
Why would a .lib compiled in VS2003 fail to link with code compiled with VS2008?

We just had an interesting experience in trying to link a set of code compiled using Visual Studio Express 2008 with a .lib compiled with Visual Studio 2003. All in C++. To be precise, it was the SystemC 2.2.0 kernel that was compiled in VS2003 into a .lib, and a SystemC model which was compiled in VS2008. When linking, we kept gettin...

Implementing IUnknown, unresolved external symbol

Hello, I am trying to create a class that implements the IUnknown interface. I have the following code in the header file. #pragma once #include "stdafx.h" #include "Unknwn.h" class Vmr9Presenter : IVMRImagePresenter9, IVMRSurfaceAllocator9 { public: Vmr9Presenter(void); HRESULT Initialize(void); ~Vmr9Presenter(void); STDMETHODIMP ...

Linking С++ - BDB - LNK2001

BDB is compiled on the same PC, under same VS. #include <db_cxx.h> int main(){ Db b(NULL, 0); return 0; } 1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ""public: virtual __thiscall Db::~Db(void)" (??1Db@@UAE@XZ)" 1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol ""public: __thiscall Db::Db(class DbEnv *,unsigned ...

LNK2001 error in code

I am getting LNK2001 error. The code has been included below. Can someone please help me out? Error 3 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static class std::vector<struct _UpdateAction,class std::allocator<struct _UpdateAction> > InstrumentCache::actionTaken" (?actionTaken@InstrumentCache@@0V?$vector@U_UpdateAction@...

LNK2001: What have I forgotton to set?

Following on from my previous question regarding debugging of native code, I decided to create a simple test from a console app as I wasn't getting anywhere with debugging the service directly. So I created a vc6 console app, added the dll project to the workspace and ran it. Instead of executing as expected it spat out the following l...

LNK 2001 error with struct

Hello, I have a h- and a cpp-file with some calculations used in many of my projects. Now I tried to put them in a separate dll, so the files should not be included in every project. When linking I get a LNK2001 (unresolved symbol) error for a struct, however lib and dll are in the right place. I use the #ifdef TOOLS_EXPORTS #defin...