
CSS horizontal table cell spacing: how?

Hi, Hopefully this is an easy one but I have not found a solution. I want to put space between columns on a table. Example | Cell |<- space ->| Cell |<- space ->| Cell | An important point is that I do not want space on the edges. There is a border-spacing property but it is not supported in IE (6 or 7) so that is no good. It also...

Need to make div and css based pages work in IE 7

I am working on a project where I need to build the pages using div tags and css. The pages look fine in Firefox, Opera, Safari and IE 8, but my client who is using IE7 is complaining of layout problems in IE 7. Can someone take a look and tell me how to fix the code so it will work in all the browsers, especially IE 7? Links and css ...

Android ImageButton -- can't get image in the center

I want to create an Android ImageButton in the xml file with a background image, and a smaller icon on top of that, right in the center. For some reason, it's not obvious how to do it, and documentation is no help. <ImageButton android:id="@+id/sound_button" android:layout_x="430px" android:layout_y="219px" android:layout_width="48px" a...

WPF - How to dock a Border onto a Canvas?

I have a Border inside a Canvas. The Border's height/width are varying according to its contents. I want the Border to stretch out to fill up the entire Canvas. How can I do that? I have tried this on the Border without success: Height="{Binding ElementName=MainCanvas, Path=Height}" Width="{Binding ElementName=MainCanvas, Path=Width}"...

WPF What container should i use

well what i want is this lets say i have a "panel" with the width 100 and height 100 now i want to place X objects witht the size 20 so when i add more 5 items it should have all items on one line |Item1|Item2|Item3|Item4|Item5| now if i would add one more then i want it to split it to 2 lines with 3 items on each row |Item1|Item2|I...

How to prevent the OS X text layout engine from automatically "flipping" lines with right-to-left text?

How do I make Apple's Cocoa GUI controls not automatically "flip" lines that contain right-to-left text (such as arabic)? Behold my test case, wherein I plan to keep the asterisks (**) in the beginning of the lines when they are printed on screen: #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePo...

WPF problem: Need to draw a control on top of another.

Hi I've a shell window constructed of an Header, Main Content and Footer. The main content is a tab control. According to the design, one of the tab items content (a user control) needs to expand a little bit over the footer. At first I thought about implmenting this with a negative Margin, but the footer no matter what I did always get...

More than one layout for a controller

Is it possible to do something like this: class SimulationController < ApplicationController layout "generic", :only => [:login, :invalid] layout "menubar", :except => [:login, :invalid] For some reason, my login page still uses the menubar layout (I can tell because a menu bar will appear at the top). If I comment out the 3rd lin...

2 column full height layout in IE6

So I am trying to replicate this in IE6: It works perfectly in FF and Chrome, but fails miserably in IE6. Any suggestions? Here is the full set of requirements: +-----------------------------+ | NavBar | |-----------------------------| |Menu | Content | | | ...

html footer moves to right when table is empty?

Have a table of data surrounded by form tags. At the bottom of the page have a footer that is fixed. When the table is empty (only table header displaying) the entire footer shifts half way off the screen, to the right. Any ideas? Thanks! <form action="/cgi-bin/Lib.exe" method=POST name="dd" ID="Form1"> <div id="yyy"> ...

Does this seem like an IE8 float bug to you?

I've noticed a strange behavior in two different sites when using IE8. The first site is in the site that I maintain The second site is google analytics. The behavior is that when an address is typed directly into the address bar of IE8, both sites display correctly, But when one of the sites has already been loaded, an...

Question with frames and Java AWT

Hello, I am currently making a program with the AWT gui and I'm running into a problem. I basically want an image the top left hand corner of the screen, and a column of buttons on the right of the image. This isn't what's happening though.. When I run the applet, I click a popup saying "Start Program" and then the picture I want is in t...

How do I get content to realign around an expanding/collapsing WPF Expander?

Right now I have a Stackpanel, that contains a collapsed Expander, and a Listbox. The Listbox beneath the collapsed Expander is being positioned as if the Expander was expanded. Is it possible for the StackPanel to dynamically do layout based on the collapsed size of the Expander, and then on the Expanded size of the Expander once it's ...

Refactoring Crystal Reports: whether to, to what and why?

Report design, generation and maintenance isn't hard, but it is dull. We have a number of legacy (to quite different degrees of legacy) reports in Crystal Reports XI. These are designed for A4/PDF - not necessarily printed, but to be of a predictable layout and there's no possibility of us retiring them any time soon. All connect to ex...

How do I get Multiple Style Sheets to work on a single page?

Here's the situation. I made three style sheets for each of the three pages I am currently working on. One that works in IE8/Safari/Opera/Firefox. One that works in IE7 and one which if used alone works on IE6 I tested everything on and that sites' IE 6 and 7 emulators. 3 I used a variation of the artic...

How to put 2 buttons in a row in one Zend_Form

I assume it's a common requirement to have forms in your web apps that have Edit Delete buttons under them. But ZF puts one button under another, which is counter-intuitive. I guess ViewScript decorator could help me completely override button html. But how to do it across other forms, to avoid duplicating? May be I am overcomplicating ...

How to share CSS StyleSheet amongst projects?

I am seeking some web architecture advice: I would like to know how to share common files, e.g. stylesheets, amongst web applicaitons that span virtual directories and many developers as opposed to having redundant files within each project? What are some recommendations? ...

Simplest way of keeping images horizontally aligned without gaps?

What's the simplest correct way of aligning images without gaps horizontally within a div? If possible I would not like to wrap every image in a div and I would not like to use a list. I'm rather looking for the proper CSS to achieve this with minimal markup. The biggest problem are the gaps between the images which I can remove by set...

Where is the Visual Studio layout saved?

I am having problems with VS2008 moving the windows around and losing tabs when I close it and open again, or when I go from coding to debugging and back. (Yes, I know that it is supposed to save different layouts for coding and debugging). I have tried exporting my settings, but it informs me helpfully that "Your settings were exporte...

In CSS, getting a logo to position over a central layout and stick out to the left?

Hello there, I'm really stuck here... I have a site layout with a central layout (it's about 922px width, centered on the page)... I have a little logo that is to the top left of this, but it sticks about 10 pixels to the left of the central design. If you can imagine, it sort of sticks out to the left of the design... Now, I was told ...