
LaTeX: Extract numbers and letters from command variables and conversion to roman numerals

I'm writing a thesis and have been searching on many occasions trying to find a solution to my programming problem. Basically, I have a series of items that I've distinguished in my research data as "A1", "A2", "A3", … , "A13", "B1", B2", and so on. These data labels, by the way, I can't change now because it's been used throughout my th...

How do I keep my section numbering in Latex but just hide it?

I need something like this: Chapter 1 Preliminaries 1.1 Banach Algebras I tried this: \chapter{} \section*{Preliminaries} \subsection{Banach Algebras} The problem is: As soon as I hide the section number using \section*{Preliminaries}, it changes the numbering of the subsection to: 0.1 Banach Algebras. How do I hide the number o...

Latex, NO section number in TOC but visible in the actual section heading

I am writing a document where I do not want subsection numbering to show in the TOC (I want the subsection heading visible in the TOC) but I want the subsection numbering to show in the actual document heading. This is what I want Table of Contents 1. Chapter One 1.1 Section One SubSection One Chapter 1 Chapter One Some chapte...

Configure caption on listings environment using multicol (latex)

I want to make a dual column code in latex but with the caption above the two columns. Ex: Program 1 : some text here for the caption 1 //col 1 7 //col2 2 void main (void) 8 void foo(void) 3 { 9 { 4 //just a test 10 int c; 5 return 0; 11 c = 0; 6 } ...

Latex Beamer: How is it possible to make piece of text in a frame in italics?

I am using Beamer in order to make a presentation. In one of the frames I want to write something like this: "Italics is like that" I used a command \it of Beamer for doing this: \it{Italics} is like that But as a result I get: "Italics is like that" Is it possible to make italics only a piece of text? ...

how to set header font color in Latex

Is it possible to change the header font color in Latex? ...

what is the most comfortable way to ssh and vim/latex/c++ on android?

I'm debating if i should get droid x. i'd like to use it for work, meaning latex and code in c++. I use vim. i know this is possible with connectbot. but possible doesn't mean i can substitute a laptop. are there people that use bluetooth keyboard with android device and are happy? I don't mind the small screen. just curious about your...

Latex: how to break the line in multirow inside the tabular

Hi all, I cannot find out how to break the line inside the multirow in tabular. I need to make some table where I have one cell which is two row high, and I have long text in it, but it does not break the line and text is overlapping another cell on the left side. Any suggestions? Sample of code: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{|p{...

how can I suppress output from Sweave that is not suppressed by echo=FALSE?

I am getting extraneous output in my .tex file that I can not suppress with <> or sink(). Notably, the unwanted lines are not enclosed by ..{Schunk} or similar. This occurs for me when I use either DEoptim or rjags, although this is likely not limited to these functions. example .Rnw file: \documentclass[a4paper, 12]{article} begin{do...

LaTeX and Bibtex: command to print a single full reference from a bib file?

I'd like to be able to print a single reference from a Bibtex .bib file anywhere in my LaTeX document -- not cite it, but print the reference, exactly as it would appear in the normal bibliography listing. So if this is a regular citation, that prints a bracketed reference: % Normal citation, appears as bracketed reference, e.g. [2] \c...

adding prefix to figure caption in LaTeX?

How can I change the caption of all figures in LaTeX to include a prefix? For example, make all figures appear as "Supplementary Figure 1", "Supplementary Figure 2", ... rather than "Figure 1", "Figure 2"? thanks. ...

How do I cite range of references using latex and bibtex

Hello Suppose I have 3 references that goes one after another i.e [1][2][3]. But I want to see [1]-[3]. What should I do. Thank you. ...

How to make chapter*, section* and subsection* appear in the table of contents

Hi all, I need to produce a PDF document in which I need some "chapters" (along with its sections and subsections) to be non-numbered but still included in the ToC. This is for my master thesis. I'm using the book document class, because I don't like memoir defaults. If I use \chapter*, then LaTeX remove the chapter from the ToC. But ...

Make an unbreakable block in TeX

I want to do something like the following in TeX: \begin{nobreak} Text here will not split over pages, it will remain as one continuous chunk. If there isn't enough room for it on the current page a pagebreak will happen before it and the whole chunk will start on the next page. \end{nobreak} Is this possible? ...

LaTeX Question - Accents on characters

I refuse to believe that no one on stackoverflow can help me! Tone marks above Chinese characters in latex / Combining Accents in unicode My aim is to put tone marks above Chinese characters in latex, and google seems to not be letting on to the answer. Is it possible to use combining accents with chinese characters or can they only b...

Different header for odd and even pages in LaTeX fancyhdr

We are making a book with the document class 'book'. We used the fancyhdr package to customize the headings. We want the book title on LE and the chapter name on RO. We tried \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{% \markboth{#1}{}} \renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{% \markright{\thesection\ ...

Subfigures in beamer documents

Hi all, I'm using beamer package to produce slides. I put many figures on a slide by using the subfigure package. The problem is that for captions, the subfigure are labeled "a", "b".. "m", "n" and so on, for subfigures appearing on different slides. How could I reset the subfigure numbering when passing to a new slide? Thanks in advan...

How to align the long caption of the table in LaTeX?

I have a longtable in LaTeX with a caption that doesn't fit into one line, e.g. \begin{longtable}{lrrr} \caption{This is a very long caption that does not fit into one line} ... \end{longtable} The resulting PDF looks as follows: Figure 1: This is a very long caption that does not fit into one line I would like the second line of t...

LaTeX Immediate Evaluation

I'm trying to write a command in LaTeX that takes a string such as 8:00A and converts it into the number of minutes, as part of a script to draw a class schedule using TikZ. However, I'm running into some issues - it seems that LaTeX doesn't actually evaluate the contents of a command. My command is currently: \newcommand{\timetominut...

Are there text editors that can be used to create markup languages (like markdown, rest and such?)

I'm becoming more interested in markdown and rest for documentation/requisites in projects, but some people in the team aren't that techie to use and remember these markups. It's going to be a bad move to just adopt them when they're used to OpenOffice files. There is a visual editor for Latex, named Lyx, that is WYSIWYM and WYSIWYG, bu...