
How can I prevent the answers of the questions from overlapping the other accordion?

In the following link: http://jsfiddle.net/gCvbT/, if you click on General and then click on Question 1 for example, the answer overlaps FAQ 2. How can I prevent this? ...

Morphing content based on window part focus

What I'm trying to achieve is basically have a code that will morph ( move around the page ) based on the part of the window which is currently viewed. Scenario : - actual page height : 2000px - actual screen height( pc, laptop whatever ) : 800px - 1 image of 600px - 3 div's or virtual boxes ( just to prove what I want to do ) Workflow...

jQuery ui datepicker does not load

I want to display the datepicker when page loads $("#dp").datepicker("show"); but it is not working. ...

jQuery+jQueryUI Vs Yahoo UI..Which is the best one for web applications?

jQuery+jQueryUI Vs Yahoo UI..Which is the best UI to use in asp.net web applications? ...

How can you adjust the height of a jquery UI accordian?

In my UI I have an accordian setup that so far functions <div id="object_list"> <h3>Section 1</h3> <div>...content...</div> // More sections </div> The accordian works properly when it is first formed, and it seems to adjust itself well for the content inside each of the sections. However, if I then add more content into...

In jQuery datepicker beforeShowDay if fails

HI. I'm having problem to highlight more days. Somehow the if statement in beforeShowDay isn't true when it should be :( dateString typeof is string and an example is available in the screenshot at http://mikaelz.host.sk/datepicker.png Pasted code: var dates = new Array(); function addDate(date) {if (jQuery.inArray(date, dates) < 0)...

On jQuery UI's demo web page what is the source code for the "View Source" link?

Middle way down on jQuery UI's demo web page here what is the source code for the "View Source" link that opens and close a window of the source code? ...

jQueryUI autocomplete - when no results are returned

I'm wondering how one can catch and add a custom handler when empty results are returned from the server when using jQueryUI autocomplete. There seem to be a few questions on this point related to the various jQuery plugins (e.g. jQuery autocomplete display “No data” error message when results empty), but I am wondering if there's a bet...

JQuery Datatable Question: Centering column data after data insertion

I have a data table that is initially empty and is populated after a particular Javascript call. After the data is inserted into the table, I'd like to center all of the data in one of the columns. I tried specifying this at the initialization step in this way: dTable = $('#dt').datatable({ 'aoColumns': [ null, null, { "sClass" : "cente...

Jquery ui datepicker textfield doesn't update

$('#passport_expiry').datepicker({dateFormat: 'mm/y'}); I have the above code works. I select a date using the datepicker and it updates the textfield. The problem is that when I try to select another date, it doesn't update the textfield. It seems that when the textfield already has a value, it doesn't update it. EDIT: What I can ad...

jQuery UI Dialog cause page jump on open & close on ASP.NET

Hello all, I have an ASP.NET C# page, with image thumbnails in it. I created a script that opens a jQuery UI Dialog on each hover on a thumbnail that shows me the thumbnail in larger size in a dialog view, and when I hover out - dialog closes. My little annoying problem is, that in every mouseover (trigger dialog to open) - the page make...

jQuery UI Multiple Dialogue's

Hello, I have a table and for every row I would like to create a dialogue box and a link that can be clicked to launch that dialogue box. E.g. Name 1 (click to get more details). { these are the details for name 1} Name 2 (click to get more details). { these are the details for name 2} So I would need a dialogue function that I can...

jQuery UI Dialogue - IE 7 Error.

Hello, I have some jQuery code contributed by another member of the stack overflow community - it works fine in Crome and Firefox but errors and wont work in IE 7. The code is as follows: $(function() { $("#MyDialog").dialog( { autoOpen: false, width:600, heigh...

jQuery UI - Sortable isn't firing?

Hi, I'm trying to get the jQuery UI sortable plugin to work and I've created a list that looks like this: <ul id="sortable"> <li>Item 1</li> <li>Item 2</li> <li>Item 3</li> <li>Item 4</li> <li>Item 5</li> </ul> And I've included the plugin script files: $(function() { $("#sortable").sortable(); alert('test...

jQuery iBox (lightbox clone) and IFRAMES

Hey there you lot, is there a way that I can open a lightbox (in this case iBox) from within an IFRAME and have the actual lightbox open in the Parent page? sigh I am confusing myself here! ...

Firefox and Chrome do not support cross-domian ajax by default?

The following code works as expected in IE8 and Safari4, but not work in Firefox3.6 and Chrome. All browsers are on Windows. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"&gt; <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <link...

Jquery UI Sortable - Get the item being sorted.

Hi, When using Jquery UI Sortable (which is great by the way) how do you get the item that is currently being sorted. When you use $(this); it return the actual sortable list, not the current sorted item. I want to do fancy-pants things with the widget when the user is dragging it around. E.g. Animate it when dragging between two list...

jQuery Dialog, checkboxes and setting values outside the modal

Having some problems with the jQuery UI Dialog and using checkbox values within it. What I have is a form with the first few selections in it and a link that says "more". When a user clicks this they open a Dialog box and can choose from a full list of options. With the first batch of checkboxes (not in the Dialog) I am setting their v...

jqueryUI dialog box header size

Hi, I am creating hotel booking system which requires lots of modal dialogs. For this purpose I am using jqueryUI dialog widget. yesterday I embedded it on one of the features of application but this time when dialog opens upon click then its Header is very large about 300-400px in height where as normal header is about 40px in height. E...

Detect shaking when using the draggable interaction

Something like this perhaps? $('#drag').draggable({ shake: function(){ alert('Shake event invoked'); } }); ...