
Lazy Loading in NHibernate

If a Customer has many Orders attached to them. How would you lazy load the Orders List using NHibernate. Is it something that needs to be set up mapping file? any help or an example would be great. ...

jQuery.load() - Inside External Javascript

Hi, i load an external page with $('#myContainer').load('myfile.html'); in myfile.html theres an <script type="text/javascript" src="otherscript.js"></script> Some users report that the otherscript.js is not loaded... i've tested a all common browsers (firefox, ie 6/7, safari, opera etc.) - i cant figure out why this wont work.....

jQuery lazyload plugin

Hi there, I've got a page that contains a list with about 100 images, and i dont want that the browser has to load all of it if the users only views approx. 10 of it. So i've tried the jQuery.lazyload plugin on my page. If i write: $( function() { $('.list li img').lazyload( { placeholder: 'n.gif' } ); }); for the code: <ul cl...

How to disable lazyload in subsonic programmatically?

By default if the table has FK, subsonic also retrieves data of the FK table. Is it possible to disable this? ...

Lazy loading in Hibernate

My Java Web application uses Hibernate to perform ORM. In some of my objects, I use lazy loading to avoid getting data until I absolutely need it. The problem is that I load the initial object in a session, and then that session is destroyed. When I later attempt to resolve the lazy-loaded collections in my object I get the following err...

I want increase the scrolling performance in my table view with images in iphone?

I am new to iphone development.I am parsing a xml and display the title,date,contents and image in the cell,Now the scrolling is not smooth, it struck.How can i increase it.I have already applied lazy loading in another view, i am not able to apply in the new view.So how can i increase the scrolling performance.Can i check for any condit...

can you use jquery lazyload on all images (not just ones out of view)

i have a webpage with a lot of images (photo album). I am using lazyloading jquery plugin which is great to only load the images out of browser view when i scroll down. The one issue i have is that i want the loading icon to show up first on images loading IN the current view as well as some of them are big images and they show up with...

LazyLoad Plugin

I am using jQuery Lazy Load to load thumbnails on a page I have a list of about 100+ thumbnails per page. This plug-in works perfect, until I introduce the plug-in Quick Pagination to display nine thumbnails at a time and give users the next and previous. When one clicks on the Next or Previous, you get the gray placeholder image as the...

How can I trigger an image load by clicking other element rather than the image itself (Lazy Load jQuery plugin)?

In the Lazy Load plugin's documentation (A jQuery plugin that loads images only when an event occurs) says: Event can be any jQuery event such as click or mouseover. You can also use your own custom events such as sporty or foobar. Default is to wait until user scrolls down and image appears on the window. To prevent all im...

A website with 3 horizontally positioned images, which can be scrolled, and are lazy loaded (Explanation needed).

I don't know if I'm intruding too much in a person's code. This website uses jQuery Tool's Scrollable in big images (3 horizontally positioned images each time). But these images are only loaded when the previous one is clicked. Can anyone explain to me the code that does that?: Reference: index.php <div class="item current" title="...

Slider loading after entire pages loads

Hi, I am using looped slider js for implementing a slider in wordpress. Basically i want to add my slider when entire page loads. please help me. I tried lazyload plugin for that but wont get any success. My markup is like this, <div class="container"> <div class="slides" > <div><a><img /></a><a><img /></a></div> </div> </div> Thanks ...

Early appendChild hell in top 3 browsers...

I'm trying to lazy load javascripts, but I can't get it to work reliably. My pages load quite quickly and I want to keep it that way, so I'm not about to use a timeout to delay the loading. Besides document.readyState, how do I ensure the DOM is genuinely ready for modification? Method I: poll readyState createElement script ...

How to make 'will_paginate' lazyload in rails 3?

In rails3, almost all query interface change to be lazyloading now, but 'will_paginate' will hit the database imediately after you use the 'paginate' method. How can I make it lazyload records? ...

LazyLoad: 'Source Not Found' when I try to DisplayImage

Hi - I'm trying to use Fedor's LazyAdapter, but keep getting a "Source Not Found" error when I return the view for a row in my array adapter. Here's the main activity code, along with the array adapter: package com.briancsinger.testlist; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser; import javax...

Can someone help me adapt LazyLoader to handle embed flash -source of code. I want to be-able to lazyload my flash widgets on scroll but I don't know how to adapt lazyloader to handle it. It seems like it should be easy; I went through the code and it seems to be made to handle any type of element, yet changing < img / > to < embed /> didnt...

My Lazy Flash Loader, Does it work correctly and behave accordingly?

Version 1: <style> embed { display: none; } </style> <script> var p1 = 0; var p2 = 1; var amount = 0; /* var counter = 0; */ $(window).scroll(function() { /*if(counter % 2 === 0){ */ if($(window).scrollTop() &gt;= amount){ amount+=500; if(!($(&#39;embed&#39;).slice(p1,p2).show())){ $(window).unbind(&quot;scroll&quot;); } ++p1;++p...

Lazy Load, Lazier Load.. Control Fade Speed?

Normal lazy load plug in.. $(function() { $("img").lazyload({ placeholder : "img/grey.gif", effect : "fadeIn" }); }); Can i control the speed of the fadeIn aspect say 0.9 or 1 seconds..? That possible..? Many thanks for any help :) ...

Any idea why my Lazyload is not working?

Anyone have any idea why my lazy load does not seem to be working? I copied exactly from the lazy load page even using their images as a test, they just load in normal rather than fade...? lazy link example I then put a no conflict script in as i have drop down as well, nothing there either which fixed it... Just loosely fades in fir...