
How to get NSAlert sheet to return focus to calling window?

I have an OS X prefpane that calls a NSAlert sheet with: [alert beginSheetModalForWindow:[[self mainView] window] modalDelegate:self didEndSelector:@selector(unsavedChangesAlertDidEnd:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo:nil]; Which shows the alert sheet attached to the System Preferences application fine, but when I click the sheet'...

Automatic "force repel" layout in Cocoa

You know that in a lot of Mac/iPhone applications (such as your Finder), when you are dragging a icon around, all other icons will be "repelled away" from your mouse and leave space for the icon you are dragging. I am wondering if that's a built-in Cocoa function (in layout constraints etc?). If not, is there any library, or documents o...

how my cocoa application can track streaming-audio activity

I have to develop a application to log online streaming information like opened player(iTunes,Quicktime),running track, total running time of particular track. ...

How to read OSX .plist files from Java?

How to read OSX .plist files from Java? Thank you in advance! ...

Eclipse for Mac OS 10.4

Does anyone know where I can get Eclipse for Mac OS 10.4? I have tried downloading versions that say "10.4 or later" but whenever I run it it tells me I need 10.5. Has anyone else this problem? ...

On mac OS, I've enabled PHP but seem to have permission problems. How do I enable subdirectories?

Whenever I install a library that requires using subdirectories, it seems like I have to go to chmod hell. How can I make it where all subdirectories are accessible by PHP? C:\Library\Webserver\Documents is the current root of my webserver. ...

macports confusion

hey i am new to the macports thing as i recently switched to the mac. as i was thinking of developing some applications in my mac i wanted all the usual gnu and opensource tools i need. but i had a small confusion. i was installing git with macports and i noticied it installed a lot of packages like Perl that i already have in my machne....

Is it possible to compile ImageMagick with custom libxml2 on the Mac

It always seems to pick up the version from /usr/lib and there doesn't seem to be a ./configure parameter to override it. ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX --with-quantum-depth=8 --disable-installed --without-x --without-perl --enable-static --disable-shared --with-jpeg --with-tiff CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" --d...

mac osx development environment

i have a unix c programming assignment in which i do some advanced C network programming.this is my first step into advance programming. so i was wondering what is the best combination of tools for this on a mac. using an IDE like Eclipse is how i'd normally do it but i have to make my own makefiles and stuff. so i would like to learn ho...

How do I capture bash output to the Mac OS X clipboard?

Is it possible to capture bash output to the OS X clipboard? ...

How to create DMG file which will allow autostarting an application efter bootup

Hi All, I want to create a DMG file for my application. That DMG file must give me the following functionlity. 1-- If I reboot my computer then my application must start automatically. How to achieve this type of functionality in my DMG file. Thanks Sunil Kumar Sahoo ...

programmatically login to OS X

Hi, I am trying to create a program which will receive user credentials from a remote machine (where the user will be working), and forward these credentials to the login window of OS X. I know it can be done using AppleScript, but this is not always working as expected. In particular it is not working when the Mac is booted and no us...

System Architecture

How do I determine whether the currently running Mac OS X system is of 32bit or 64bit machine? ...

git commit -a on Mac hangs when TextMate is quitted

I have core.editor set to "mate -w". On Leopard, git commit -a starts TextMate. After entering a commit log message, saving (Cmd-S), and quitting (Cmd-Q) TextMate, git would successfully complete the commit operation using the entered commit log message. Since upgrading to Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6.2), the behaviour has changed. After...

Anyone used libvlc on Mac?

Edit I've been able to simplify the reproduction of the error: When trying to build this sample: $ cc example.c -arch i386 -lvlc.2 -L/Applications/ -I/Applications/ -o example $ ./example dyld: Library not loaded: @loader_path/lib/libvlc.2.dylib Referenced from: /Users/fran...

wxPython: StatusBar does NOT update with long help from wxToolBar

I am creating a ToolBar within a wx.Frame init and setting the help string as follows: def __init_(self,...): ... self.CreateStatusBar() tb = self.CreateToolBar(wx.TB_HORIZONTAL|wx.NO_BORDER|wx.TB_FLAT) tb.SetToolBitmapSize((32,32)) tb.SetSize((-1,132)) tb.AddTool(ID_CLASSIFIER, bmp, shortHelpString='Classifier', longH...

Recovering from stack overflow on Mac OS X

Hi all, I am implementing a cross platform scripting language for our product. There is a requirement to detect and properly handle stack overflow condition in language VM. Before you jump in and say make sure there is no stack overflow in the first place, re-read my first sentence - this is a scripting language and end users may write ...

MySQL Server Settings

I have a mysql server that gets a lot of users logging in at once. I know in windows you can change the settings so the amount of people logging into the server will be okay on your traffic, but how can you do this on the mac? Thanks ...

Programming with Macbook Pro, and map mouse left click to keyboard

Hi, I am very new to Mac. When programming with eclipse or any other application, is it possible to map mouse left click to keyboard ? ...

Error in java swing application in Mac

Hi I have created a swing application using java 1.5 and i created a distributable jar of that file. I can run the jar in windows OS and linux OS but when i run in Mac it gives me error. I checked I am using java 1.5 version. I think the program asks for java 1.6 version. How to resolve the problem. Thanks Sunil Kumar sahoo ...