
CLLocationManger gives old location. How to get the new location?

Hi, I am using the CLLocationManger to update the current location. Though its giving me the location but the location I am getting is of much older timestamp. I am facing the problem in, how to force the locationcontroller to update the fresh location not the cached location. Currently I am using this tutorial...... http://www.mobil...

Windows Azure geo-location

I’m doing some research into the capabilities of Windows Azure for an European company. One of their concerns is that data will be processed/stored by servers in the USA. (Regarding the patriot act) Microsoft does provide the option to select a geo-location, but I have yet to find them guaranteeing that the data won’t be processed or st...

Determine locations mentioned in shortish (500 to 1000 words) piece of text using PHP

I'd like to find a way to take a piece of user supplied text and determine what addresses on the map are mentioned within the text. I'd be happy to use a free web service if it exists or use a script which will not consume too many resources. One way I can imagine doing this is taking a gigantic database of addressing and searching for...

Windows Service : most appropriate location of the service specific files (database)

I have a windows service that hosts a WCF end-point that is a front-end for a SQL Server CE database. At the moment I have it at: Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) Question: what is most appropriate location for this file (database.sdf)? ...

C# - How do I access the WLAN signal strength and others?

Many scientists have published papers documenting how devices connected via WLAN can be tracked by measuring its Signal Strength, Time Of Arrival, Round Trip Time, etc. Any idea how I can access these values in Windows using any .NET API? Or do you know of software SDKs already available for location tracking? ...

Firefox logs invalid URL?

I'm writing an extension for firefox. Using dom.location to keep track of visited search results pages, i'm getting this url http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=hi&aq=f&aqi=&oq=&fp=642c18fb4411ca2e . If you click it, the google search results for "hi" should come up. You'll know that from the title bar ...

how to set mapkit's default annonation location?

I want to pass cordinates to default blue blob of mapkit.but it gives error? how do i show blue blob at my desired location? ...

how to find if mapkit failed to get userlocation?

I want to find that if mapkit failed to get user location(fails to show blue blob at user location) and show alert and then relocate the location again.i don't want to use corelocation.plz help me. ...

where is onet.xml ?

i create the site collection by central administration , i want see its ONET.XML. where is that exist ? Also as per my knowledge the master page declaration is declare in onet.xml right ? i want to change my master pages names , how to do that? please don't suggest sharepoint designer use. I used it & really it is best . but what is the...

City Country State Datebase

I am looking for a good City, Country State database It does not have to be crazy detailed, something that has a good coverage of Cities and their corresponding State,Countries in the world will do it for me. Appreciate if you can point me some links. Thanks ...

How do I wait for location.href to finish in JavaScript?

The JavaScript below code has two steps. Step 1: go to .pdf, .doc, .exe or something which not html native. If location.href has took over the browser window then there is no need to do step 2. (PDFs usually take over browser window). Most other things kick off a download manager process. Such as .exe. But there are some things s...

How does Visual Studio populate its Add References dialog?

This is a deliberate repost of an earlier question. The reason why I'm posting a question that has already been answered is I beleive it wasn't answered completely. My question is this: how does VS populate its Add References dialog for .Net objects? So far, I know about the following: The PublicAssemblies folder inside VS's installat...

android detect locatoin using WIFI

We can detect code using gps, i want to detect location via wifi ??? how can i do that ? i want two threads simulataniously running one detecting locaiton using GPS another detecting using WIFI. ...

Javascript problem with location.href.

Hello! I have a textbox and whenever the user presses a key it's checked to see if the user pressed enter. If the enter key is pressed, i want to add all the info in the textbox and transfer the user to a different url. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function checkEnter(e){ //e is event object passed from fun...

How To Find the Most Accurate iPhone GPS Results

Hi Everyone: I recall reading somewhere (I forget where) that if an iPhone application simply ran the CLLocationManager once, it didn't come up with the most accurate results. Is this accurate, and if so, how can I combat this problem? I want to come up with the most accurate GPS results, and am wondering if only one time will create ...

Nginx location, alias, rewrite, root

I'm serving /foo/bar/ by way of proxypass and want to continue doing so. However, I would like to serve /foo/bar/baz.swf statically from say /var/www/mystatic/baz.swf and so forth. I was hoping that I could do something like location /foo/bar/(.*) { alias /var/www/mystatic/; } location / { proxy_pass ....; ...

Flash URLLoader and Location -redirection

I have a Flash object that sends an URL request with URLLoader. However, how do I make it follow those Location: redirections in headers? ...

WPF ComboBox DropDown Placement

I have a ContentControl comprised from left to right of a Button, partition and a ComboBox. I want the ComboBox dropdown to line up with the left side of the control as opposed to the left side of the combobox. Can't seem to find docs on Relative placement, etc. Anyone dealt with this? TIA ...

What's the difference between window.location= and window.location.replace()?

Is there a difference between these two lines? var url = "http://www.google.com/"; window.location = url; window.location.replace (url); ...

when using yahoo maps the "X" (close button) in the smart window is showing up on the upper left

i am using code right out of the examples in yahoo maps api, but when i click on a smart window i get the close button (x) in the upper left. the only thing i am changing is the html in the smart window but i dont understand why that would affect the location of the close button. also, i dont see any documentation on how to change thi...