
Vertical line with every quotation

I often want to tell some comments inside of the text, which aren't so closely related to the discussed topic. Usually for this purpose I use quotation environment, beacuse of its large indent on the left. Comment can be large, it can include formulaes, code listings, nested quotations, and so on. How can I make quotation environment to...

Easiest way to remove Latex tag (but not its content)?

I am using TeXnicCenter to edit a LaTeX document. I now want to remove a certain tag (say, emph{blabla}} which occurs multiple times in my document , but not tag's content (so in this example, I want to remove all emphasization). What is the easiest way to do so? May also be using another program easily available on Windows 7. Edit: I...

How to make a hyperlink navigate to the top of the figure in LaTeX when using hyperref?

I have a LaTeX document with a figure and references to it: \begin{figure} ... \caption{...} \label{fig:1} \end{figure} \ref{fig:1} I use the hyperref package to get hyperlinks in the resulting PDF. However the link to the figure navigates to the caption leaving the figure itself out of the view. How can I make it navigate to the sta...

two statements next to curly brace in an equation

Hi, I want to write an equation which has a single left hand side and on the right hand side it has a/one curly brace ({). Next to the curly I have to write two statements in two different lines. How do I do it? Thanks ...

Print latex-formula with python

Hello! I search the whole time but cannot find it. How to show an easy latex-formula in python? Maybe numpy is the right choice? EDIT: I have a python code like: a = '\frac{a}{b}' and want to print this in a graphical output (like matplotlib). ...

Figure spanning full width of page in two-column article

Hi, In a IEEEtran latex template, I am trying to put a figure spanning full width of the page. I am doing, \begin{figure*}[h] \centering \setlength\fboxsep{0pt} \setlength\fboxrule{0.25pt} \fbox{\includegraphics[width=6.2in]{Figure7}} \caption{Figure} \label{f7} \end{figure*} This places the image on a new page at the end of the arti...

LaTeX: Cite, but don't reference

Hi all, I'm producing a set of documents in LaTeX, and I would like to provide a single, global bibliography page for the whole set. This is because each document is page-limited: I don't want to take up space with references at the bottom of each one. This means in each case, I would like to cite in the text, but not produce a referen...

Latex: Wrong reference number

Hi, I have 6 figures in my .tex file. Wherever I put a reference to the 6th image, in the pdf I get Figure1.5 instead of Figure1.6 (1 less) but upon clicking the link I go to the right figure Figure1.6. Similarly, when I refer to 5th image, in the pdf I get Figure1.4 instead of Figure1.5, once again when I click the link I go to Figure...

How to fix this align environment a bit neater?

I'm writing a description of how recursive functions are applied within lists using the align environment from amsmath in LaTeX. Here's the code: \begin{align*} & \reduce (+, 0, & [1, 2, 3, 4]) \\ = & \reduce (+, 0 + 1, & [2, 3, 4]) \\ = & \reduce (+, 0 + 1 + 2, & [3, 4]) \\ = & \reduce (+, 0 +...

LaTeX security considerations

I have a plan to develop a publically accessible interface that will allow users to push git repositories to a server and have the server compile the latex sources in the repository and return the generated file(s). What I am wondering are what security issues I might need to be aware of? The plan so far is: Use a separate low privil...

Latex: problem with foreign characters

I am writing a report in Latex from a latex template given in my university. The text is in English but I need to have some Swedish characters there was well like ä, ö, å etc. Now the problem is that I was initially writing the whole report in one single .tex file. But now I have decided that it'll be more manageable to have separate fi...

add current time to \today with package datetime? (latex)

I'm trying to have my LaTeX articles print with both the current date and the time. I found a package called datetime which lets me redefine \today to a variety of formats, but it doesn't have an obvious way to modify \today to include the time, and the code is so twisted that I can't really figure it out myself. Is there an easy way to...