
how to show another List View 'B' after clicking List View 'A'

Hi I'd like to show another List View 'B' after clicking a item of List View 'A'. I use onListItemClick event in Android 1.6 project. public void onListItemClick( ListView parent, View v, int position, long id) { Toast.makeText(this, "You have selected " + lv_arr...

Click in a ListView item changes status of elements inside the item?

Hi, I don't know exactly how to explain this problem, but I'll try. I have a ListView with several items. Each item has inside a TextView and two ImageView. I want the ImageView change when I click on them, and I want to open a context menu when I press for a long time into the ListView item. For the ImageView, everything works proper...

Android: How to hide a ListView Item

How can you hide an item in a ListView or at least set its height to zero? I have tried setting the visibility of the View to GONE but it still maintains the item's space (height). ...

reading excel file in

can anyone help me on how to know EOF of excel using i have this code but it crash when i try delete the proceeding rows from row 6 to downward. my problem is, my code was still reading a null values of rows that i deleted in excel.. this is my code: Dim xlsConn As New OleDbConnection Dim xlsAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter Di...

How to disable items in a List View???

I have a list view which is populated via records from the database. Now i have to make some records visible but unavailable for selection, how can i achieve that? here's my code public class SomeClass extends ListActivity { private static List<String> products; private DataHelper dh; public void onCreate(...

ListView Item Style

Hi I'd like to add two rows in an item of Listeview. like android buil-in contact listview. eg, Andrew 9873678 John 8977656 how to code? ...

How can I remove the selection border on a ListViewItem

I'm using SetWindowTheme and SendMessage to make a .net listview look like a vista style listview, but the .net control still has a dotted selection border around the selected item: Selected items in the explorer listview don't have that border around them. How can I remove it? Windows Explorer: ...

c# Listview displaying in lines

Basically I have a Listview control which has coloums (displayed in Detail mode) I add items to it that I want displayed, each under 1 colomn (Like an invoice) but it displays them all under the first instead. I've been adding items like this below which I guess is the wrong way to do it but every other way I tried is not working. You ca...

ListAdapter to modify the datasource (which is an arraylist)

Hi Everyone, here's a problem that i've run into lately: I have a listview with a custom adapter class, the adapter takes in a listview and populates the listview with elements from it. Now, i'd like to have a button on each row of a listview to remove the item from it. How should i approach this problem? Is there a way to remotely trigg...

Load a Settings.settings into ListView?

Hi, I've managed to save ListView items to a System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection property settings using this LINQ one liner: My.Settings.Property1.AddRange(ListView1.Items.Cast(Of ListViewItem)().[Select](Function(a) String.Join(Convert.ToChar(Keys.Tab), a.SubItems.Cast(Of System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem)(...

How to use two templates for ListViewItem using WPF

Hi, I would like to have a ListView that would have have items similar to Microsoft Outlook inbox with items arranged by Conversations (see the attached photo). An item can either be a simple textblock containing the topic of the conversation (on the photo this are the blue lines) or it can contain email information specified by the Lis...

How to access empty ASP.NET ListView.ListViewItem to apply a style after all databinding is done?

We're using a ListView with a GroupTemplate to create a three-column navigation menu with six items in each column, filling in two non-data-bound rows in the last column with an EmptyItemTemplate that contains an empty HTML list item. That part works fine, but I also need to programmatically add a CSS class to the sixth (last) item in ea...

Can't seem to be able to set ListViewItem.imageIndex

I have been scratching my head with this error for at least an hour, what the heck is wrong here? In a loop: if (selectedItems[x].ImageIndex == 3) { List<ListViewItem> dupes = CP.listCache.FindAll(delegate(ListViewItem item) { return item.Text == selectedItems[x].Text; }); ...

WPF Listview - Select items outside 'field of view'

Hi there, I'm using a ListView to show Items in a List. The user can select the items himself, or use some 'preselect keys' to select items with specified attributes. To check the items I use something like that: for(int i;i<MyListView.Items.Count;++i) { if( /*... Check if the items should be selected ...*/ ) (MyListView.It...

"Tab" disappear when adding new ListViewItem to ListView

Hi i am trying to add string to Listview the string contain Tab (or \t) character. when i do this the Tab disappear. code: string text = "test Tab";// The space between the words is "Tab" of course this.listView1.Items.Add(new ListViewItem(text)); why is this happens? ...

Hiding ListViewItem based on a filter

I want to hide some items based on a text filter in a ListView (WinForms). Basically the listview loads the items from a text file, and I don't want it to be read and/or written when the user searches the list. The search is done in a combobox's KeyDown event, but there is no "Visible" property of the ListViewItem. Is there any easy way...

Add Dynamic ListView Row

Hi, I could intercept ContentObserver changes at any time. In these time, I'd like to add a dynamic listview row with or without opening my application but i don't know how to implement it. Please share me some hints. Thank you. ...

Drop Item into Specific Index in ListView in WPF C#

I have a list of files in a ListView in WPF. Users can drag files onto the list view, and right now they are just appended to the end of the list. Is it possible to insert the file into the ListView right where the user dropped it? ...

WPF: How to set column width with auto fill in ListView with custom user control.

A ListView with Datatemplate in GridViewColumn: <ListView Name ="LogDataList" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" ItemsSource="{Binding LogDataCollection}" Background="Cyan"> <ListView.View> <GridView AllowsColumnReorder="true" ColumnHeaderToolTip="Event Log Information"> ...

Get First Visible Item in WPF ListView C#

Anyone know how to get a ListViewItem by grabbing the first visible item in the ListView? I know how to get the item at index 0, but not the first visible one. ...