
How to pass an option containing a space to a package in LaTeX/XeLaTeX

When I declare an option containing a space, LaTeX/XeLaTeX eats it. In the main .tex, I have : \usepackage[test font]{test} In my .sty file I have : \DeclareOption*{\newfontfamily\testfont[Scale=1]{\CurrentOption}} \ProcessOptions But the Tex engine passes to the package testfont option and not test font. So the question is how ...

Using \parindent and \parskip with \paragraph{} has no effect

I'm creating documents using the memoir class in XeLaTeX. I'm having trouble creating proper paragraph presentation, and in particular my when I create paragraphs with \paragraph{}lorem ipsum LaTeX ignores the \parskip and \parindent settings. For example, if I have a document \documentclass[oneside,11pt]{memoir} \usepackage{fontspec}%...

Compile XeLaTeX tex file with latexmk

How can one compile a XeLaTeX tex document using latexmk on Mac OS X? At present I am running latexmk job.tex and getting an error: ! ******************************************** * XeTeX is required to compile this document. * Sorry! ********************************************. \RequireXeTeX ...********************************} ...

XeTeX - Detect when re-run is needed

Hello everyone. I'm trying to determine when a re-run of Xe(La)TeX is required because of undefined references. I've posted a related question on the SCons mailing list, and the problem is as follows: Page counts and other references that require multiple runs of XeLaTeX are sometimes not at present detected by SCons and other build s...

What is the proper way to enable character protrusion in xelatex?

Hello, I am using XeTeX 3.1415926-2.2-0.9997.4 (part of TeX Live 2010). One of its new features is character protrusion, and I would like to use it in my documents. The problem is that I cannot make it work. XeTeX sample from xetex.tk wiki compiles correctly and displays protruded characters. Although XeLaTeX file that I created does n...

Can I write cls files in LaTeX instead of TeX?

I have some initialization code in a XeLaTeX file which I would like to put into a separate file so that I can reuse it in future texts. What is the fastest way to convert my XeLaTeX code to a LaTeX class file? ...

Unicode characters in XeLatex

This is my LaTex script: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage{xunicode} \usepackage{xltxtra} \setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Jenson Classico} \begin{document} ąęśćłó \end{document} I compile this using xelatex through eclipse plugin. As Jenson Classico has no polish characters I have edited this font to a...

How to change the formatting/font of page numbers in latex?

I don't just mean how to switch to roman numerals, I want to change the font face and size. I'm currently using the article class, but I can't see any particular part of it responsible for the footer, so I wonder if this might not apply to a lot of classes. Edit: I don't need to make a custom page layout or pagestyle, necessarily. ...

How to load latex .sty files from a subdirectory?

I use some .sty-files that are not part of texlive and want to have them in a subdirectory of the folder with my main.tex. I used the following line to load the package: \usepackage{sty/prettythesis} This works, but compiling the main.tex with xelatex and using rubber gives me a warning: sty/prettythesis.sty: You have requested packa...

LaTeX: Extract numbers and letters from command variables and conversion to roman numerals

I'm writing a thesis and have been searching on many occasions trying to find a solution to my programming problem. Basically, I have a series of items that I've distinguished in my research data as "A1", "A2", "A3", … , "A13", "B1", B2", and so on. These data labels, by the way, I can't change now because it's been used throughout my th...