
In linq how to work on Storprocedure

I work on Northwind database.server MS2008.In linq i active a sp then show me the bellow error: Syntax : <dxwgv:ASPxGridView ID="ASPxGridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="LinqServerModeDataSource1" KeyFieldName="CategoryID"> <Columns> <dxwgv:GridViewCom...

replace foreach for LINQ expression

How can I do this using LINQ? var prop = new List<EventProposal>(); foreach (var eventProposal in @event.Proposals) foreach (var service in eventProposal.Services) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(service.LongDescription)) { prop.Add(eventProposal); break; } ...

Casting and Linq Cast<T>()

When trying to answer this question, I discovered the following: string s = "test"; var result1 = s.Select(c => (ushort)c); // works fine var result2 = s.Cast<ushort>(); // throws an invalid cast exception Why does Cast<T>() fail here? Whats the difference? ...

Sorting a JSON Object using Linq

I am getting a response back from a Google Search Appliance suggest service in the form of JSON in the following format string jsonString = @"{ ""query"": ""t"", ""results"": [ { ""name"": ""tom"", ""type"": ""suggest"" }, { ""name"": ""tim"", ""type"": ""suggest"" }]}"; I want to sort the results list by name alphabeticaly and change...

Method with Predicate as Parameter

This is a general question, but here is the specific case I'm looking for a solution to: I have a Dictionary<int, List<string>> I want to apply various predicates to. I want one method that can take care of multiple LINQ queries such as these: from x in Dictionary where x.Value.Contains("Test") select x.Key from x in Dictionary where ...

SortedSet<T> Contains vs Linq Query

I have a very simple SortedSet with a CompareTo method that sorts on the basis of two class fields. As it is used, this collection can get quite big (million+ objects) and grows and grows over time. I have been using a simple Contains method to determine if a new value already exists in the collection... As an academic exercise I am...

How to use linq to object to hide or show some control in page

I am creating a function to hide all the gridview controls except the control whose name is being passed in the function. Here this.Controls referes to controls present in the page (At compilation error is thrown although). I want to fetch all the controls of type GridView with Name property not equal to the one passed in the funtion. ...

Linq.Dyanmic GroupJoin Implementation

I am working on create an Extension Method in the Linq.Dynamic project for GroupJoin. But, for some reason it will not run. The signatures seem to match. public static IQueryable GroupJoin(this IQueryable outer, IEnumerable inner, string outerSelector, string innerSelector, string resultsSelector, params object[] values) { i...

Get table values in a collection for the same value in any one row using LINQ

I have a table with column having multiple identical values which associates with other row values. ID HValue Limit 0005 0 350.00 0005 1 0.00 0005 2 350.00 0005 3 350.00 0025 0 20.00 0025 1 0.00 I executed the stored proc and stored t...

Can you change the timeout on a linq-to-objects query?

I have some LINQ queries which are running against objects in memory. I think they're pretty optimized, but there is a large number of objects, and sometimes the query takes a long time to run. Sometimes it takes long enough to timeout. (This code is running as part of an Azure worker role, and it seems to time out more frequently when ...

"Filtering" a collection before starting a Linq query on it

I´m working on some validation code and having some issues with my Linq code. What I have is a class that validates on a particular attribute (ValidationAttribute). That all works fine, ie the validation works with a class that has some properties decorated with that attribute (or subclasses of it). What I now want to accomplish is to ...

Using LINQ to parse the numbers from a string.

Is it possible to write a query where we get all those characters that could be parsed into int from any given string? For example we have a string like: "$%^DDFG 6 7 23 1" Result must be "67231" And even slight harder: Can we get only first three numbers? ...

What is the eqivalent to a SQL "in" clause here?

Hello, I'm new to LINQ and I've been at this for hours now. I have a List<> of objects where one of the objects properties is a List of selected categories. I also have, outside of the objects, a List representing a subset of categories and I want to return all objects which contain at least one category that is also in the subset as ill...

Building a C# Linq helper

Hi all, I'm trying to build a utility method using Linq that will help me with a common Linq-to-Objects search. I have a PropertyTbl object which has a reference to an Address. I have a IEnumerable<PropertyTbl>. I have written a helper that takes an IEnumerable<Address> and some search criteria returns an IEnumerable<Address> which whe...

Filter on the selected enumerable in a linq query

Is it possible to merge the below linq query into one query? var checkBoxes = from x in FindAll<CheckBox>() where x.Checked select new { RecordType = Type.GetType(x.Attributes["RecordType"]), RecordId = Int32.Parse(x.Attributes["RecordId"]) ...

Help with Linq and Dictionary's ContainsKey method

I'm writing a tool, and the first part of that tool is to collect all the header files in our public API. The problem is, two of the header files have duplicate file names (but they reside in different folders). This will cause a problem when creating a dictionary. Originally I wrote a foreach loop to collect FileInfo instances into a ...

How to use Case Conditions in LINQ To DataSets

I have a DataTable containing some records. Based on some conditions I have to filter records into two datatables. Say When row["ItemType"]==1 //Insert item into DataTable 1 When row["ItemType"]==2 //Insert item into DataTable 2 Else //Insert item into DataTable 3 How to do this in LINQ for a DataTable that contains a...

Take every 2nd object in list

I have an IEnumerable and I want to get a new IEnumerable containing every nth element. Can this be done in Linq? ...

C# concat two Collection<string> using linq and getting a Collection<string> result

I'm trying to do this: var collection1 = new Collection<string> {"one", "two"}; var collection2 = new Collection<string> {"three", "four"}; var result = collection1.Concat(collection2); But the result variable is type Enumerable[System.String] , whereas I want a Collection[System.String] I've tried casting: var all = (Collection<st...

How to implement this logic in linq, collection . Shortning a searching scope

PK_RPM_BTN_SETTING_ID FK_BUTTON_ID FK_ITEM_OR_PKG IS_ITEM_OR_PKG SORT_ORDER --------------------- ------------ -------------------- -------------- ---------- 1 1 1 I 1 1 2 1 P 2 1 3 ...