
jquery livequery event triggered on EVERYTHING, not just selected element.

I am attempting to use livequery. I unfortunately am stuck using jquery 1.2.6. This is my code: $(document).ready(function() { $('a.sort').livequery('click', function(event) { alert('hello'); }); }); If I click ANYWHERE in the document, I get the alert 'hello'. What exactly is wrong there? Is it some bug with jQ1.2...

can't get jquery livequery to with an update panel

I have some basic html inside an update panel. Using livequery, I set up autocomplete, blur and keydown events so that they all continue to be wired up after the update panel does a partial page load. When the page initially loads, all the events work fine but after the update panel does a partial page reload, none of the event...

Does jquery cycle plugin work with livequery?

I use this code and it's working fine on main page, but it doesn't work when you get new content through ajax (f.i. clicking on 'Recomendados' link) $('.videoList').livequery(function(){ $(this).after('<div id="nav">').cycle({ sync: 0, fx: 'scrollLeft', pager: '#nav', pagerAnchorBuilder: function(idx, slide) { var imgurl = $...

[JS/jQuery] Using livequery: Can't find propagated element created via ajax.

Hey guys, I'm using jQuery 1.3.2 and Live Query plugin. The script needs to work in FF as well as IE6. Upgrading jQuery and using live instead isn't a possibility. Somehow this script won't be called by the dynamically created element. $('select').livequery('change',function(){ var select_id = $(this).attr("id"); ...

Execute JavaScript function on a dynamic element (AJAX).

Hello i have this following function: ... var model = $("#carModel"); .... model.change(validModel); function validModel(){ if(model.val() == 0){ model.addClass("errorJS"); return false; }else{ model.removeClass("errorJS"); return true; } } I am getti...

Jquery and livequery

I have some ajax that pulls information into a table and i am trying to use livequery to add a class to every second row $('a').livequery('click', function(event) { $(".scroll-pane table tr:odd").addClass("Odd"); }); The problem is that the class is only added for a short period of time and then it simply vanishes? I am using jquery ...

jQuery: Ajax firing only once even though binded with livequery()

OK, so, I use livequery() to bind a function to the click event of all links of class 'ajaxLink'. The function fires perfectly...once. After the first successful ajax call on a click, subsequent clicks don't fire the ajax, which means (I'm guessing) they aren't being bound by the livequery() code anymore. I saw where others who had a si...

Dynamically generating a jQuery Datepicker with altFields

Hi, I'm dynamically generating datepicker's by simply appending the field HTML to a div: <input type="text" value="" readonly="readonly" name="tier[2][publication_date]" id="publication_date_2" size="10" maxlength="10" tabindex="6" class="publication_date hasDatepicker"> <input type="hidden" name="tier[2][publication_date_db]" id="publ...

.NET UpdatePanel + LiveQuery

I have used LiveQuery to detect when an element is added to the page. The element is inside an .NET AJAX UpdatePanel. When the UpdatePanel is refreshed, live query does not detect the new element. <asp:UpdatePanel runat="server"> <Triggers> <asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="refresh" /> </Triggers> ...

jQuery/CSS image issue. Opera only loading parts of the images for unkown reason.

Not that it's a surprise you encounter daily problems with Internet Explorer, but when you actually do it with a browser like Opera - it kind of throws you off the chair. I got most things working with Firefox, Chrome and IE (apart from the fact that fancybox isn't validating all the IE-fixes as green, but that's an issue for another ti...

liveQuery not reloading DOM until a second after pageload together with .load which causes a short visual error

This is a small issue which started to appear in most browsers (as far as I know) after I added the liveQuery library together with the jQuery .load function. LiveQuery is working just fine but since I have a opcaity effect on my portfolio that upon pageload lowers the opacity down to 0.6 on my thumbs via the following code; // LiveQue...

Getting elements created by Livequery

I'm doing a table using the plugin livequery function soroRow(numSoro){ if(numSoro % 2 == 0) var cRow = 'even'; else var cRow = 'odd'; var content = ($('<tr>') .addClass(cRow) .attr('id', 'soro_'+numSoro) .append($('<td />').appendText(numSoro+'')) .append($('<td />') .append($('<select...

jQuery livequery - cleanup function firing when it should not?

I have the following code, which is supposed to set the main_table_on_page variable according to the actual table presence in the document... $('table#main_middle_table').livequery(function() { if ($("table#main_middle_table").attr("id")) { window.main_table_on_page = true; } else { window.main_table_on_page = fa...