
Tools for mapping time series data

Hello, I'm looking for suggestions/examples of tools or APIs that enable the mapping of large amounts of time series data into an intensity map. The data includes dimensions for country, series, and year. Here's an example ...

off-line reverse geocoding solution

I have a database of places with lat/lng and I have incoming requests with lat/lng. I'd like to find the closest lat/lng in the database to the incoming request. Is there any existing library or algorithm for doing this? Searching online keeps pointing me to Google's reverse geocoding library which isn't quite what I had in mind. As ...

@OneToMany does not insert foriegn key in Hibernate+JPA

Hi folks, I am facing some strange issue, I have a user table(use class) and a country table(country class). An user may have N number of countries. Hence, I have added a List of countries in the user class with the getter and setter method. In the table I have made the country_id as foreign key in user table. And, I have a @OneToMany o...

Any type mapping with different Id types

Hi there, I'm working on an event-planning application for the contacts in a phone book. Avoiding all the public virtual and protected stuff, my Contact class looks like: class Contact { //... Int32 Id { get; private set; } //primary key; String Name { get; private set; } //... } A customer asked me to handle both h...

Rendering and editing complex business object

I have a business object representing an invoice with all its line items, contractor data, bank account number, etc. I want to be able to display such an invoice and allow user to edit it, for instance to add new line item or delete an exisiting one. User should see all properties of an invoice. What's the best way about it? Should I...

Automapper for Java

Is there Java equivalent of .Net's Automapper? ...

Google Maps V3 StreetView not displaying on second setVisible() call

EDIT: Heard back from Google, they've confirmed this is an issue on their end. EDIT2: my contact at Google has informed me they've fixed this bug. I've got a troublesome bug using the Google Maps V3 API. If you set up a map, switch to streetview, close streetview, then reopen, the imagery appears blank (though the controls still displ...

Hibernate mapping for one-to-one

Hi, I have two classes binded mapped with Hibernate and I can't figure out the configuration to map a Drug entry to my PrescribedDrug class. public class PrescribedDrug implements Serializable { protected int prescribedDrugId; private int drugId; protected String sig; protected int quantity; protected int refillNumb...

Update of many-to-many collection in Nhibernate causing multiple deletes in join table

I have a class that conatins a collection that is mapped to a many-to-many database relationship using Fluent Nhibernate. The mapping is as below - Table("Book"); Id(x => x.Id); Map(x => x.Title); Map(x => x.NumberOfPages); HasManyToMany(x => x.Authors) .Cascade.AllDeleteOrphan() .Table("BookAuthor") .ParentKeyColumn("BookId") .ChildKey...

Geodjango: importing data from OSGB_1936, displaying in WGS84?

Hi everyone I have some polygon data saved in a PostGIS database with projection SRID 27700. geom = models.MultiPolygonField(srid=27700) I want to display the shapes on OpenStreetMap, i.e. with SRID 900913 (I think?). So, two questions: How do I change the code below to output with the right SRID for OpenStreetMap? How can I cha...

Data structure for when key and value are equally "important"

So, this is probably a stupid question, but I have a mapping of unique IDs to unique values. Sometimes I want the value for a certain ID, sometimes I want to know the ID of a certain value. I search more than I modify the collection. I'm wondering if there's a special datastructure that makes sense here, or if I should just maintain two ...

Biztalk mapping Date to String

I'm working on a biztalk project and use a map to create the new message. Now i want to map a datefield to a string. I thought i can do it on this way with an Function Script with inline C# public string convertDateTime(DateTime param) { return System.Xml.XmlConvert.ToString(param,ÿyyyMMdd"); } But this doesn't work and i receive ...

Hibernate mapping for ternary association fails to delete table rows

Hi there, I'm pretty new to hibernate and this is my first posting in here. I want to create a mapping for a somehow complex scenario and I just don't get it. I have a 'group' entity where I want to store information about 'orgUnits' and 'divisions', a group member has access to. One group can contain zero to many orgUnits and the orgU...

How to map a component collection with compass?

I need to map a collection of components with compass (using XML mapping)... Is there any way to achieve this? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Example classes: class ClassA { private Set<ClassB> bs; // ... getBs/setBs ... } class ClassB {} Example mapping: <class name="com.package.ClassA" alias="classA"> <!-- no ...

JSF not rendered when the url has a parameter

My problem is that when I for example do this <h:outputLink value="changeinfo.jsf"> Change name <f:param name="change" value="name"/> </h:outputLink> then the requested url is http://localhost:45054/WMC/user/changeinfo.jsf?change=name My url pattern for the faces servlet look like this <servlet-mapp...

XML data bases and ORM

Hello, A few years ago I used the Hibernate ORM for mapping database data to the objects and manipulate it. Currently I have xml database and the next question, Is there orm for the xml databases or something like this? It is my mistake I did not put technology, I need ORM for .net. ...

Looking for an open source JS mapping API

Here are the requirements: must not rely on any type of known server, i.e. server code (that produces the map images) is not of a known variety supports panning and zooming (image is zoomed on the client) preferably with support for tiling (i.e. pre-fetching image tiles with some simple heuristics) JQuery friendly The API doesn't hav...

NHibernate mapping domain "extension properties"?

Hi, I would like to "extend" my domain classes without having to add data to the domain classes themselves. Concider I have the following class: public class Person { public virtual int Id { get; private set; } public virtual string Name { get; set; } } And I have the following table in the database: tblPersons---------------...

Mapping Objects

what is the best Solution for mapping class object to lightweight class object by example: Customer to CustomerDTO both have the same properties names, i was thinking of the best optimized solution for mapping between them , i know reflection slow me down badly , and making methods for every mapping is time consuming so any idea ? than...

Best Platform and Programming Language for Network Mapper Software

I want to do my final year project,and thinking of researching and building a network mapping software,But i dont know which programming language(Java,C++,C,Visual Basic)/platform(Linux,Unix,Windows) is best for this research software.Please any suggestions will be highly appreciated. Flaws...i am familiar in Java but not Good in C and ...