
Replace click() with document.ready()....

I downloaded javascript-uize effects example and all effects are appearing only onclick but i want it to be executed on document.ready() and continue... <script type="text/javascript"> Uize.module({ required: [ 'UizeDotCom.Page.Example.library', 'UizeDotCom.Page.Example', 'Uize.Widget.ImageWipe.xPresets', 'UizeDotCo...

How to upload file via the JSON interface in Rails

Hi, I have a web service in Rails which among all else should provide file upload functionality to the clients. The clients all use JSON to talk to the webservice. I use the Paperclip plugin for upload management. The problem is I do not know how to upload a file via JSON. All works in the web formular, but I cannot find information on...

How to get JSON object in Servlet from JSP?

In JSP page I have written: var sel = document.getElementById("Wimax"); var ip = sel.options[sel.selectedIndex].value; var param; var url = 'ConfigurationServlet?ActionID=Configuration_Physical_Get'; httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); httpRequest.open("POST", url, true); httpRequest.onreadystatechange = handler(){ if ...

Handling Unknown JSON Properties with Jackson

Hi, For deserializing json with unknown field into an object there's @JsonAnySetter. But what if I read such json into my object, modify some known fields and write it back to json? The unknown properties will be lost. How do I handle such cases? Is it possible to map an object or do I have to read the data into a JsonNode or Map? ...

Is it possible to send json object from jsp page to servlet?

I have some data in jsp page entered by user. i want to send this data to servlet. i dont want to submit the form. I am using json object and adding the data into it using : var param; var url = 'ConfigurationServlet?ActionID=Configuration_Physical_Get'; httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); httpRequest.open("POST", u...

Aggregating and Displaying Multiple Feeds

I want to pull feeds for multiple online services (e.g. Tumblr, Google Reader, Delicious) and aggregate them into a single feed to display on my site. I know of services like YQL or Yahoo! Pipes which will combine feeds, but sometimes those services are too slow. I was wondering what the best method would be if I wanted to run this on my...

Core Data - JSON (TouchJSON) on iPhone

I have the following code which seems to go on indefinitely until the app crashes. It seems to happen with the recursion in the datastructureFromManagedObject method. I suspect that this method: 1) looks at the first managed object and follows any relationship property recursively. 2) examines the object at the other end of the relation...

JScript JSON Object Check

I'm trying to check if json[0]['DATA']['name'][0]['DATA']['first_0'] exists or not when in some instances json[0]['DATA']['name'] contains nothing. I can check json[0]['DATA']['name'] using if (json[0]['DATA']['name'] == '') { // DOES NOT EXIST } however if (json[0]['DATA']['name'][0]['DATA']['first_0'] == '' || json[0]['DATA'][...

Collect specific fields to an array

Hi everyone, Each div with the class "row" is added upon request from the user, to be able to add multiple items at once. So now is the question how I'll collect all the forms in to an array that PHP can read (like JSON for instance). I'll guess that there's already some easy and effective way of doing this? <div class="container"> ...

JSON + PHP + JQuery + Autocomplete problem...

Hi Everyone, Only started today but I'm having massive problems trying to understand JSON/AJAX etc, I've gotten my code this far but am stumped on how to return the data being pulled by the AJAX request to the jQuery Auto complete function. var autocomplete = new function (){ this.init = function() { $('#insurance_destination').aut...

Not sure how to link json 100% in php

Im trying to create an rss feed that my droid app reads but i have some holes that i can figure how to fix the json link page is http://www.mandarich.com/mandarichServer/mlb/indexbaseball.php when reading the json i can see where the icon is missing on some and cant figure out why. mainly only for citys like ney york and chicago(cities w...

Chrome Extension Manifest 'Matches'

I'm trying my hands at a simple Chrome Extension, but am running into a problem with providing a value for the matches array in my content_scripts. { "name": "My Extension", "version": "1.0", "description": "My Extension Experiment", "browser_action": { "default_icon": "icon.png", "default_title": "Ext", "default_pop...

How to navigate around a '[' in JSON.

I'm new to JSON and moving around in it in jQuery. I'm fine until I hit a '[', as in: "gd$when": [{ "startTime": "2006-11-15", "endTime": "2006-11-17", "gd$reminder": [{"minutes": "10"}] }], I tried to do a eventTime = event["gd$when"]["startTime"]; to get to the 'startTime' (Yes, event is the variable for ajax stu...

Spring-JSON Used in Spring MVC

Hi, I came across the library Spring-JSON while looking to add Ajax Support in my spring mvc webapp 2.5. My question is, has anybody here have used this library and what are your experiences? Is there any better alternative than this? ...

PDOStatement to json

How would I convert a PDOStatement to json? Is there lib out there to do this? EDIT: I need to jsonify a PDO::FETCH_OBJ. Sorry, thanks for all of the responses. json_encode does not have the ability to jsonify a PDO::FETCH_OBJ. Thanks. ...

What does a JSON-encoded request look like?

I'm building an API using PHP. What do I need to do to recognize a JSON encoded request? Does it come with a certain request type? How do I get just the request body so that I can json_decode it? ...

JSON parsing using SOAP request and response

hello all in my project i want to use JASON parsing my sample soap request and response is here below please guide me how can i do that // soap request // <SOAP-ENV:Envelope SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XM...

JSON plugin for eclipse

I was googling for hours but could find a useful JSON plugin for Eclipse. I'd like to have something like that: Does anybody knows such a plugin? ...

php/as3 regex to split multiple json in one

For example I have this string of 2 json objects: {"glossary": {"title": "example glossary"}, "aaa": "1212"}{"adada": "faka"} I want to split it in the array for PHP and Actionscript 3 Array ( [0] => '{"glossary": {"title": "example glossary"}', [1] => '{"adada": "faka"}' ) What is the best method to do it. Edit: I don't ne...

JSON sorting problem in Python

Hi i've a problem with JSON in python. in fact if i try to execute this code, python gives me a sorted JSON string!! values = {'profile' : 'testprofile', 'format': 'RSA_RC4_Sealed', 'enc_key' : base64.b64encode(chiave_da_inviare), 'request' : base64.b64encode(data) } values_json = json.dumps(va...