
Easy way to load test asp.net application

Is there a simple way to load test an asp.net application? I've been reading on some microsoft pattern and practices documents that tell you to use ACT which seems kind of hard to use for complex requests. ...

Is there tools for performance and load testing of REST service?

We have web-application with REST interface. Is there some tools to test it? ...

Load Testing tool for web applications

Hi, I am trying to load test a web application, but I am having a hard time finding good tools that are affordable. I cam across Web Performance Load Testing Tool which is pretty cool, but limits you to 10 users and after that it costs thousands. Does anyone know any good techniques for load testing a web application? Thanks ...

LR: VUgen web_set_timeout function unrealistic?

I understand that VUGen's web_set_timeout function allows me to set a timeout value higher than the usual value (which seems to be 120 seconds). What I do not understand: Doesn't this imply that all users would have to set their browser http POST timeout config value to a new, higher value? Don't I then test with a (simulated/virtual) u...

Is it possible to integrate JMX with SLAMD to monitor attributes during load testing

I'm about to undertake load testing of a web application that is suffering from intermittent failures in a production environment. I have enabled some JMX monitoring on certain components, e.g. an OSCache implementation, with the goal of gathering its statistics around the time of failure to determine how/if it contributes. I've been c...

Best tool to do load testing of wicket framework?

Can you recommend a simple/best tool for an web application developed using Wicket framework? The challenge is interface id is changed every time so record and playback may not work. This link explains some work around but it is not simple to implement. ...

Asynchronous WCF Web Service Load Testing

I see several other questions about load testing web services. But as far as I can tell those are all synchronous load testing tools. (Meaning they send a ton of requests but the go one at a time.) I am looking for a tool where I can say, "I want 100 requests to be launched at the exact same time". Now, I am new to the whole load tes...

Where can I download Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool?

The tool I used to use for load testing is Microsoft Web Application Stress Tool. However, it seems this is no longer available for download by Microsoft, and I haven't saved a copy. Question: Does anyone know where I can download it? Please let this be an exercise of answering the question. I understand there are alternatives, etc. ...

How can I properly load test a new component on a webserver?

We're implementing a new solution in our classic ASP environment that's using COM interop to instatiate a .NET component to do some work. The solution is working great and our team lead wants to make sure that it will perform well under load since this is the first time we'll be working with .NET components on our site. What do I need ...

Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Web Performance Test and Load Test Virtual User Accounts

I need to Load Test a website. It uses Crowd Authentication for users to authenticate against. I have created a Visual Studio 2010 Test Project and created a web performance test that signs in using the username and password I used when I recorded the test. I have attached an access database with a table called Users in it that I have b...

load-testing a webapp

Good folks of SO, When load testing a basic web application, what sanity checks do you do other than expected response time? Is it fair to ask for peak memory usage? what other checks do you make? thank you ...

Loadtesting ajax applications based on jQuery

Does anyone have any experience in load testing ajax applications? specifically running jQuery as their javascript library? Loadrunner and Neoload is the two of the load testing applications that works on the gui layer. But none of whom supports the jquery library. As for the other load testing tools, like jmeter, grinder and other ht...

Simulating high latency / intermittent network connections

I'm load testing a network application using The Grinder (on a Windows PC) and I wish to simulate imperfect network conditions in order to see what effect is has on the application load, in particular I'd like to see the effect of: Variable network latency, so not only do different clients have different latency, but also latency may v...

httperf for load testing and validating response

I want to load test a site with httperf. But this is not for performance testing. It is to reproduce a random bug where sessions are not maintained correctly and content generated by users are swapped. Can i use httperf to make simultaneous post requests and verify the response/results of the post are consistent? ...

Simple web load testing app with GUI

I am looking for a simple web load testing app that has a GUI. I need to run lots of small and simple tests (like hit page x 100 time and let me know how long it took) I do not want to have to script every test as I would have to using WCAT or AB also free would be nice If it matters I am using IIS7 ...

simulate 200 users with jmeter, each with unique logins

I've just started using jMeter and the plan is to do some load testing. I have the GUI effectively logging into the site for one user. One of the params sent back on the login post action is a value for creationTime that is set on form creation. The problem is that our app checks against the last login time and refuses you if the time ...

Help required to analyse load test results

I'm running some load tests from Visual Studio on a WCF service and I would like some help in trying to interpret / analyze the results. After enabling counters in web.config the host has provided us data for the following counters: "Calls Duration" and "Calls Per Second". I've assumed that "Calls Duration" is the figure I need to anal...

capacity planning determine whether the system could handle load

Lets say a jee based e-commerce web site is performing well giving expected response time and throughput. The web site is undergoing major ui changes and it is expected to bring 3 times more traffic. How do I find out whether the projected web traffic could be handled by the existing environment? Is there a way to find it out using som...

Facebook application load testing

How can i make load testing to facebook application? Facebook prohibits the use of automated tools!!! ...

What tool(s) for fairly complex stress testing a web application

I'm part of a team developing a new web-based product for our company. Whilst we're pretty positive the application will work perfectly with our expected average of 10-50 concurrent users, we have a requirement to ensure it will continue to work correctly for 1000 concurrent users. Our primary concern is around the loading and displayin...