
How can I remove the head of a main function?

I am trying to move some code from a separate binary and have it inside my main program. Unfortunately I can't mimic the initialization variables for the main function. How can I create argc and argv by hand? Can someone give me some example assignments. since it looks like this: int main(int argc, char *argv[]) I figured I could a...

C# Way to name Main() method by yourself ?

Quick question, is there a way to call your main method whatever you like ? Or does it have to be called "Main()" ? ...

Two main functions

Can we have two main() functions in a C++ program? ...

MainMenu with Images (WinForms, C#)

Hi All I have a MainMenu in my app and I would like to have little icons relevant to the Item in each menu. But the MainMenu control does not support this. I would use the MenuStrip control, though that is a pretty ugly option in my opinion. Does anybody have any suggestions? Are there any free/open source alt's out there, or would it...

Main Function Error C++

I have this main function: #ifndef MAIN_CPP #define MAIN_CPP #include "dsets.h" using namespace std; int main(){ DisjointSets s; s.uptree.addelements(4); for(int i=0; i<s.uptree.size(); i++) cout << << endl; return 0; } #endif And the following class: class DisjointSets { public: void addelements(int x); in...

How do I get my Windows Forms application to use a custom main function and get access to the Application Framework?

Hi Folks I am trying to use a Main () function in a class to control the program flow in my vb .net Windows Forms application. I have added a splash screen component and a login screen, and customised my main sdi form. I have set the startup form to be my main function in the Application Page of the Project Designer, and everything seem...

Pass parameters to Flash Main (Document) class

In Flash CSn/AS3 you associate a Main class with a flash file which when loaded in the flash player "automatically creates an instance of the program's main class." I'd like to know how to pass arguments to the main class, since you don't write it yourself (you put its name in the Document textfield in the IDE). ...

Java Beginner question about String[] args in the main method

So I just tried excluding String[] args from the main method It compiled alright ! But JVM is showing an exception Why did it compile when String[] args HAS to be included every time ? What is going on here ? Why won't it show a compilation error ? typing this made me think that may be compiler did not see it as THE main method

Calling functions from main() in c++

Possible Duplicate: Calling functions from main() in c++ Hello. I have a programme that has about 100 classes and more than 1000 functions spread over 20 header and source code files. What I want to know is that how I can pass arguments to so many functions in so many files? What is the procedure adopted for this in main()? Re...

If I want to create multiple forms, possible to have one main in C#?

If I want to have multiple forms in an appication, can I do it with only one main? I am working with Visual Studio C# (Windows Application). Thank you. ...

Java - Could not find the main class?

I'm having a hard-time with a Java error. I'm getting this when double-clicking on my compiled project Jar file in order to run it: Could not find the main class: testPackage.testFrame. Program will exit. However, my main class is cleary defined in the project properties. Furthermore, everything works fine when I run the project direc...

How do I link in functions from a .cpp source file that also has a 'main'?

I want to use some functions from a .cpp source file that has a main function in my .cpp source file. (I'm building with make and gcc.) Here's the rule from my Makefile: $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) $(SRCS) $(LIBS) -o $@ And here's the output (with some names changed to prevent distraction): $ make foo g++ -g -Wall -m32 -Ilinux/i...

Expose __main__

Hi everybody, is this legal in python?. Seems to work ... Thanks # with these lines you not need global variables anymore if __name__ == '__main__': import __main__ as main else: main = __import__(os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(__file__))) var_in_main = 0 # now any var is a global var, you can access any var from every...

Why main method is static in java

I have heard some people saying " if main is not static then JVM could create an object of class containing main and call that main through object. But the problem is how JVM knows which constructor to call in case of overloaded constructors or even if there is only one paramaterized constructor, then what to pass." Is that the correct ...

Django how to set main page

hello, i want to set a main page or an index page for my app. i tried adding MAIN_PAGE in and then creating a main_page view returning a main_page object, but it doesn't work Also, i tries to add in the a declaration like (r'^$', index), where indexshould be the name of the index.html file on the root (but it obvio...

Defining Clojure -main function in IntelliJ

I need some very basic advice on how to define a working -main function in IntelliJ along the lines of: (ns clojure.examples.hello (:gen-class)) (defn -main [greetee] (println (str "Hello " greetee "!"))) When I create a project, paste the preceding code in a source file, and set the run configuration (with Script path, modul...

Ruby equivalent to python __main__

If in a ruby file I define a function like so: def tell_the_truth() puts "truth" end is there an equivalent to python's main? if __name__ == "__main__": tell_the_truth() Is it to simply call the function inside the file? tell_the_truth ...

Using module's own objects in

Hi, I am trying to access a module's own data inside it's The structure is as follow: mymod/ Now, if I expose a variable in like this: __all__ = ['foo'] foo = {'bar': 'baz'} how can I access foo from ...

Importing python variables of a program after its execution.

Hello, I've written two python scripts and I want to run from and get the content of the variables of script1 created during the execution of script1. Script1 has several functions in which the variables are created including in the main. rgds, Bruno Thank you for all your answers. I've...

Android - Main.xml doesn't recognize my color values... ?

In the values/colors.xml, I put: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <resources xmlns:android=""&gt; <color name="blank">#f0f0f0</color> </resources> In the layout/main.xml, I put: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="