
Jquery Accordion and Fading

I am trying to create a jquery accordion that fades the header of the accordion out when the page is loaded then fades it in when the mouse hovers. The accordion also opens when the mouse hovers. I am able to get all of this working, the problem I am having is when the accordion opens the header moves away and the mouse is no longer on i...

How to add jQuery UI Button icons to input buttons?

Is it possible to use jQuery UI Button icons with <input type="submit"> elements? The documentation example uses <button> elements, but it does not explicitly say whether or not icons work with input buttons. I'd like to add icons to ASP.NET Button controls which render as <input type="submit">. This is what I've tried: $("input.add")...

jquery ui autocomplete not working in ie8 (until page refresh)

Hello all, I am using jquery ui autocomplete it is working absolutely fine in all browsers except ie8. I have been doing some testing and there seems to be a strange bug. When I click on a link leading to the relevant page there is the following error generated by ie8 when I start typing in the autocomplete box: 'object doesn't support...

jQuery code in ajax loaded content only runs once

I have been looking around SO for a while and haven't been able to find anything that matches my issue, which I'm not even sure I can explain that well, so take that for what it's worth. I have a page that loads content into a div via AJAX (using the .load() method). There are several links in the navigation, meaning the content will ch...

jQuery UI, setting two handles calling only one function

I'm having a bit of trouble using the slider in the jQuery UI API. I'm using a slider that has two handles, and I want to change them both manually. I would go about doing this in two steps, one for each handle; $('#slider-range').slider('values', 0, 1000); $('#slider-range').slider('values', 1, 2000); The problem with this is that e...

jQuery: Trouble with draggable across cloned elements

I'm trying to implement: User drags a draggable li to a droppable li. The original li is no longer draggable A new li is cloned from the original li, and is appended to the droppable li. I can't get it to work. function moveToTerm(original_course, helper, term) { var cloned_course = original_course.clone(true); original_course.a...

ASP.NET MVC jquery.UI dialog - How to validate the dialog's input on server and return error?

I am using jQuery1.4.2, ASP.NET MVC 2 and jQuery.UI-1.8. I am creating a data input dialog which works OK when all the data is valid, but I want to validate the input data on the server and return an error to the dialog describing the error and I am not quite sure how to do that and keep the dialog open. The dialog is opened when a link...

JQuery UI Dialog query dialog DOM

The following simply loads a jquery-ui dialog from an external html file. $('#showdialog').click(function(e) { var div = $('<div>loading...</div>'); div.dialog({ modal: true, open: function() { div.load('anotherpage.html'); } }); e.preventDefault(); }); After the DOM loads from the external html file, ...

jQuery Resizable() UI Problem

In general, resizable() works fine. Here is where I am getting into an issue. I have a div that contains some resizable items that work fine (resizable() applied to them at some point). user can save items for later view (the innerHTML of the div gets saved into a JavaScript array, then div gets cleared so they can do something else) W...

style problem with jQueryUI Autocomplete widget (using remote datasource)

<input class="ui-autocomplete-input"/> represents the text field to be autocompleted. <ul>...</ul> contains the list of matching items from the text field input. It is added to the document by remote call as you type. <ul>...</ul> is added just inside the closing </body> tag. I was expecting the <ul>...</ul> to be placed just after ...

Apply Button() to an element inside a variable

If have a variable data = '<div>... <button id="remember"> ... </button> ...</div>', is it possible to apply the .button(); method to a button inside that variable? I've tried the following: $('#remember', data).button(); but that doesn't work. After that i just do $(data).dialog();, which works. I've come with a workaround and that...

JQuery - Ajax saving sortables in connected lists when sortable item is moved

I have multiple JQuery sortable lists that connect with each other... They allow you to assign users to certain roles. Basically what I want to do is when a user is dragged from one list to another, I want JQuery to pick up the first list that the user was moved from so that I can send an AJAX request to delete it from that list in my d...

jqGrid jQuery UI button wrapping in toolbar

I have a jQuery UI Button that I'm placing in a jqGrid toolbar but the contents of the button are wrapping. I've tried to prevent the wrapping by using CSS white-space Property to no avail. Here's a snapshot of what's happening: Here are two code snippets of my attempt to fix the problem: $("#t_imageList").css("white-space", "n...

jQuery UI Slider (setting programatically)

Hi Folks, I'd like to modify the sliders on-the-fly. I tried to do so by using $("#slider").slider("option", "values", [50,80]); This call will set the values, but the element will not update the slider positions. Calling $('#slider").trigger('change'); does not help either. Is there another/better way to modify the value AND sli...

Can I set a Custom Icon for a jQueryUI Button

Is it possible to create a jQueryUI Button with a custom icon, ie: an icon that is not part of the sprite icons that are provided with jQueryUI??? I am using the ButtonSet functionality for a group of 3 checkboxes but need a more stylised icon than what is provided out of the box... ...

jquery UI autocomplete - extended data?

I would like to use Jquery's UI autocomplete but with some additional functions: after user selects suggested item, I would also like to display additional data related with that item (for example if database of contacts are being searched, then I'd like to display contact's email, addres...) in some html element. Is there a way to acco...

jQuery ui datepicker positioning problem when scrolling down webpage

I have a webpage that uses multiple instances of the jQuery ui datepicker. My webpage will display ~80 records which extends beyond a single screenshot. <% foreach (var record in Model) { %> <div class="recordname"><%=record.name%></div> <%=Html.TextBox("DateTimePicker", null, new { @class = "date-pick" } )%> // <-- addition...

a div where you destroy elements

$(".drop").sortable({ connectWith: 'ul', cancel: ".ui-state-highlight" }); $(".draggable").draggable({ connectToSortable: '.drop', helper: 'clone', revert: 'invalid', editable: true }); $("#test").disableSelection(); i create (clone) elements by dragging then to the the list, so i want to create a div "REMOVE HERE" so when the user dr...

Google Maps within a dynamically loaded jquery Accordion

I'm trying to load a google map within a jquery ui accordion with contents loaded by ajax. $("h2", "#accordion").click(function(e) { var contentDiv = $(this).next("div"); if (contentDiv.children().length == 1) { contentDiv.load($(this).find("a").attr("href")); contentDiv.ready(function(){ var latlng = new google.maps.La...

Space in DIV ??

Hello all, Is it possible to avoid the spaces X & Y (see image)? There is no padding in CSS! <html> <head> <title>Prova WIDGET</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/css/ui-lightness/jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom.css" type="text/css"> <script src="jquery-ui-1.8.1.custom/development-bundl...