
Binding ElementName. Does it use Visual Tree or Logical Tree

Having {Binding ElementName=foo}, will it lookup visual or logical tree? http://blogs.msdn.com/mikehillberg/archive/2008/05/23/Of-logical-and-visual-trees-in-WPF.aspx When does the logical tree matter? When looking up a name, such as in {Binding ElementName=Foo}, the search walks up the ancestry looking for a name scope, ...

WPF: Why is DataContextChanged not raised on a logical child?

Hi, I have a problem with DataContextChanged not being raised on a logical child of my custom Panel control. I've narrowed it down to this: Starting from a wizard-generated WPF application I add: private void Window_Loaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e ) { var elt = new FrameworkElement(); this.AddLogicalChild( elt ); D...

WPF optimization: logical trees in xaml, how are they being built?

I've been profiling my application and finding that a lot of the delays are due to the WPF initializations. I've found an article on WPF optimization saying that building a logical tree top-down will have better performance than if it were built bottom-up. The example in the article is in C#. I'm wondering, when the UI is done in XAML, h...

Concepts of Visul tree and Logical tree

I understand the concepts of Visual and logical tree but still I am not able to understand the real use and need of these. Although its not necessary to know everything about these trees but I believe it will benefit in some advanced scenarios. I have already gone through following articles and have understood the concepts http://www.c...