
Distinct quickfix buffers for vimgrep and make

When 'make'-ing under vim, there is often a need to vimgrep the files. In such cases, vimgrep takes over the quickfix buffer, so one needs to re-make in order to browse remaining compiler errors. Is there a way to avoid this mess? ...

problem using cat in windows

I'm using the windowsxp. The version of 'cat' that I'm using comes bundled with the arduino download. The makefile runs cat. Here is the output: cat \arduino-0012\hardware\cores\arduino\main.cxx >> applet\foo.cpp cat: arduino-0012hardwarecoresarduinomain.cxx: No such file or directory make: *** [applet_files] Error 1 I also tried t...

Describing header file locations in makefile

In a new project I am working on I have the following dir structure: Project_base |---- src |---- bin |---- h | Makefile And in my source files I have includes that look like so: #include "../h/SomeHeaderFile.h" instead of the more correct form: #include "SomeHeaderFile.h" What do I need to add to my makefile so that I can remov...

What do these Makefile constructs mean?

Can someone help me figure out the following make file? BINS=file1 file2 file3 all: $(BINS) clean: rm -f $(BINS) *~ $*: [email protected] gcc -g -o $@ $? Here are my questions: What is the -g option of gcc? What are $* and $@ How does it know to execute the last target? Thanks! ...

Difference between CPPFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in GNU Make

What's the difference between CPPFLAGS and CXXFLAGS in GNU Make? ...

Simplest and most frugal way to get "make" for Solaris 10

My current project involves writing perl code inside a Solaris VMWare appliance (hosted on a Mac). In order to use the CPAN, I need to install a version of "make" inside the VM. What is the most frugal apprach (disk space and download capacity are limited) to do this? EDIT: turns out I have a Solaris 10, after all.         Timo Geus...

Create a file from a large Makefile variable

I have a list of objects in a Makefile variable called OBJECTS which is too big for the command buffer. Therefore I'm using the following method to create a file listing the objects (to pass to ar): objects.lst: $(foreach OBJ,$(OBJECTS),$(shell echo "$(OBJ)">>$@)) While this works it is extremely slow (on Cygwin at least) and I do...

make and alternatives, pros and cons on windows platform

I'm looking for a make platform. I've read a little about gnu make, and that its got some issues on windows platforms (from slash/backslash, to shell determination ... ) so I would like to hear what are my alternatives to it ? If it matters, i'm doing fortran development combined with (very)little c on small sized projects (50k lines ma...

Does Boost::Jam (bjam) have a "question mode"?

I use Code::Blocks with Boost::Jam. A recent update to C::B added some new "custom makefile" commands, one of which is "ask if rebuild is needed". According to this message, it's meant to call make in a "question mode": -q, --question ‘‘Question mode’’. Do not run any commands, or print anything; just return an exit status that is...

Makefile generators: premake vs bakefile?

For my C++ build process, I am using Bakefile, a nice little Makefile generator, which lets you specify your build targets in XML, and it can generate various Makefiles or project files from it. It works fine and I use it to generate the GNU autotools scripts. Now I heard of Premake, which seems to have a similar functionality. You spe...

Will the ".target-name" targets in make files always run?

I'm new to make and makefiles, so forgive me if this is very basic. I'm looking through some makefiles in my project and I'm seeing 2 types of targets -- targets that don't begin with a . character and targets that do. And from what I'm guessing, it seems like the ".target-name" targets are always executed, is my assumption true? I did...

libstdc++.a is missing

Hello, I'm working on a Ubuntu 8.04 / 32 bit (as virtual machine). While performing some makes on a project that is not min, I get the error: g++: /usr/lib/libstdc++.a: No such file or directory What should I do? the gcc package is installed through synaptic, what do i miss? Thanks, Lucian ...

Make/Execvp Error in Cygwin:

The following error occurs in make, while trying to do incremental builds: make[2]: execvp: C:/path/to/compiler.exe: Message too long I suspect my problem here is the argument length for execvp. Any idea what that limit is? How would one go about changing that? Some curious extra information: the same command succeeds when p...

Equivalent of Make on Windows?

I develop on Windows, and I'd like to use beanstalkd. It's only available as a tarball, and I was just wondering if there is some way to easily build it like you can in Linux? I found some ports of gnu make for Windows, but they don't seem to be working. Are the source distributions somehow specific to Linux? Edit: When I try to use min...

Building a library across platforms without running all of the platforms

I have a small piece of code that works as a plugin for a larger graphics application. The development platform is Qt with c++ code. I've managed to build a .so, .dylib and .dll for linux, MacOS and Windows respectively, but to do so I had to have a machine running each operating system (in my case, running linux [ubuntu] gcc natively,...

how to have make targets for separate debug and release build directories?

Hi all, I am looking for suggestions to properly handle separate debug and release build subdirectories, in a recursive makefile system that uses the $(SUBDIRS) target as documented in the gnumake manual to apply make targets to (source code) subdirectories. Specifically, I'm interested in possible strategies to implement targets like...

How do I check dependencies when invoking a sub-make to build when there are changes?

If I have a makefile that calls another makefile, how to I get the master makefile to correctly check if the dependencies of the subordinate makefile have changed? For example, if I have the rule server: @cd $(SERVERDIR) && $(MAKE) That invokes make in the subdirectory in which I build an executable "server". However, if I chang...

How to log make output without buffering from stdout and stderr

I am having a problem with logging to output from an automated build. The build is done with a Makefile and the makefile utility. The problem is that normal output like compiler command lines go to stdout and compile errors go to stderr. I want to get the output from the build as it would show on the screen. So something like: (stdou...

What is your experience with non-recursive make?

A few years ago, I read the Recursive Make Considered Harmful paper and implemented the idea in my own build process. Recently, I read another article with ideas about how to implement non-recursive make. So I have a few data points that non-recursive make works for at least a few projects. But I'm curious about the experiences of oth...

function name scoping in c

how does function name scoping work across multiple c files? i'm porting a standard gnu toolchain project to iPhone OS, and using XCode to do it. the code builds through make, but not through xcode. when building through xcode, the linker complains that the same symbol (function) is defined in two objects. the code has two distinct sou...