
jquery ui autocomplete database

Hello, I'd like to use jQuery UI autocomplete in order to load a list from my database but I don't know wich method I should use to do so. I tried to use the "Remote datasource" method http://jqueryui.com/demos/autocomplete/#remote, but it obviously doesn't work. I have the following code : js: $(function() { $("#client").autoco...

Jquery UI : date picker. How to set date in date picker by $_GET

Hello, I can't find how I can set $_GET variables to set manually the date in the date picker. http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/ ( example : http://www.something.com/?day=21&month=2&year=2010 ) Is that possible ? Thanks ...

Empty POST from jQuery UI Dialog to PHP function with $.post

Hello, I am having hell of a time trying to figure this one out. Maybe someone can help me here or point me in the right direction. I have a jQuery UI dialog that pops up when user clicks on an image. The dialog displays a form with 2 drop down windows. "dept" and "group". Group drop down is disabled, until something is selected in the...

Nothing happen on setting minDate in jquery datepicker?

Hey Guys, I written like this.. <script> $(function() { $('#from').datepicker({ defaultDate: "+5d", changeMonth: true, numberOfMonths:1 , minDate:"+0d", dateFormat: 'DD, MM d, y...

How to create a div toggle effect using jQuery?

I want the following requirement. But there is slight change on it. http://acrisdesign.com/demo/toggle/ Please consider the above link for the example below. There are two toggle effects on Hover and Click. My requirement when someone click on the top of the div: it will expand and there should be a "close" button in the div some on...

How to make a datepicker always be clear of the textbox

Ok I have a jQuery date picker attached to a textbox. So when you focus on the textbox the datepicker pops up. This works well most of the time, but if the textbox is near the bottom of the screen then the datepicker will not cause the screen to scroll more, instead it will just be shifted up and cover the textbox, making it not visible....

Submit Jquery Modal Confirmation

Hello. Im using the jqueryui plugin and I'm using the code for the jquery modal confirmation shown in the demo. If you see the demo, where the text is written i have a form with a couple of input fields. What I want to do is that when u press "delete all" for the form tu submit. I see the demo for the modal form, but that one has a lot o...

Jquery plugin tools for maps

Can any one suggest a link or an example to create an atlas like tool using jquery What does google maps use? Thanks.. ...

Jquery calendar with marked dates

Hi, Im looking for a calendar component for jquery that looks like the one in outlook navigation pane. A smaller calendar where you can easily mark dates as bold if there is an event planned for this date. Anyone have any suggestions? I guess you could take any kind of date picker and modify it but I would like something that just wor...

jQuery UI Autocomplete, load results to a different location(div)?

I am converting from YUI to jQuery and can't see a way to load the results of the autocomplete into a div or other such container. I want to be able to populate a div with formatted results, including an image based on the return, not just a simple drop down from the input. ...

jquery-ui : ThemeRoller > How to apply a specified theme ?

Hello, i use the ThemeRoller from jquery UI, as follow : HTML: <div id="switcher"></div> jQuery: $('#switcher').themeswitcher({ .... }); How to apply a specified theme (for example : "Start") when i click on a input button ? ...

How to get the Focus on one of Buttons of JQuery Dialog on ASP.NET MVC page?

Hi I have an ASP.NET MVC page(Registration). On loading the page, i am calling Jquery Dialog with Agree and Disagree buttons on that Dialog. 1). How to set the focus to Agree button by default? 2). How to disable the X (Close) Mark that is on Top right corner? (So that i don't want the user to close that dialog simply). Code: $("#di...

jquery tabs question

The problem is every time a tab is activated, the cursor jumps to the top of the page, since the tab link points to a div and the page scrolls up to the top of the div. This creates a jumpy effect if the user has scrolled down a bit, while reading tab content. Is there anyway to prevent this? ...

jquery ui autocomplete problem

Hi, i've got a select box containing countries, and when one is selected, i want my autocomplete data for the city field to load via ajax. here's my code: // Sets up the autocompleter depending on the currently // selected country $(document).ready(function() { var cache = getCities(); $('#registration_city_id').autocomplete( ...

JQuery overlay - issues with opening twitter "Allow Access" box

Hey guys I'm using Jquery flowplayer tools overlay to open external links. External links are working fine with this piece of code shown in the link: http://www.demiseonline.com/misc/Iframeoverlay.html Now using this overlay - I wanted to open the twitter dialog which asks users to Allow access to their account. So in the code below,...

jquery-ui, Use dialog('open') and pass a variable to the DIALOG

I have the following JS: $('#listeditdialog').dialog('open'); Which opens the following dialog: $('#listeditdialog').dialog({ autoOpen: false, resizable: false, position: ['center',150], width: 450, open: function(event, ui) { $("#listeditdialog").load("/projects/view/tasks/ajax/?listid=" + XXXX); }, ...

get last clicked tab index in jquery ui tab

Hi, I am using JQuery UI tabs , to get the current selected tab i am using ui.index but i want an index of last clicked tab. for example, initially tab 1 is loaded after that if i click tab 3 then in show method i can fetch tab 1's index and the same way if i click on tab 1 then i can fetch tab 3's index. ...

Initialize Tab Event in JQuery UI

Is there any initialize event in Jquery UI Tabs , which executes only once when particular tab loads ? As show function in Jquery UI tabs executes every time when tab gets load , i want an event that executes only once.. ...

Hide JQueryUI Accordion Items with View All Option

I have a JqueryUi Accordion that is dynamically generated. However I need it to show only the first 8 items with the rest viewable by clicking a "View All" link. The code is simply a series of: <h2>Title</h2> <div>....</div> The jquery is all of: $(function() { $("#sidebar").accordion({autoHeight: false}); }); Thanks ...

Rectangular divs with textual content are arranged in rows based on their sort order

Is it possible to create the following behavior with one or more existing JQuery plugin(s)/widget(s)... or with some other web framework? Rectangular divs with textual content are arranged in rows (left to right) based on their sort order, and then flow to the next line if needed (top to bottom). ...