or testing. When a user logs in after so long and goes to display data from the database, the page indicates that there are no records to see. But upon page refresh, the first x records are sh...

Shared Object Pool without Thread.Sleep?

I have developed an "object pool" and cannot seem to do it without using Thread.Sleep() which is "bad practice" I believe. This relates to my other question "Is there a standard way of implementing a proprietary connection pool in .net?". The idea behind the object pool is similar to the one behind the connection pool used for database ...

Hibernate causing too many time_wait connections

I am using Hibernate 3 and I am facing a problem related to connections being closed. I am using c3p0- and I checked onto the connections to database server opened by Hibernate, I found that there are established connections which are 5 in number; at some TCP ports of server (see below log). But these established connection...

Java Servlet Pooling

Servlets 101, under Tomcat 6: Could someone kindly point me to a good explanation of the best way to eg. create a Collection of expensive Foo objects at servlet startup time and stash them somewhere where I can access them while processing each request? Near as I can tell there are at least three ways to do this and I am a bit fuzzy on...

What is Apache Commons Pool close() behaviour

I've been looking to implement pooling in part of my application. I want to use the Commons Pool library but am slightly concerned about how the close() behaviour works. From looking at the javadocs and source code, it doesn't seem clear whether objects created in the pool will be destroyed when the close() method is called. From what I ...

How is that instance pooling with EJBs can improve performance?

How is that instance pooling with EJBs can improve performance? Wouldn't you be able to accomplish the same performance just with threads like a java servlet? Or perhaps instance pooling with EJBs happens for another reason? ...

Pooling of custom WCF channel

We have developed a custom WCF channel which communicates via IBM Websphere MQ. We have created a channel factory: public class MqChannelFactory : ChannelFactoryBase<IRequestChannel> Which returns instances of our channel: public class MqRequestChannel : ChannelBase, IRequestChannel Connecting to the IBM MQ queue manager is an ex...

Object pooling: howto

I need to implement a pool of Sessions that are returned by an external system, so that I can reuse them quickly as soon as one is needed (creating a Session takes a while). I've worked with datasource to create a pool of database connections (DBCP from Apache), and it was an implemented solution. What do we use in a general case to poo...

.NET Pooling IAsyncResult Objects

Hi, Reading through the SendAsync, BeginAsync method illustrations of Sockets, I realized that it was suggested to pool SocketAsyncEventArgs instances saying that it is a better than BeginXX, EndXX async approach since each call creates an IAsyncResult instance. I thought it was not that a great practice to pool objects that can be ins...

C# Object Pooling Pattern implementation

Does anyone have a good resource on implementing a shared object pool strategy for a limited resource in vein of Sql connection pooling? (ie would be implemented fully that it is thread safe). To follow up in regards to @Aaronaught request for clarification the pool usage would be for load balancing requests to an external service. To p...