
Initialize content of a jQuery remote tab on initial page load

I'm using the jQuery tabs library to create a set of remote (i.e., ajax loaded) tabs. However, to avoid the initial page load being empty until the ajax request finishes, I'd like to include the content for the initial tab with the initial page download. I've got this generally working by providing a div in the initial page load that m...

How to change the color/size of one progress bar

Hi, I'm pretty new to jQuery-UI, but I love what I see so far.I am using the 'blitzer' theme (as I needed red progress bars) and I have 4 progress bars side-by-side on one page. Now my PM wants one of them to be green, and bigger than the rest. I looked around the provided theme CSS but couldn't find the right tag to tinker with. Can any...

jQuery UI - Multiple Select behavior (ctrl+click) by default for 'selectable'?

Is there a way to make the jQuery UI's Selectable interaction go into 'multiple selects' (select via left click, click again to unselect) behavoir, rather than the click-to-exclusively-select-and-unselect-everything-else behavior? ...

use jquery to select multiple items from a list of items without the use of checkbox

i have a list of items generated from a search. this list of (say, 10) items i initially wanted to use checkbox for each item. because i want to make it easy for me to mark multiple items and then press a "delete selected" button. however is there a way not to use checkbox? i prefer to somehow select and deselect the items and the bac...

jQuery Datepicker: Prevent closing picker when clicking a date

Hi fellow stackoverflow:ers, I'm using the jQuery Datepicker plugin, together with Martin Milesich Timepicker plugin. Everything works great, except for the fact that clicking a date in the datepicker, closes the widget, leaving no time to pick the time. Question: So I'm wondering if there's a way to prevent the widget from closing wh...

jQuery UI, select tab with text link and load link specific ajax content

I am using jQuery UI tabs to have a tab where I can search for records and then other tabs where I can view individual record details. I am trying to have search results link clicks open the relevant tab and load the specific ajax content for that search result. I am able to switch tabs using an href with something like the jQuery UI t...

Jquery UI - Getting one element out of a display:hidden element when dragging

I have a group of elements sitting on a 'conveyor' element within another element that is set overflow:hidden using css. How do I, when dragging, get the element 'out' of the holder element that has overflow set to hidden? When I drag the "item" classed image, it only drags within the holder, when I try to move it "outside" the holder, i...

In what ways is dhtmlxtabbar different from jQuery UI tabs?

Has anybody here tried using dhtmlxtabbar? I was wondering whether someone has already compared those two libraries and can give a good comparison on the ease of use, using it in combo with other JavaScript libraries, browser quirks, etc. One obvious difference is the licenses being used because dhtmlx has commercial and enterprise lice...

Change color of date

How do I change datepicker backgroundcolor for SU MO TU .....? Totally noob here... where do i need to look? ...

Problem with jquery.ui.autocomplete.js on IE7

Here is the code. IE7 spouts an "'active.0' is null or not an object" error on line 39, which is: input.trigger("activate.autocomplete", [$.data(active[0], "originalObject")]); $("body").trigger("off.autocomplete"); Works perfectly in Firefox/Chrome/Opera. Any ideas? Many thanks and much appreciated. /* jQuery Autocomplete * Version...

Fancybox position

I'm using fancybox in a page very long qith a long scrollbar. The fancybox loads at the center of this page and so see it only if you scroll. How do I do to load the fancybox at the start of page? ...

JQuery UI Dialog won't change width in IE7

I have a JQuery UI Dialog set up on my page that gets populated with some information (a table and a form) and then displayed with $("#dialogbox").dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, modal: true, width: 500 }); This works perfectly fine in FF but fails horribly in IE7. The problem is that, no matter what I do,...

Icon trigger datepicker

I'm using jqueryui datepicker to replace my existing popup date picker. I copy 100% from this sample http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#icon-trigger The problem is the icon is not centered with the datefield. I try change something in the css file but fail. ...

changing ui theme color and mouse click to mouse over?

I have a dropdown menu using FGMenu it uses jquery UI. Where I can change the default color of my dropdown in UI theme so that it will default to color blue instead of gray? The current set-up of drop down is when you click the parent title how to change to mouse over to show the childs of a parent. heres the link. http://christianruado...

Using jQuery.UI CSS Framework for DIV Styling

Hi folks, a Project I am currently working on uses the jQuery UI framework for some of its widgets. To provide the user with a global look and feel I would like to use the framework also for its css stuff. I am implementing at the moment a dashboard like homepage, where the user can see an overall status of its data. This dashboard is ...

How do I stop the jquery UI slider from sliding beyond the gutter.

I am using the jquery-ui slider as a sideways scroll bar, and am having issues with the fact the handle slides beyond the end gutter (it can be seen here if you slide the slider the farthest to the right). I have tried everything I can think of with CSS to try to get the handle to go no further than the gutter, but to no avail. Any sug...

jQuery DatePicker - 2 Fields

Hello, I'm currently working with jQuery and using the datepicker. I have two input fields: Start Date and End Date. When each is clicked, the datepicker pops out. For the "End Date" field, I would like the jQuery date picker to highlight the same day. For example, if a user picks 8/12/09 as their start date, for the End Date, ...

jQuery Tabs Hide Until Loaded

I am using jQuery UI Tabs to control the presentation of content on a portfolio page I am implementing. The page consists of many large images and the tabs take about a second or two to fully load. I want to know if their is a way to hide/mask all content until the tabs are loaded. Optimally I would like to have a loading graphic appear ...

jqGrid Display Issue - Pixel shift on buttons in Pager

Let me explain the problem: Various pages of my web application contain jQuery UI tabs which display a jqGrid on one of their tab pages. Each of these jqGrids has several buttons (Add, Edit, etc) in its Navigation bar. The issue is that when the user hovers over one of the buttons, the text for each button in the navbar moves approximat...

Can jQuery UI Dialog Box hold a video? (maybe a youtube video?)

I haven't seen any examples on the net. Was wondering if someone knows if there's one that exists or if it's even possible. thanx ...