
jQuery: How Do I simulate Drag and Drop in Code?

EDIT: Here's a link to show you my sample code: http://www.singingeels.com/jqtest/ I have a very simple page that references jquery-1.3.2.js, ui.core.js (latest version) and ui.draggable.js (also latest version). I have a div that I can drag around very easily (using the mouse of course): <div id="myDiv">hello</div> and then in Java...

How can i get the identifier of a draggable element by using stop event in JQuery ?

Hi, I have the following code <div id="container"> <div id="_01">1° item</div> <div id="_02">2° item</div> <div id="_03">3° item</div> <div id="_04">4° item</div> </div> So in my js code $("#container div").draggable({ stop:function(e, ui) { }}); What i have to put in stop event in order to get the identif...

How to turn off sorting with jQueryUI sortable?

I have implemented jQueryUI sortable list and it works really nice. At some point in time, I wish to disable further sorting and keep item order as it is, without user being able to change it. It tried something this: $('.sortable').sortable('disable'); and this: $('.sortable').each(function() { $(this).sortable('disable'); }); ...

Use jQuery tabs as a site navigator?

Hi I want to use jQuery tabs as a navigator, i.e. the tabs shouldn't actually contain anything but instead, when user clicks all the other tabs then the current, it should navigate to another page. Also, when arriving to that page, I want that second tab shoould be visible onload. Example: Page1.aspx: Page1 | Page2 | ...

jQuery tabs with both Ajax and static div's

I am posting form data to a page that is using jQuery tabs. Because you can't load post data into an Ajax query (at least without a ton of extra work and making it more insecure), I'm loading the active tab as an actual div on the page. <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { ...

Changing Slider handle image

Hi Guys, I wanted to customize the JQueryUI slider but am not able to find any way to change the slider handle images. The JQuery Themeroller also does not seem to allow the change of handle images. Does somebody know how to do this? ...

switching jquery tabs in code behind(C#)

I have five div tags(jquery tabs) in my aspx page...Inside the second div(tab) i have a button. onclick of that buttton the second div(tab) should be switched..instead of that the first tab is coming.. How can i switch the tab in code behind(Inside button onclick event)... ...

Reload a JQGrid after Jquery Date Picker selection

I am using a JQGrid in one of my ASP.NET projects where the grid shows a list of items that are sortable/filterable (That's all working fine) The only problem im having with it is, one of the columns is a date field so I have the filter textbox using the date picker (using the below options) { name:'Due', index:'Due', width:100, ...

Drag & Drop using jQuery-ui

Hi, I am currently working on a project where I have to create a custom calendar sort of application to display and manage appointments easily. I need to be able to drag and reschedule appointments appropriately. jQuery-ui is pretty neat and I am able to achieve almost everything except that I require that no appointments (divs) may ov...

jQuery UI - How to know if dragged element is on top of element #x?

I have multiple draggable elements and I don't want them to be dropped on top of each other. I'd want the dragged element to appear light green when dragged, but once it's over element with certain class, it would turn red. If it would be dropped it would revert to its original position. Everything else is simple, but I would need an ev...

jQuery Nested Sortable - Move LI elements within all available UL's

I have the following code which works although it runs quite slowly I feel. What I want to do is allow <li>'s to be moved freely under existing <ul>'s or move them up a level. I also want to be able to create heirarchies so if you dragged a <li> under another <li> that would create a heirarchy. I think in that sense I would have to rend...

Jquery UI Tabs: Help getting started with events

I've read through the documentation for Jquery UI Tabs (1.7) and I believe I'm a bit in over my head with the Jquery tabs in terms of having specific events happen when a specific tab is clicked. I have the basic tabs working, and I would simply like to set the focus on a text box when a specific tab is selected. The UI Docs state you ...

jQuery sortable('disable') from start event not entirely working like expected

The below code does not fully disable the sortables on the start event. It will add the classes "ui-sortable-disabled" and "ui-state-disabled" to the sortable elements, but it doesn't disable the functionality - in other words, the sortables look disabled, but they still accept the dragged item and behave like they are enabled. var ass...

Create a div by click and drag

Hi, I want to be able to create a div in my application by clicking and dragging. Clicking would initiate the div creation, while dragging would resize the div. I have seen similar functionality in several jquery calendar plugins, I want to be able to do it in my application too. Can anyone please guide me into the right direction? An...

Flex datagrids - Alternatives in non-flex/flash environment ?

I did some work that used Flex datagrids previously. It was smooth for the users and developers alike. In my current project, I have to implement the same grids but not using Flex / Flash. I have taken a look at extJS and YUI but they don't seem to measure up. Are there other packages I should be looking at ? ...

jQuery Charting

Can anybody suggest nice cross browser jQuery API plugin for developing Chart application except like filamentgroup.com. The API should be customizible.I want to integrate it in ASP.NET. (ofcourse ASP.NET 3.5 comes with inbuilt Chart control,I want some nice jQuery Plugins). ...

Prevent jQuery UI dialog from setting focus to first textbox

I have setup a jQuery UI modal dialog to display when a user clicks a link. There are two textboxes (I only show the code for 1 for brevity) in that dialog div tag and it is changed to be a jQuery UI DatePicker textbox that reacts on focus. The problem is that the jQuery UI dialog('open') somehow triggers the first textbox to have focu...

Is there still a bug in IE8 with jQuery droppables?

I have a page which has a tabbed view which contains 3 sortable columns below it. Currently, the tabs don't have any jQuery code associated. I gave them all the droppable class, however, and now in IE if a piece of content is dragged between columns and then moved again, jQuery blows up while trying (i think) to access the parentNode i...

add eventhandler to jquery UI datepicker after its creation

I have the following scenario: In my masterpage I have: $(".datepicker").datepicker({ changeYear: true, changeMonth: true, dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy", duration: 'fast' }); With this, every input field that I assign the class "datepicker" to, shows the jquery UI datepicker when clicked. Now I have a datepicker on a page t...

How to change Jquery UI Slider handle

I want to modify the stock JQuery UI slider so that the handle has a arrow on it rather than being a square. i.e. I want to use a custom image as the handle. There are a few tutorials that do it: http://jqueryfordesigners.com/slider-gallery/ http://www.ryancoughlin.com/2008/11/04/using-the-jquery-ui-slider/ http://www.keepthewebweird....