
Calling a main-like function using argv[]

I have some code here to call minizip(), a boilerplate dirty renamed main() of the minizip program, but when I compile, I get undefined reference to `minizip(int, char*)*. Here's the code. int minizip(int argc, char* argv[]); void zipFiles(void) { char arg0[] = "BBG"; char arg1[] = "-0"; char arg2[] = ""; char arg3[] = "serv...

Is main() a pre-defined function in C?

Possible Duplicate: main() in C, C++, Java, C# I'm new to programming in general, and C in particular. Every example I've looked at has a "main" function - is this pre-defined in some way, such that the name takes on a special meaning to the compiler or runtime... or is it merely a common idiom among C programmers (like using ...

Bug import main with arguments in Python.

Hello, In a script I'm trying to import the main module from another script with an argument. I get the error message "NameError: global name 'model' is not defined". If someone sees the mistake, I'd be grateful ! My code : script1 #!/usr/bin/python import sys import getopt import pdb import shelve class Car: """ class repre...

How to stop going back to Main page when I rotate the Emulator from Portrait to Landscape?

Every time I rotate the Android Emulator from Portrait to Landscape or Landscape to Portrait, it always goes back to the main.xml (home) screen in my app. I'm sure this is an easy code to write in or add. Please let me know how I can keep the screen on the exact page in the app that it's already on when I rotate the emulator. Basically,...

Is it OK to call pthread_exit from main?

When I call pthread_exit from main, the program never gets to terminate. I expected the program to finish, since I was exiting the program's only thread, but it doesn't work. It seems hung. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("-one-\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); ...

Specifying formula in R with glm without explicit declaration of each covariate

I would like to force specific variables into glm regressions without fully specifying each one. My real data set has ~200 variables. I haven't been able to find samples of this in my online searching thus far. For example (with just 3 variables): n=200 set.seed(39) samp = data.frame(W1 = runif(n, min = 0, max = 1), W2=runif(n, min ...

Two questions on main

A. Is the following attempt valid to define the entry point 'main' of a C++ standalone program? namespace{ extern int main(){return 0;} } As far as I understand, it satisifies all the criteria about 'main' in the C++ standard (external linkage, available in global namespace because of the implicit using directive). So is this progra...

Java Swing main JFrame: why does SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass return null?

Hi folks, I intend to implement a Swing application which keeps all its JComponents within the main application window JFrame. It seems like clunky procedural code to give all my JPanel constructors a parameter referring to the JFrame. So some research uncovered SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass, which looked like the solution. But I c...

difference between main(void) and main() in c

Hi, Can anyone tell me the difference between int main() and int main(void). Why both of them work and what is the default argument to int main(). ...

Main function's arguments, cant understand this!!!

Why is my code under giving me back "Not a valid command" when i give the argument print ? int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("Argument 2 er %s\n", argv[1]); if(argv[1] == "print") { printf("Print kommando kalt"); } else if(argv[1] == "random") { printf("Random kommando kalt"); } else if(argv[1] ...

Editor does not contain main type in Eclipse

I got this message when running my project in Eclipse, and I am sure that I have a main in my project. I tried cleaning, closing and re-opening it, but nothing works. Can anyone help me please? ...

Main Site With 000WebHost

I am trying to create a site with xhtml I have it done I just need to figure out how to upload it I am using 000webhost as my web hoster but whenever I go on my main page it says index of/ then it says all of my sites I want to go directly to m main site how do I do that? ...

in c++ main function is the entry point to program how i can change it to an other funtion?

i have been asked in a interview question to change the entry point of a c or c++ program from main() to any other function how is it possible? thanx in advance. ...