
problem in ice:selectOneMenu

Hi There.... I'm facing a problem with the ice:selectOneMenu component in Icefaces.. In more details : When i fill the SelecItem arrayList i set an empty selcetItem at the first index in the arrayList, like that : mainClassificationsSI.add(new SelectItem(""));, and in My page i have the folowing : <ice:selectOneMenu partialSubmit="...

JSF snippet to center an image in a panel grid

I am trying to write some JSF code that centers an image in a panel grid. The simple approach would appear to be: <h:panelGrid columns="1" style="text-align:center"> <h:graphicImage value="/path/to/image.png" /> </h:panelGrid> but this approach does not seem to work. ...

Handling a complex Bean-tree in JSF

Hey, Let's take a look at this bean structure for example: public class Abean { private Bbean b; } public class Bbean { private ArrayList<Cbean> c; } public class Cbean { private ArrayList<Dbean> d; } public class Dbean { .... } So basically Abean containts everything. Now I want to make JSPs for all of these beans, w...

Rich Faces Tree Control for handheld device

Currently I have a rich tree which works as expected; however the tree itself is not appropriate for small devices where you use your finger for navigation. The arrow that represents the child nodes, and their expansion, is too small. Is there any way to change that graphic, or increase its size? ...

Passing a backing bean instance as parameter for another backing bean method

Hey, After the user fills my backing bean with info through the forms, I want to process the instance in Java code (such as JAXB marshalling). So at the moment i'm doing this like so: <% OtherBean.method(myBackingBean); %> which is - if i'm right - not quite an up to date solution :) So how can I make this happen in a 'better' way? ...

How to populate the right side of a richfaces picklist?

I am using a Richfaces' picklist and I want to populate the right-side panel with a list of SelectItems from my backing bean. Populating the left-side is not a problem from the backing bean, however, the right hand side is problematic. This is what I currently have <h:outputText value="Roles" /> <rich:pickList showButtonsLabel="fals...

Custom JSF component attribute list

I'm writting a custom JSF component that will render image transitions for a set of specified images. The list of images to be used by the component will be specified by the users of the component. The main component will do the rendering and the resulting markup is not html. I'm just learning JSF and I was wondering if there is an est...

Access managed bean from separate web application on same server?

I have two applications. The first called app1 is a JSF 1.2 application. The second called app2 is a basic Servlet application. Is it possible to access a specific managed session bean in app1 from app2? Both are deployed on the same server. Thanks Tom ...

Is there a free JSF Webhost out there ?

Hi .. i am looking for a free Webhost for JSF sites.. unfortunately i didn't find any by Google. It is just for testing .. i know .. i could test it with localhost. but i do want to have real time conditions. ...

Where should generating image URLs be handled in JSF?

For a uni assignment, I'm doing a JSF webapp to play poker. Cards in a player's hand are displayed by images. What's would be the "cleanest" way of mapping the card suit/rank to the URL of the associated image? I'm currently leaning towards either using whatever Card#toString returns, or handling this in the backing bean, it's just that...

Call from JavaScript to server-side code in JSF

Hi, I'm looking for an easy way to call a bean's method that will take no parameters and return a string in JSF. The thing that I don't really need is that the method returns an action result and then uses the whole JSF life-cycle to do get me to another view. I need to do that from JavaScript so that I can put together some client-side ...

Troubles Iterating Over A HashMap with JSF, MyFaces & Facelets

Hi all, I'm having some trouble looping over a HashMap to print out it's values to the screen. Could someone double check my code to see what I'm doing wrong. I can't seem to find anything wrong but there must be something. In a servlet, I am adding the following to the request: Map<String, String> facetValues = new HashMap<String, ...

How to design in pure css similar to the big sites

What is the best practice/methodology for creating a web page that is browser compatible and purely in CSS, except for of course the content. I notice that big name websites like yahoo.com use CSS exclusively for layout, which renders the content pretty well in hand held devices. Being that I have an opportunity to redesign the external ...

Converting A JSP Tag To A JSF Component

Hi all, I've got an JSP tag that I would like to use in my JSF/Seam application. Could someone please give me some guidance in getting my environment to accept the tag. Can I just point a faclets *.taglib.xml file at my old tag or do I need to write a component extending the previous tag perhaps? Cheers for any info, Lee ...

Unicode problem with JSF and HTML forms?

I have an HTML form generated by JSF which maps an input element to a bean setter and it looks to me like JSF is garbling unicode input on the way in. In particular I put the following exception for testing purposes in the setter public void setTitle(String title){ System.out.println("title set with: "+title+"\n"); if (title.st...

Best solution for Java web based forms connected to Oracle plus JNI?

Hi, My company is currently undergoing efforts to migrate from Informix to Oracle 10g. We don't want to use any form of oracle forms but instead want to create Java web based forms that interact with the Oracle db (these will replace our Informix forms). Some of the forms also need to implement some JNI to our underlying C code libraries...

Can CSS frameworks (ie: 960gs or Blueprintcss) be used without margins?

I don't see the point of using either http://960.gs or http://blueprintcss.org if they enforce margins other than for pretty magazine layouts/marketing-esq brochures. Is there a way I can use these to meet certain design requirements such as a navbar that can actually touch/wrap-around to the header? Any input to use these frameworks wit...

Why EL gives me the wrong object as parameter between parenthesis?

Here's the situation: In a rich:dataTable in an a4j:form, i create a a4j:commandLink to select the values and pass it to the bean with the jboss el action syntax action="#{bean.myaction(myparameter)}" This works without problem. But If I re-render the form to filter the datatable with an ajax call, when I select the value, it gives...

problem with JSF h:commandButton

Hello everybody. I really need help on this one. I am having a simple login form in jsp file, and i try to use JSF and managed beans with it. When i first fire page it is displaying it content, however when push the submit button (h:commandButton) i am getting an error. Can somebody tell me what is wrong with my code ? error: javax.s...

Datatable with rows of inputs

I have a datatable that generates rows of text inputs and selection lists and when I submit the values are null. I realize this is because jsf is generating separate random ID's for each input. I really need the data by rows and then parse out what I need. Any suggestions?: <h:dataTable id="returnableItems" value="#{returnableItemsBean....